New bindstone for defending power relic



From the Friday grabbag on the herald:

"Before I get going, let's start with a Pendragon note: "We have added a bindstone near Swanton Keep in North Black Mountains. The Snowdonia Relic keep (Albion Power) was the relic keep that was the farthest from any bindstone. This bindstone should provide a location for Albion players who wish to defend this relic to bind." This was added to Pendragon today, and will go live with the rest of 1.55."

It seems its rather useless though - would you bind there and be a million miles from where you actually want to release to 99% of the time? I didnt think so.

At least Mythic are acknowledging that theres a real problem here - finally.


Overpowered Cheats gimp we love Albion Mythic Realm :p:clap: :clap: :clap:

Regards Nicky ;)


Snow relic is a bloody joke we have 0 chance of defending it...and your right the rest of the time its futher away from anything...even if u bind in humbertown and get a horse it takes fecking stupid


I think its a good idea to nerf Alb ;)

Regards Nicky.


shoulda put a bind stone in Snowdonia Fortress..

dont see how this helps really, its still fucking miles to Myrdinn and in fact hib pk is prolly closer than Swanton Keep is, <sigh>

Hit ^_^

give us a telepad in snow aswell :>
and a healer in each border keeps so mids/hibs atleast get rp for us when we are defending out relics.


Originally posted by nicky-nook
Overpowered Cheats gimp we love Albion Mythic Realm :p:clap: :clap: :clap:

Regards Nicky ;)

Was that MEANT to make no sense? :p


He was prob drunk at the time.

so just ignore the post... :rolleyes:

best regards


Originally posted by nicky-nook
I think its a good idea to nerf Alb ;)

Regards Nicky.

And I think it'd be a good idea to remove the ability to have relics and anything but baseclasses from hibs :)


Originally posted by belth

And I think it'd be a good idea to remove the ability to have relics and anything but baseclasses from hibs :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well said Belthazor :)

Best regards


The bind point does not help really. How do you get from Swanton to CS? How do you get from Swanton to Snowdonia Fortress?
Why would people who play rvr bind at Swanton, have to walk to Snow Station, then get a horse, and then transfer to another horse. Only way it will help if both frontier castles have teleport, that might make a difference. Give it to all 3 realms.
This does not help even a little bit.
Regards, Glottis


hahahhhhhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha e.t.c.


another useless fix to some feebly considered game feature.


What a bleedin joke ! Swanton keep is barely a stones-throw away from Snowdonia Station which is still miles away from Snowdonia Fortress let alone Myrrdin keep !

If they want to fix it, at least do it right and put a bloody bindstone in Snowdonia Fortress OR add a horse route at Swanton keep - to - Snowdonia Fortress as well as the Bindstone.

Typical Mythic budget fix.


horse route from Humbeton is still faster, unless you have speed.

install a hastener in swanton, and we MAY be getting closer to something that is actually useful.

not that anyone would ever bind in Swanton, regardless.


that's like admitting it was/is impossible to defend :eek:


You all suck and so do i Hurrah WINE :)..

Ok serious if you thought i was having fun i was if not TOOOOO Serious!!!

Regards Nicky ( Nerf Albion !! )


Okay My little Nickynooks :

Snow Relic Impossible to defend my arse !!!!

RvR in HW & guard that baby properly !:D


The effort is nice, goes a way to show exactly how gimped Myrddin is.

However too little, too late. Why would anyone bind there when there aren't horses South nor North? You'd gain a highly questional amount of time in reaching Myrddin, and loose out horribly in getting to Excal as well as annoy yourself by constantly being horseless in the middle of nowhere.

Bindstone at Sauvage > horse to Fortress is still the overall best we can do with.

Suggestion for Mythic: Rotate the entire zone of Snowdonia 90 degrees counter-clock wise. Move the borderkeep respectively to a site which is now just wilderness, add a simple zoneexit in whats currently the SW corner, seal the current zoneexit.
Everything else rotates along with the zone. Quite simple really.


or possibly (as someone else has mentioned) put a pad and bindstone in snow fortress.. you can bind there happily then.

