Nerf assassin0z



Just wanted to dewhine this thread by adding a little comedy to it. Apparently no matter what you do, good suggestions always go in vain here.

Oh, And PA does 400++ damage every time. And you get another hit within 3 seconds of PA. With 6s stun. Unbuffed.

IMO that would still fix 'em. And reduce the amount of "LA-nerf" on SBs since LA became a bit less damaging while CS line would be upgraded and giving them the real speciality, 2h stealth openers.


Originally posted by kr0n
Oh, And PA does 400++ damage every time. And you get another hit within 3 seconds of PA. With 6s stun. Unbuffed.

unbuffed who? wich target?
weapon resist?

and btw even400 damage is less than a 2h tank kan hit ;P

but well add 6 sec stun... lets say cd ss garrote u made other 400/500 dmg = 900 ur enemy most ov the time still have 1300hp and ip ;P

2h buffed pa is kinda nice... over 1000+ damge

but is 2h so slower cd... and only one class is allowed too

dont forget u need to be buffe :)

not to be crit but... how long has been past since u played an assassin? :)


Originally posted by Silenzio
2h buffed pa is kinda nice... over 1000+ damge

On a caster with no af buff up yes. On a tank no


Originally posted by Cush
On a caster with no af buff up yes. On a tank no

what u play?

cuz a 2h pa allways goes from 900 to 1000+

that what my sb deal... n what my inf arms minstrel receive :)

aw... sorry no caster... but trust me thos char all or sc perfectly and heavy buffed :)

so again what ur source?


Erm Silenzio have you noticed the empty slots around your character in the box where you put your weapons and all ?
You can actually put armour in there, and then no assassin will pa you for 1000+ being an armsman.
Make sure the armour says af102 and that your toon is lvl 50.


Originally posted by scarffs
Erm Silenzio have you noticed the empty slots around your character in the box where you put your weapons and all ?
You can actually put armour in there, and then no assassin will pa you for 1000+ being an armsman.
Make sure the armour says af102 and that your toon is lvl 50.

Originally posted by Silenzio

cuz a 2h pa allways goes from 900 to 1000+

that what my sb deal...

before trying to be ironik/sarcastic make sure to read all

I/ME MY SELF with MY shadowblade using a two-handweapon
and performing a perforate artery style perfectly
im used to damge enemy from 900+ to 1000+

got it?

and yes...

my inf have mp set all resist capped and purp buff
same for other char...

've nice day wise man


Originally posted by Silenzio
unbuffed who? wich target?
weapon resist?

and btw even400 damage is less than a 2h tank kan hit ;P

but well add 6 sec stun... lets say cd ss garrote u made other 400/500 dmg = 900 ur enemy most ov the time still have 1300hp and ip ;P

2h buffed pa is kinda nice... over 1000+ damge

but is 2h so slower cd... and only one class is allowed too

dont forget u need to be buffe :)

not to be crit but... how long has been past since u played an assassin? :)

I see you haven't played a decent assassin.

1. Buffed char, around 1800-2300 HPs
2. Envenom 50, hi Str/Con Debuff
3. PA, lets say he gets a sucky PA in, only 400.
4. Oh dear, he had a debuff on 2h. Woof, 500 hps.
Check: So thats 900 HPs from one hit, of course it seems less 'cause you dont have time to check for the debuff effect.
5. Damn, it was 5spec SB. He switches to 2 axes instead of using 2h!
6. DoT and Snare from those weapons, darn it. And he hit me for 150 and 80! And Im stunned from CD too!

Of course this is a "good" event for a SB. Sometimes it could go wrong, get resisted at shit, but hey, thats part of the game.

And for gods sake, stop whining about how I type, you ain't any better than me typing with my hands glued to my eyes.

PS. Mwahahaha it worked! Flamewar has begun.


Yes yes. Nerf assassins, nerf casters for having spells, nerf tanks for using weapons and nerf the freaking hibernia for being green and filled with tiny luris.


Nerf nerfs for fu*ks sake :p


Originally posted by kr0n
I see you haven't played a decent assassin.

1. Buffed char, around 1800-2300 HPs
even more if is a mid :)
Originally posted by kr0n

2. Envenom 50, hi Str/Con Debuff
u just need 47 for greater enerv
Originally posted by kr0n

3. PA, lets say he gets a sucky PA in, only 400.
Originally posted by kr0n

4. Oh dear, he had a debuff on 2h. Woof, 500 hps.
Check: So thats 900 HPs from one hit, of course it seems less 'cause you dont have time to check for the debuff effect.
:help: mmm u rlly sure bout that :) :) :) u know that ur debuff cant take out any hp if they arent in anymore?
i meen... if ur pa was 400... and u debuffing Con would have taken 500 hp away... that meens ur total damge on enemy
is 500 not 900+ as u say :) 400 from pa 100 from debuff... Read again... memorize and learn :)

Originally posted by kr0n

5. Damn, it was 5spec SB. He switches to 2 axes instead of using 2h!
:touch: first shot ov the 2 weapon will suffer ov the prev weap dealy the 2h one... so again, u r wrong...
Originally posted by kr0n

6. DoT and Snare from those weapons, darn it. And he hit me for 150 and 80! And Im stunned from CD too!

cept for showing more than on time ur totaly wrong... u still, didnt give me an answer

"how long has been past since u played an assassin?"
and now i add... what assassin wich rr?
or maybe u just watched a friend plaing?

rlly im asking it nicely since im curious... and maybe thos thing can clear up the source ov ur miss information :)

cant see any flame arround, and this time ur language was more easy to understand :)

