Nerf interupts - an idea



Yea, make caster life easier, give us a chance to resist interupts based on int+dex+qui. I know you can get an RA to do this for a limited period of time, but do tanks get interupted every time they get hit? Would smacking a hammer into the side of your head not cause you to pause for a second or two? At the moment someone just has to look at me and I fail to cast a spell, doesn't even have to do any damage (or very very little), gets a bit annoying not being able to cast a spell when someone hits you for 1 damage :p :rolleyes:

What do you think?


Maybe make it linked to the dmg type you are being attacked for (slash thrust etc...) and base the chance to avoid interupt on that.

I have to agree it must get pretty annoying when you get resisted from misses BT's mezed people in combat with you...
if someone misses an attack on me it doesnt prevent me from smacking them back and rightly so...


reduce cost of moc to have a pre req of aug acui 2 instead of 3 and lower it to a 15min timer would help imho :eek:


Originally posted by StormriderX
reduce cost of moc to have a pre req of aug acui 2 instead of 3 and lower it to a 15min timer would help imho :eek:

rofl, 15min timer AND 6 less cost, yeah RIGHT.

on a side note, ip should be free to me and useable every time i feel like it.


Originally posted by old.Eeek
Yea, make caster life easier, give us a chance to resist interupts based on int+dex+qui. I know you can get an RA to do this for a limited period of time, but do tanks get interupted every time they get hit? Would smacking a hammer into the side of your head not cause you to pause for a second or two? At the moment someone just has to look at me and I fail to cast a spell, doesn't even have to do any damage (or very very little), gets a bit annoying not being able to cast a spell when someone hits you for 1 damage :p :rolleyes:

What do you think?

do tanks do ~600 dmg to an unlimited number of people every 1.5 sec? do tanks do ~450 damage every 1.5 sec to people at a range of 1500, do tanks get self bladeturn, do tanks get self absorb buff, do tanks get utility spells, do tanks get aoe mezz, do tanks get ranged stun, do tanks get nearsight, do tanks get pets, do tanks get heals, do tanks get the chance to kill a mob before it even gets to them, do tanks get any chance to cast a non-insta spell without it being interrupted (bar stun/mezz).

Do you think that after all this if a tank actually manages to get to you that you should still be allowed to cast?

casters without interrupt = overpowered

If you don't like it, roll a tank/hybrid


Re: Re: Nerf interupts - an idea

Originally posted by old.m0000
do tanks do ~600 dmg to an unlimited number of people every 1.5 sec? do tanks do ~450 damage every 1.5 sec to people at a range of 1500, do tanks get self bladeturn, do tanks get self absorb buff, do tanks get utility spells, do tanks get aoe mezz, do tanks get ranged stun, do tanks get nearsight, do tanks get pets, do tanks get heals, do tanks get the chance to kill a mob before it even gets to them, do tanks get any chance to cast a non-insta spell without it being interrupted (bar stun/mezz).

Do you think that after all this if a tank actually manages to get to you that you should still be allowed to cast?

casters without interrupt = overpowered

If you don't like it, roll a tank/hybrid

LOL, I said and if you would like to go back and read what I said, you would notice that I said casters should get a chance to 'resist' interupts, not get rid of them altogrther, that really would be silly. As for the figures you quote, in my dreams, I dont do that type of damage to mobs (any), as for the rest - bt (one free melee miss (if it works), nearsight (erm, dont do much to tanks now does it, doh), mez (can be resisted, purged, cured etc), self absorb buff (tanks get erm armour i think, sigh), ranged stun, i wish, but then interupts are pretty irrelevant at range as you got to hit someone first (doh)


Originally posted by Arnor2
rofl, 15min timer AND 6 less cost, yeah RIGHT.

on a side note, ip should be free to me and useable every time i feel like it.

Well at the moment mages pay 24 points just so they can avoid being interrupted for 15s every 30 minutes. Given that they can be stun/mezed in the middle of it most need to get purge as well making it 34 rsps...

