Nercro TL report 1.64




The necromancer is in the precarious position of being arguably the best solo PvE character in the game, if Deathsight specced, and among the worst in RvR, regardless of specs. Aside from class bugs, the necromancer’s greatest problems are synergy with the pet and increased susceptibility to magic.
Necromancers feel like second-class citizens because of the multitude of things they are excluded from once they assume shade form. They are unable to use alchemy or siegecraft and they cannot repair doors. Most items and RAs have no affect on a necromancer and they cannot be healed by conventional means.


1.Necros suffer more magic damage than normal classes of the same level and are unable to reduce CC duration. Constitution buffs reduce melee and magic damage, granting the buffed Necromancer comparable defenses against magic to another unbuffed player, along with superior melee resistance. An increase in our pet’s natural magic resistance is suggested, and an accompanying hard cap on the maximum melee absorption that con buffs grant would be justifiable. Being on more even terms before buffs is preferable to the current setup.
CC is unaffected by resists. it isnt affected by anything, not even AoE falloff. We're mezzed for full duration every time. No change can significantly impact the class so long as we’re constistently mezzed for the duration of most fights we encounter.

2. Due to pathing and limited resources for controlling the pet, the necro class is clumsy at best. We feel we need new and effective ways to direct the pet. A popular idea within the community is /distance, a command that could set a range from the pet to the caster, one setting should be 0(none), meaning the pet is directly in top of us at any time that we stop moving. Controlling where the pet stands in relation to us (i.e. off to the left or right) has also been requested. This would allow us to better negotiate areas with poor LoS while having greater control of where our pet is in relation to us as it functions as our body.

3. Many abilities must currently proc through the pet that should apply directly to the pet, such as purge, shade cast buffs, Facilitate painworking, etc. These abilities can be overwritten by spells that are also in the queue and in the case of purge or Speed of Sound, cant be used when you are mezzed or stunned, negating its use. Being free to use some abilities without waiting on our pet’s attack cycle or negotiating with its spell queue would help the class adapt to changing situations around it and would provide us with more functioning RAs

4. Necromancers cannot be healed through conventional methods. When the pet is injured and in need of healing, this is reflected in the group windows. However, when the healer selects the seemingly injured member, they instead target the necro-shade who is at full health. Single target heals can only be cast by finding and clicking on the correct pet in the midst of battle. Spread heals do not currently work on pets. The only hope a necromancer has of being healed while in combat is a group heal.
One suggestion is to allow the pet and the necro to share health, percentage wise, so that heals transfer between them and damage done to the pet will result in realmpoints earned by its attackers once the necromancer has been killed.
Simply having heals transfer from the shade to the pet would greatly enhance our survival and ability to function in a group.


All: Our buffs are generally weaker than other pet classes and, even full specced, can be easily overwritten by concentration buffs. We feel our buffs should be at or near the equivalent that would be cast on us at 50. LoS and forced targetting of the pet on our two PBAE spells makes them impractical spells, severely limiting the ability of any necro who wants to use them as either a primary or secondary spec.

Deathservant: This line provides us with the motivation to enter into melee range and use PB damage spells along with pet enhancement spells to survive in close quarters combat, but the damage we do is, at best, 2/3 of a normal PB with increased cast time. The reward does not outweigh the risk of using this spell. Our baseline HoT does little to compensate for the melee damage we receive and is considered to not last long enough to be cast while in combat. A specline heal spell is a popular request for the line. Aside from increased power in our PBAE, allowing our heals and buffs to be cast independently of the pet’s spell queue would make this line a more viable spec.

Painworking: This line, like deathservant, also motivates those who spec in it to be in the forefront of battle in order to use their PBAE-dot and single target dot spells. The damage for these is also considered lacking, when compared to the risk required in closing to melee range with other players. There is also no means of healing in this line, which sorely reduces a necro of this spec’s ability to last long enough to see the full benefit of his damage over time spells.
Most feel that the con and str/con debuffs should not have to proc through the pet, thus taking effective cast time. Los restrictions should be in place to make sure those debuffed are visible to the pet.
Many feel that the spec AoE snare’s duration is not long enough to justify using, especially after resists and AoE falloff are taken into account.

Deathsight: This is our ranged damage line, and our most popular and powerful line at that. A significant problem with this line is the increased resist rates on epic raid mobs to non-pure DD spells. As our only ranged spells are taps and debuffs, other players often feel that we cannot adequately contribute and because of this, and an inability to control the pet due to pathing and aggro, we’re often shunned from high level PvE encounters. In normal encounters, we bring little to a group and a group brings even less to us. An inability to be healed or guarded makes it difficult to function in large groups or pitched battles.

Item Issues:

1. We would like to be able to use siege equipment and repair doors while in shade form. To prevent exploits or situations where we are unable to be harmed, proper range and LoS checks could be applied to the pet.

2. Necromancers feel unfairly restricted from using any alchemy ability while in shade form. Necromancers would like to be free to drink potions as needed and to use charges that proc through the pet so that LoS, range, and aggro are related to it instead of the shade. If possible, having the charge bypass the pet’s spell queue is preferred so that the charge will not require effective cast time and will not interfere with other spells and abilities that the pet is committed to using.

3. Necromancers would like to have the chance to have alchemy tinctures and reactives they place on their armor to be able to work through their pet in some way. Would it be possible to have the effect that is placed on the shades armor go off when the pet is attacked instead and have the effect be applied to the pet and not the shade?


King's Regiment


Interesting, let them first swap control of shade with minion and 90% of all issues wilt be dealt with...


I was reading alot of the information from the TL on VNBoards, and im disapointed that he missed out one of the key requests from fellow necro's

!! Individuality !!

Every necro looks the same... every pet looks the same.

a minor point - but one that I would prefer fixed than some of the existing issues as we've grown to tolerate them


Originally posted by -Nxs-
I was reading alot of the information from the TL on VNBoards, and im disapointed that he missed out one of the key requests from fellow necro's

!! Individuality !!

Every necro looks the same... every pet looks the same.

a minor point - but one that I would prefer fixed than some of the existing issues as we've grown to tolerate them

As you said its a minor issue. There are several real problems identified above including the 2 spec lines. These need fixing first :)


i dont mind the shade mode, but what would be good is if we could chose the armor, sword etc of the servant


Originally posted by amuse
i dont mind the shade mode, but what would be good is if we could chose the armor, sword etc of the servant

at least the 2handed swords would be used then, right now they are only for /salvage :p


pfffff mythic doesnt know ANYTHING about their own game...


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
pfffff mythic doesnt know ANYTHING about their own game...

heh check my signature...atleast you could excuse them for necros not being an "original" class


I think it would be cool for the pet to wear your guild cloak.


Originally from the sig of Coffeus
-From Mythic's reply to Cabalist TL-
"I am not as familiar with all the cabby pets as I'd like to be yet. Start a TL forum topic on the pets and provide a brief description of how each one is used by players and in what situation."

omfg what the hell are they being paid for?


Changes in 1.65

QUI / DEX and all melee resists will transfer to the pet too

Theres also a nice report on the necromancer boards re damage, seams theres not much point maxing +skill as there the modifier is not that great, but if you cap your +INT damage will increase substantialy, I knew there was a good reason not to SC my 99% cloth yet :)

Moth Twiceborn

-From Mythic's reply to Cabalist TL-
"I am not as familiar with all the cabby pets as I'd like to be yet. Start a TL forum topic on the pets and provide a brief description of how each one is used by players and in what situation."

You'd think that the game was written by the little people in return for a saucer of milk, and then Mythic had to maintain it.

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