The Dragon

Its no Fun if its no Challenge.

Think how bored you would all be if we had ALL the relics and ALL the keeps. What would you do then, level ALL your Alts to 50?

I like Challenges! =)

Except when its White Rose Middies turning a simple keep take into a 24 Hour campiagn that broke my sanity


All say power reics are impossivle to defend thes BS, rvr in our front, at least a few times a day mid and hib's come in to our front taking our keeps so there rp to be earned, and with rvring in our front it makes relics safer to keep why you think hibbys keep theres so easy, cos if there front is shut people know theres a raid on!! Bring the fight home and fight on our ground and on our terms


Sorry but no you don't know what you are talking about. I've spotted several Hib raids vs Myrddin as they begun pulling guards, and let me tell you it doesn't matter. This being back in the AU days when info reached everyone straight away too.

It simply takes too many too long to get there, partly due to lack of bindstones but more due to the lack of interest in binding that far North. Secondly because the zone is such a mess in itself.

Spot a raid when they pull guards = Getting a decent chance at intercepting it going back out form Hadrians. Nothing more.

Useless castle.


3 differences from excalibur to myrrdin:

a) Bindstone within 10 minutes walk
b) Teleport to interesting places
c) A clear road from borderkeep to relic

These three things makes it so that myrrdin is only defensible by active rvr in Hadrians.
Hadrians is not emain, very few RP to be gained there in comparison, hence no albs there to defend.

Bindstone at snow fortress wouldnt even help, because there is absolutely no reason to bind there. If there was action in Hadrians and a clear road to it then it would be useful.

The direct route from snow fortress to Hadrians will take you through at least 3 different green-yellow con aggro mobs, options are to know the hilly terrain well and take a detour or swim a lake the size of Loch Ness.

Bad design.


not the best solution bind in ludlow instead of sauvage like u all used to humberton is only over the hill a 30 sec run ok snow is still a fair way away and puttin a bindstone at swanton is a bit stupid especially when theres no horse there its still a good 2-3 minute walk to snow keep and myrddin is along way away and not easy to get to would actually like to know how many albs can confidently get there, only safe route really is to follow border which takes nealry 5 mins

BUT if u rvred alot more in hadrians you might find it easier defendin relics excalibur is the easiet relic in any realm to defend theres so many ways to get there through thick cover of the forest so if u do ever get your power relic back id RVR alot more in hadrians cos it will get attacked


Sounds to me alot have addmitted defeat already.. yet are willing to whine about not having em, if your willing to at least try get and keep the power relics whine if your not cos you know it cant be done then stop moaning they have em, cos its all that is heard when that mezz drops. I for one belive it can be done with Organisation and a little time not earning RP. how long can 2 oragnised groups hold people at HW mile gates? long enough to crash out the realm in defence i belive, thats all keeps safe and both relic keeps safe.. but it cant be done can it?


All you have to do is look at the US servers, who can tell me on how many servers Albion owns ANY power relics?

Here's the quick answer to save you time, out of 16 servers albion own power relics on 1, and that changed in the last week or so, my guess is Palomides will lose them again soon :)



Imagine a bind stone in myrddin, how many people would bind there? Pretty inconvenient bind spot.
So how about snowdonia keep? Again if you rvr a lot in mid or hib you got a long journey to get to the tele pad.
Surely all realms have this problem, binding at the frontier keep with the telepad and using a horse to get to the other frontier keep when necessary.
Is the problem with alb the fact that it not only takes 10 min by horse to get to snowdonia border keep but also that it takes another 10 mins by foot to reach myrddin?

Its certainly a lot easier getting to excalibur, no high lvl mobs and a path to follow (although its often camped during relic raids).


The Relics

Firstly - yes it's another cheap fix by mythic this bindstone at swanton (rather reminds me of how they tried to stop scouts moaning about See Hidden with a shite camoflage ability on a bloody timer - cheap fix :p)

Secondly and just as a general point - If these relics are so precious to us why aren't they in the most highly defended the centre of Camelot :p. Oh look here's my most precious jewels in my jewellry store, i know i'll put them in a case outside on the street.

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