So in its current form it's kinda expensive for what is does imho.

Carlos Bananos

Random RA, 1, 3, 6, 10, 14 pts, reduce chance of interupts by 5% or smth per lvl.


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
Random RA, 1, 3, 6, 10, 14 pts, reduce chance of interupts by 5% or smth per lvl.

could work..

Or dont have this ticking shit.. so if u get interupted cuz some1 swings at u, u shouldnt get interupted again when u start casting 1 sec after. Then fast wpns would be more usefull aswell.


Re: Re: Nerf interupts - an idea

Originally posted by old.m0000
do tanks do ~600 dmg to an unlimited number of people every 1.5 sec? do tanks do ~450 damage every 1.5 sec to people at a range of 1500,

Lol, get some resists.


Re: Re: Nerf interupts - an idea

Originally posted by old.m0000
do tanks do ~600 dmg to an unlimited number of people every 1.5 sec? do tanks do ~450 damage every 1.5 sec to people at a range of 1500, do tanks get self bladeturn, do tanks get self absorb buff, do tanks get utility spells, do tanks get aoe mezz, do tanks get ranged stun, do tanks get nearsight, do tanks get pets, do tanks get heals, do tanks get the chance to kill a mob before it even gets to them, do tanks get any chance to cast a non-insta spell without it being interrupted (bar stun/mezz).

Do you think that after all this if a tank actually manages to get to you that you should still be allowed to cast?

casters without interrupt = overpowered

If you don't like it, roll a tank/hybrid


Play a mage u kn00b! Cause u have no idea what u talkin about :p

I agree on the first post that something should be done with the interruption code, not sure what changes to make, but it's to stupid as it is atm....and with the ned FUCKING mid end buff it's dam impossible to sprint from them dam tankies what can we mages do? die :(


Random RA, 1, 3, 6, 10, 14 pts, reduce chance of interupts by 5% or smth per lvl

sounds like 1 of the more clever idea's about interrupts ..

allthough i think there migth should be a 10% base chance to resist a interupt....

OR the zero dam interupts should be fix'et ...

Minser of HB


Some nice ideas here, couldnt agree more casters need help! :p I suppose the difficulty is working out how to balance anything which increases the effectiveness of all casters.
But some of these would be nice to have-
1 Make it so anything which missess, hits bt, is resisted etc doesnt interrupt
2 Put in a base chance of avoiding the interrupt at least, then increase it with the ra's
3 And how about making the concentration ra cost a couple of points instead of 10, I mean does -anyone- actually have this ra?
Concentration Active 15 min. 10 0 0 0 0 Augmented Acuity 3 Resets quickcast timer to allow for a second quickcast


Kinda agree with the tank on this one. Caster are devistating at range (ok if grp magic resists are uber then we can giggle at this bit) an little to no use close up. Live with it. If a tank gets close enough to smack you one then quite frankly it's your own fault for not doin sommin about him before he got into melee range.

Anything ranged is a bit different. An insta DD takin a caster out of a fight at range for 5 seconds (3 second interrupt countdown then recast time) is just plain gay imo an FFS fix all the bugs causing interrupts for no reason at all. They are what piss a caster off. I think your average caster would be more than happy to agree that if a tank bashes thier head in then they had 1500 range to do sommin about him an didn't therefore deserve what they got.

Final note is that mythic have done pretty much everything over the last few patches to allow a tank to run through any kind of CC and if this doesn't improve then i think casters are more than justified in expecting a "Cast-whenever-the-feck-i-like" ability. I've seen MoC working well an trust me tanks, it is in your best interest to make sure this doesn't happen ;)

Just my 2 cents



Re: Re: Nerf interupts - an idea

Originally posted by old.m0000
do tanks do ~600 dmg to an unlimited number of people every 1.5 sec? do tanks do ~450 damage every 1.5 sec to people at a range of 1500, do tanks get self bladeturn, do tanks get self absorb buff, do tanks get utility spells, do tanks get aoe mezz, do tanks get ranged stun, do tanks get nearsight, do tanks get pets, do tanks get heals, do tanks get the chance to kill a mob before it even gets to them, do tanks get any chance to cast a non-insta spell without it being interrupted (bar stun/mezz).

