Need to contact sanya, need help



many good points in arnor's mail though ..

only thing i would mention is that the zerkers really need the hit down .. if you wanna up something i middi land i think it should be skalds ..


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
Arnor, FYI comeback was 1.7x pre-1.62. Not 2.80 or whatever huge number you found in some dark alley :p

anywhoo, what proof do we have that the numbers on that stylesheet are correct?

And YES zerkers need a nerf, but as it is on pendragon atm, its too much and the ones most affected are the ones that needed it the least. (the ones with high quickness)


the ones most affected are the ones that needed it the least.

i dunno what they did to the zerkers but that wouldnt surprise me 1 bit ....

i getting the feeling that excalibur is so much more a hardcore server than the US servers...

i meet this guy from a us server a few days ago who played necro.. he told me he was thinking about moveing to euro servers ... he was just afraid there would be to many noobs there ...

then i found out he got 66k ... yes 66000 RP's ...

thats what some excalibur ppl make in 1 good day ......

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