Never give up guys!


Can't get enough of FH
May 18, 2006
Hi Guys,

Many of you know me very good, others just a bit, and some don't know me at all. In all these years I have been playing Camelot and writing here on the forums, I have been struggling with my health, I ended up each year in the hospital for a couple of months and they could never find anything. The last 5 years have been a living hell for me. My day looked like this: Sleep 1 hour, on the toilet 6-7 hours rest of the day lay on the ground and cry from the pain even with max dose morphine.

Until 3 months ago, I got a call from the hospital that I need to come ASAP! Some student figured out what I got and he and his Prof, developed an experimental drug, I was selected with 14 other people for this trial.

Now the part where it gets scary, there was a 60% I could die, and they were not even sure it would work. So what did I say? I'll think about it? Ask more questions? No, I said okay lets do it, without even thinking about it, if they would of said 90% I would of said instantly yes! When you are alone this would be a normal response but when you got a relationship of 8 years going it's not wise to do that, I will come back to this later.

So i got 2 shots and within 5 min i felt like I was reborn, no more pain! I fucking kissed everyone I came across i danced around the entire hospital, i made a few burnouts in the parking lot with my car!

Then the next couple of days I got a phone call, to inform me that it worked with all 15 test subjects but 6 of them already died (bleeding in the brain) So I had to tell my Girlfriend what i had done, and she was not fucking happy that I made that call without her, we never had a fight in all those 8 years but this was a big one, and I am writing this as a single man now....

Why do i write this here? Because I was depressed for the last couple of years I thought about killing myself a couple of times, I was moody and rude to my Girlfriend each day, but she kept on supporting me and said each day what ever you do, NEVER GIVE UP AND FIGHT!! So I kept on fighting and now I'm cured and i won, but I also lost. I lost the love of my life because of this stupid disease in the end, the not informing here was just a symbol of the last couple of years, she tried everything and it drained her to much, and now that I'm healthy she felt that she could be herself again.

Well I owe her my life, and will be forever in her dept, I miss her with all my hearth each day even more, I have to watch out that I'm not starting to get depressed now.

What I'm trying to say is, If you have a problem, if you are sick or if you have something on your mind that is bothering you. Speak with you Girlfriend/Boyfriend or other people that you thrust, but don't shut them out, thank them with little things, I did not do this I was just moody, depressed and did not wanted to listen.

Learn from my mistakes before its to late!

But the most important part of this like Winston Churchill said: Never Never Never Give Up!

Just keep on fighting guys, If I can do it then everyone can do it! Always keep your head up, how bad it is at the moment, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel!
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The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Of course we are all gagging to know what was in the injection...also congrats on your new health.
I think the rest of fredys is trying to digest that epic post.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
And what the disease was.

Glad you are better now tho champ. Always more women in the sea.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Get her back!

If she stuck with you through the shit she deserves the good that will follow


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Sounds like you need to thrust her in the hearth dept.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
glad you're still with us dude. also, your now ex sounds like a star. go get her back. flowers, apologies, tell her she was right, tell her you like shoes, whatever it takes.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Hey Cyclodia!

I remember you from the DAOC days pal. Looks like a heck of a ride, to be honest, but I'm chuffed to see a fellow Freddy come through tough times and into the light.... well done, I say! As for your ex, well... give it a little time and she may come round to your way of thinking about the whole situation, and even if she doesn't she may still come back. If she doesn't though, you have a whole life ahead of you which you may never have thought was there, so don't mooch about her for too long, get on and up and on with enjoying it!!!

Peace :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 18, 2006
Thanks guys, I get tears in my eye's from your warm replies.

They explained it to me that all my bacteria in my stomach were messing with my brain, there was no real pain. But my brain thought I was dying, thats why they never found anything.

The student had his end paper about these bacteria and how they can effect the brain. Then het got my case and from 14 others from his professor.

I have no idea what was in those injections but it was stronger then the best doping there is, I had so much ernergy that my feet would Hurt before i got tired.

I tried the last month everything to get her back, but she doenst want a relationship anymore, and she met someone else already this week.

Those typos were very bad yeah but that was with Dutch spelling controll on the phone and teary eye's and i could not edit anymore.

Again thanks for all your kind words


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The student had his end paper about these bacteria and how they can effect the brain. Then het got my case and from 14 others from his professor.

There's an awful lot of research going on now into gut flora and how it affects our brains, specifically hunger and the demand for certain nutrients. Some speculation about how our obsession with cleanliness is having a negative effect on our digestive system.

I can tell you that the last couple of times I've taken antibiotics, for tooth infections, my stomach has felt bloated to fuck and my diet has gone completely to shit. I reckon it's because the antibiotics were killing off some of the bacteria in my gut.

Anyhow, at least you didn't have a fecal transplant. There are people on FH who would do that stuff for free.


Can't get enough of FH
May 15, 2010
Wonder if there's any relation to crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Glad to hear everything worked out well.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Awesome news that you're better man, go live your life now.


Can't get enough of FH
May 18, 2006
Thanks again guys, I get a very nice letter today from our government, I got to much money in 2013/2014 from them and i need to pay 3800 euro back within 3 days..... yeah people that is The Netherlands. And maybe also a fine for not noticing it myself to a max of 100% and if you want to pay it in terms its 11% interest.

Anyway i won't let stuff like this get me down.

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