Do you think that after all this if a tank actually manages to get to you that you should still be allowed to cast?

casters without interrupt = overpowered

If you don't like it, roll a tank/hybrid

Please roll a pure-caster just for the sake of argument. As your character-list prooves you got NO experience of being a pure caster. You have no idea on what you're talking about.

The reasons why casters are interrupted sound good (would you be able to cast when a pointy sword is directed towards you) but on the other hand: Would you be able to swing your axe when 3 mages hit you with a freezing nuke or a tornado-spell (My Blasting Maelstrom for instance) or set on fire?

Really: Tanks are better off then you think. A RR5 solo-zerker with all abilities up (Purge/IP that is) gives a wizard a run for his money when they approach from range 2000. You think about that.


Re: Re: Nerf interupts - an idea

Originally posted by old.m0000
do tanks do ~600 dmg to an unlimited number of people every 1.5 sec? do tanks do ~450 damage every 1.5 sec to people at a range of 1500, do tanks get self bladeturn, do tanks get self absorb buff, do tanks get utility spells, do tanks get aoe mezz, do tanks get ranged stun, do tanks get nearsight, do tanks get pets, do tanks get heals, do tanks get the chance to kill a mob before it even gets to them, do tanks get any chance to cast a non-insta spell without it being interrupted (bar stun/mezz).

Do you think that after all this if a tank actually manages to get to you that you should still be allowed to cast?

casters without interrupt = overpowered

If you don't like it, roll a tank/hybrid

do tanks have 2000+ Hp, do tanks have resists ? do tanks have a shield stun that waste 9 sek of MoC. do tanks kill casters in 2-3 hits, do tanks have 27/34% abs, do tanks have shields that block bolts, do tanks ever have a chance no to do any dmg(ecept when stuned, but casters get that aswell, do tanks have purge for 4 rps and IP for 8, do tanks....


1 Make it so anything which missess, hits bt, is resisted etc doesnt interrupt
2 Put in a base chance of avoiding the interrupt at least, then increase it with the ra's

Nice, those two ideas would make it much more fair.

I just rlly wana wine about th purge timer, after presing u can wait god knows how long to cast again...

5 seconds, s5 seconds, 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 4seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second, 2 seconds, 2seconds, etc...lasts much more than it sais.,.... :<


I think interrupts should be left alone except for the few following corrections.

1 - Stop mezzed and stunned people interrupting you
2 - Stop dead people interrupting (yes this really does happen - spooky I know ;) )
3 - Make summoned / charmed pets interrupt based on pet's level not caster's level (with the possible exception of necro pets)


Well I play both a caster as a fighter.

When a mellee get on a caster, there must be 100% interupt, else fighters get just blasted away.

What need to be fixed on casters are 2 things:

1) mana suply must be dubled, with all those resists it takes a lot more casts to bring someone down, so we need more mana. (This counts voor every one with a mana suply)

2) The interupt code must be rewrited, curently you can be interupted by people who are mezzed/stunned, out of mellee range or even dead!! And those things are what is working on my nerves, and is unacepteble.
Not that a mellee on me is interupting me, I ve got QC for that.


The block fix in 1.62 (if it works) should help a bit. If they'd add three things:

- mezzed/stunned opponents not interrupting (I imagine that'd be hard to code, as I think most of these cases are probably server and/or client lag related anyway)
- bladeturned hits not interrupting and
- resisted spells not interrupting

and I think most mages would be pretty happy.


RPs whilst dead :) biggest boon to casters the game could give ;)

also, remove the 3-5s timer on the interrupt - that's annoying.

and give slightly more than 0% chance to cast whilst someone's in melee. Make it 5% per level - that way you get a 1/4 chance of getting a spell off at the top - that's not ridiculous.