Tesla Monkor

Just play an infil. All they need is a toothpick to rip you apart. ;P


even more if is a mid

W/O RAs, Warrior has around 2300 HPs, and IIRC Warrior has the highest hp around.

u just need 47 for greater enerv
I know, 50 gives you lifebane. But it's a fact that every decent assassin has 50 envenom, one way or another. Didn't mean it like that you need 50 for s/c debuff. Understandable mistake by you tho.

mmm u rlly sure bout that u know that ur debuff cant take out any hp if they arent in anymore?
i meen... if ur pa was 400... and u debuffing Con would have taken 500 hp away... that meens ur total damge on enemy
is 500 not 900+ as u say 400 from pa 100 from debuff... Read again... memorize and learn

Oops, my bad. But still, debuff does do a lot more than just nerf your HPs. Reduces your weaponskill too. W/O Purge, your dead meat.

first shot ov the 2 weapon will suffer ov the prev weap dealy the 2h one... so again, u r wrong...
Wrong about what? Yes it "suffers" the delay from the 2h, but where I am wrong in that? Oh yeah, nowhere.

After taking your HPs to half and dropped 1/3 of your weaponskill AND stunning you, you ask "And?".

You figure it out.

Bottom line is, the amount of assassins use their melee-styles instead of one of the special lines is a lot. Stealth, Envenom and CS are the lines assassins should use to get those RPs. Not Thrust, LA or any other melee-spec. This is what the thread was all about, not a conversation of useless topics discussed many, many times before and never disclosed by a decent reply from a proper authority.

Oh, and scrap the Us and shit like that, no one can take you seriously.


that if switching or not... the stun wont come that fast u can move and avoid as most ppl does but nm

lets figure he is standing ther... maybe afk :)

and was for...

"dot and snare"

yess... u dotted him and snared him

lets say. mmm 3 hit for 64 (snare no damage)

500 from pa anddebuff +
192 (3 dot pic)
150 main hand
80 la =

so starting from 2300hp thers still 1378

not rlly bad but... u cant stun him anymore...
he could have used purge so ur debuff and stun weared off

he can stun u and if tank (since u talking bout warior, btw they have more than 2300 hp) can use ip...

what i Figure out is.. he can rip u out or not... still dont see this uge advantage...

my inf si cs spec..(u know thos ppl who use only cs style cept for one)
m sb is soul blade ( aye like wide range ov choice)

and can say without any dubt that time ago

pa was way better... no more 1shot arround...

even a 2 shot is rare... on a standing armoured char if ur not a 2h sb :)

kinda strange u point Thrust and not DW since u talk LA and not axe or sword...

the thread is about the "nerf" ov assassin calsses

because they should use more cs then any other style...
u posted an example...
but sadly that example is not enough to proof u right...

would be nice to me... but still CS is not that huge anymore...

before "fixing" a calss they should rework cs
in a way that allow em to "surely kill" somoene got by surprise...

but not run and melee anyothers...



Originally posted by Silenzio
that if switching or not... the stun wont come that fast u can move and avoid as most ppl does but nm

lets figure he is standing ther... maybe afk :)

and was for...

"dot and snare"

yess... u dotted him and snared him

lets say. mmm 3 hit for 64 (snare no damage)

500 from pa anddebuff +
192 (3 dot pic)
150 main hand
80 la =

so starting from 2300hp thers still 1378

not rlly bad but... u cant stun him anymore...
he could have used purge so ur debuff and stun weared off

he can stun u and if tank (since u talking bout warior, btw they have more than 2300 hp) can use ip...

what i Figure out is.. he can rip u out or not... still dont see this uge advantage...

my inf si cs spec..(u know thos ppl who use only cs style cept for one)
m sb is soul blade ( aye like wide range ov choice)

and can say without any dubt that time ago

pa was way better... no more 1shot arround...

even a 2 shot is rare... on a standing armoured char if ur not a 2h sb :)

kinda strange u point Thrust and not DW since u talk LA and not axe or sword...

the thread is about the "nerf" ov assassin calsses

because they should use more cs then any other style...
u posted an example...
but sadly that example is not enough to proof u right...

would be nice to me... but still CS is not that huge anymore...

before "fixing" a calss they should rework cs
in a way that allow em to "surely kill" somoene got by surprise...

but not run and melee anyothers...


I think the way I said in my first post was, to buff up CS line and reduce weaponskill (read: reduce the weaponskill gained from meleespecs). And now you're saying just the same thing? Weird...

The point is, currently the assassins rely too much on their ability to pure melee people to the ground. This is what needs to be changed. Combined effects of Envenom (everyone underestimates the effect of debuffs and DoTs) and high weaponskill they gain huge advantage versus others.

Bah too tired and busy to write more.


Kr0n forget arguing with Lubricador, my head hurts from just tryign to comprehend his posts.

What ya think of my idea, drop weaponspec altogether, reduce spec points and haev weaponskill based off CS spec.

2.0 spec points, 4 lines for all assasins:

All get CS, Env, Stealth
Infs get DW
NS get CDW
SB get LA

Would open up specs like:

44 CS
39 *Dual Wield Line*
35 Env
35 Stealth (Some Autotrain required)

or for extreme RR10 assasins:

50 CS
39 *Dual Wield Line*
30 Env
30 Stealth (Some Autotrain required)

All CS styles geared towards eitehr stealth openers + chain styles, or reactionaries + chain styles or positionals (positionals comign with def penalties)

tbh thats what I think assasins should have been from the beginning, only thing differentiating them should be race, stats, dual wield line and realm eccentricities.


Aye sounds good but dropping a whole specline is kinda cheeky ;)

And, Infs and NSs could swap between damagetypes.

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