need to undo respec or recive back free points i got from autotrain


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2005
hi all i am Legiash albion escalibur few hours ago just used a fullrespec stone and i end up with same spec i had 50 50 28
and 26 points free to spent
i resepced wiling to increase the 26 points getting the autotrain points from slash so i can incresea parry to 30 and shield to 12 stil haveing 50 50
problem is all said once u use full respec stone u cannnot get ur auto train extra points back well i wont em back pls tell me waht to do i need em i cant delete char and start artis again spent to much plats on him allready ty and hope someone can help me


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
you dont lose auto trained points from using any sort of respec stone, single or full,


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Well although he might be putting his point badly, i know what he is saying, cause i was in the housing area when he did it.

He has autotrained since lvl 1(well 8 actually) at lvl 50 he used a full skill respec stone and he lost all his autotrain points.

Well i am pretty sure that is what he meant, was what he said in broadcast in housing anyway.

So he is not asking if the repsec stone takes away his points, he is saying it allready has and he wants to know if there is anyway he can undo this.

And to answer his question, there is to my knowledge no way you can undo this other that starting a new character again from scratch


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Legiash said:
hi all i am Legiash albion escalibur few hours ago just used a fullrespec stone and i end up with same spec i had 50 50 28
and 26 points free to spent
i resepced wiling to increase the 26 points getting the autotrain points from slash so i can incresea parry to 30 and shield to 12 stil haveing 50 50
problem is all said once u use full respec stone u cannnot get ur auto train extra points back well i wont em back pls tell me waht to do i need em i cant delete char and start artis again spent to much plats on him allready ty and hope someone can help me

When you respec, you can't get belowed autotrained level. If you spec in another melee skill, you'll still have points worth of 12 skill bound up in whatever gets autotrained.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Grebneklaf said:
Well although he might be putting his point badly, i know what he is saying, cause i was in the housing area when he did it.

He has autotrained since lvl 1(well 8 actually) at lvl 50 he used a full skill respec stone and he lost all his autotrain points.

Well i am pretty sure that is what he meant, was what he said in broadcast in housing anyway.

So he is not asking if the repsec stone takes away his points, he is saying it allready has and he wants to know if there is anyway he can undo this.

And to answer his question, there is to my knowledge no way you can undo this other that starting a new character again from scratch

then he is mistaken and either didnt auto train or didnt notice that he still had 12 in slash (or whatever) after he respecced


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 7, 2004
NOW we're getting to the whole "lost" thing. If you try to spec out of a line that you autotrained into a line you did not autotrain, you will not be able to spec it as high. That's because when you train, autotrain lines AUTOMATICALLY take however many points that would have been gathered via autotraining. You can thus get lines with autotrain back to the same level they were before you respec'ed, but lines without cannot go that high.

Points are not technically lost. But they can, in some specific circumstances, be lost to YOU – and customer service is COMPLETELY UNABLE to remove the points from the autotrained line and give them to you to use.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Legiash said:
i had 50 50 28...i cant delete char and start artis again spent to much plats on him allready ty and hope someone can help me

I do feel sorry for you, however it's really not a big deal. By your spec points I assume you are an armsman or merc. Parry is poo in RVR anyway, so I really wouldn't worry about.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whats poo about it? Not good for defending other people, but in terms of self survival its better then shield for everything except archers with no penalty vs dual weilders.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
parry is nice if you are a BG'er or solo, no use really for "offensive" tanks


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Kagato said:

Parry rates in rvr for an offensive tank are almost negligable compared to evade and blocking unless you max it out, even then the return is not worth the points.

I respecced from something like 34 parry to 5 or less - cant remember tbh - (S/S BM, maxed shield from 42 and a few utility DW skills for pve) and i have noticed no significant difference whatsoever.

Parry is very much a points dump for using up the points you have not put into weapon/shield/DW etc.

PvE it makes a noticable difference, but then mobs dont kite much :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Its no different to shield actually, personally I parry a heck of alot even with a highlanders dex., you get from it what you put into it, but unlike shield you suffer no penalties for fighting DW users which is a considerable advantage in these stealth zerg days.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Raven said:
then he is mistaken and either didnt auto train or didnt notice that he still had 12 in slash (or whatever) after he respecced



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Parry has its uses, as kagato says its what you put into it that counts, my spearo still has way over 50 parry, all the best chains are off the after parry stunn, and its fantastic for tanking purple mobs in pve or lords.

But the point about group play is valid, parry only helps yourself, and as a hero you would probably be better off investing it in blocking or doing more dmg.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Roken said:

Run that through babel fish a few more times, something got lost along the way..

The first paragraph is just explaining that if you have say 50 autotrained bow and 0 blades, you wont be able to spec to 0 bow and 50 blades, as the autotrained points cant be removed, youll end up with 11 bow, 46blades or something, and they dont care.

The second sentance is just filled with contradiction and I think someone is again explaining the same thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Boni said:
The first paragraph is just explaining that if you have say 50 autotrained bow and 0 blades, you wont be able to spec to 0 bow and 50 blades, as the autotrained points cant be removed, youll end up with 11 bow, 46blades or something, and they dont care.

Which is exactly what hes done, he wants the autotrain points from slash, well he cant have em, you cant move your autotrain points to different spec lines.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Legiash said:
hi all i am Legiash albion escalibur few hours ago just used a fullrespec stone and i end up with same spec i had 50 50 28
and 26 points free to spent
i resepced wiling to increase the 26 points getting the autotrain points from slash so i can incresea parry to 30 and shield to 12 stil haveing 50 50
problem is all said once u use full respec stone u cannnot get ur auto train extra points back well i wont em back pls tell me waht to do i need em i cant delete char and start artis again spent to much plats on him allready ty and hope someone can help me

Short answer, you cant have em, if you didnt want those autotrain points in slash then you should not have autotrained slash. Time to re-roll :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Kagato said:

so your saying a BM or merc should spec high parry?


as i say its not much use to an "offensive" tank, read BM/merc but to a BG'er or soloer its needed. see


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Only merc to ever come close to beating me was high parry spec as it happens, but each to their own.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
yes 1 on 1, my understanding of that is both of you were "solo" ?

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