1,2,3,6,10 cost (same as determination)


Originally posted by Arnor2
rofl, 15min timer AND 6 less cost, yeah RIGHT.

on a side note, ip should be free to me and useable every time i feel like it.
Pure casters should get cheap MOC in the same way that pure tanks get cheap IP, purge and determination IMO.


Actually I have played pure casters, in 50s rvr and in the 24, and more recently the 35 bgs.

i was gonna write a load here but since none of the changes you propose will ever happen, I'll just not bother


Originally posted by Danyan
Pure casters should get cheap MOC in the same way that pure tanks get cheap IP, purge and determination IMO.

agree, but I don´t think u should get a % chance not to get interupted, but the miss/bt/frumble thing that don´t interupt is goo imo

to the % chance not to get interupted.... u got QC to Mezz/Root/Stun then guy & run a bit away and kill him, or if u are grped.... then the tanks should slam the guy !

but the Hibbie casters have the easyest way here QC stun, pbaoe pbaoe or QC stun debuff DD DD DD ;P

but don´t make a caster uninterupt RA or % chance to not get interupted that is way overpowered imo.... and I don´t play tanks ! only gimped mincers =P


to the % chance not to get interupted.... u got QC to Mezz/Root/Stun then guy & run a bit away and kill him, or if u are grped.... then the tanks should slam the guy !


U cant imagine the huge amount of times a tank resists QC mezz/root... and if that happens + no MOC up..u may as well sit down to speed the killing up


Originally posted by lude-fc
to the % chance not to get interupted.... u got QC to Mezz/Root/Stun then guy & run a bit away and kill him, or if u are grped.... then the tanks should slam the guy !


U cant imagine the huge amount of times a tank resists QC mezz/root... and if that happens + no MOC up..u may as well sit down to speed the killing up

well I´m not playing tanks(mincer don´t count realy ;P) and yes I know how meny times my wiz have died but can u imagien a fg vs fg fight, then it would be more luck then RvR experience then it is now....


I have to agree with Lude at the moment interupts r kinda gimping us, i dont see that putting in a % chance to resist would do much harm being that most tanks can just run up and kill us in 2-3 hits and that we r usually first to die anyway, dont feel it is to much to ask that we be able to make the most of the time we are alive. Specially when a tanks equivalent form of interrupt is mez or root which they get resists to (by equivalent i mean that it takes them out of the fight like interrupts ) allthough we all get resistances to mezz and root tanks dont have to worry about having their attacks stopped mid cast and then have to wait about 5s before being able toget one off again.


soz to say but i kinda find some ideas in this thread funny
whats the point in having 5%chance of not being interrupted when attacked?
u goen stand still and try to DD for 400damage max or try to root him with a 5%chance of cast and if ur lucky the root wouldnt actually be resisted and then sprint?
a caster needs to make sure that he stands in the right position and spam palas to run end song every fight :p

moc and concentration might go cheaper
atleast moc
concentration doenst seme to be worth the 10points required
even if it would be less
and moc shouldnt be put on a lower timer it would be way to overpowered for every caster and especially pbaoers

casters are fine the way they are atm even their RA's

the netcode on the otherhand is lethal for casters
QC getting fuckup up on those critical o,2secs when being jumped by a sb due lag
mezzed/dead ppl hitting u
and sb lagghosting in some trees while attacking u so ur unable to do anything

Carlos Bananos

i just hate being interupted 6-7 seconds after someone even attepts to attack me ;/

PBT shouldn't interupt, resisted spells shouldn't interupt, mez when you have immunity shouldn't interupt.


Originally posted by -Freezingwiz-
but the Hibbie casters have the easyest way here QC stun, pbaoe pbaoe or QC stun debuff DD DD DD ;P
Stun lasts 1-2 seconds on a tank and not all of us can debuff and/or pbae. :p

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