Need some help on Inf class



I've decided to play an Infiltrator on the forthcoming pvp server so wondered if I could get some advice on race and spec'ing. I'm considering playing a Briton for more str and cons but as most Infs on Exc are Saracens, I wasn't sure if this maybe a bad choice. As for spec'ing, I'm going for 50 Thrust but I'm not sure where to spend the rest of my points.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Go Saracen put ur points in Qui, str and Con cause Dex maxes out anyhow I found

Go 50 Thrust for the almighty life saving Dragon Fang

44 CS
39 Stealth
39 Envenom
20 DW


Can't see much difference from that template from most peeps tbh

Although I could be wrong on some of the numbers by a few points I am sure someone will confirm it

Oh and btw I play on Andred and levelling a Stealth Class is hell on earth

Thats why I am probably gonna go for a ranger :)

Zag Barr

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-

Go 50 Thrust for the almighty life saving Dragon Fang
44 CS
39 Stealth
39 Envenom
20 DW


Umm - you get 2,8 spec points each level?
Or autotrained your stealth till level 80?

I can't see how to reach this spec ...


Hmmmm yup to many points in the former, if you autotrain to 36 you could end up with something like:

stealth 36
thrust 50
cs 44
env 40
dw 3


PvP server... Dunno how much alliance points (PvP rps) you get there during 50 levels as an assassin, but anyhow...

38 stealth
50 thrust
38 env
39 CS
18 DW

Gives you all you need without autotraining, just need RR2 for max env/stealth, which shouldn't be a problem ;) Dragonfang, Insidious Lethal/Lifebane/Obscure (DW detaunt @ 18, has high defensive bonus, increases evade amounts nicely). Won't be one-shotting anything higher than low hp blues, but who cares :p

Zag Barr

Autotraining on PVP?? Sounds a little strange to me ....

Anything more then 36 stealth is a waste of spec points. I would even go lower, but then you will have some disadvanteges until RR4+.

Same with Envenom ...

I wouldn't go 44 in CS either. Get some items to push it. The 44 move is a waste of space ...

With this spec you should go well over 20 in DW, even without autotrain, which I think is hard to do on a PvP server.

And why make an infi anyways?? Ranged attacks will give you RP and XP, so enchanter or scout ...


Stealth: 35
CritStrike: 39
Envenom: 38
Thrust: 50
DualWield: 23

Reasons: 18DW gives you an extremely useful (imho) style, an anytime with high defensive bonus. Really noticable improvement to evade rate, though since I've used this only with a slash inf I can't actually say whether it's THAT much better than the thrust tranquilize style.
Stealth 35 because any more is a pointless waste, basically. Autotrain to 32 or 36 and raise it a bit higher if you like; on PvP being visible through stealth seems to be a bit of a "gank me" sign so autotraining and leaving your stealth low would be a bit harder than on a normal server.
Thrust 50.. we all know why.
Critstrike at a low 39 because, basically, the game is moving more and more against classes that do huge damage in a single hit. Your initial perf is going to be important but more because of the stunning followup than the initial damage.
Envenom 38 because you want lifebane as soon as possible; you can always use your respec and lower it if you've already hit R4 by the time you're 50. *shrug*

Anyhow, not saying that's the perfect template or anything, but it's what I'd do.
Well, actually I'd make a shadowzerker, but nm....
Orrr full-DW/envenom stealthless slash inf, play it like a mercenary for 50 levels and then respec to a normal assassin template :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Orrr full-DW/envenom stealthless slash inf, play it like a mercenary for 50 levels and then respec to a normal assassin template :p

Somebody obviously hasn't read up on how respec was implemented.

And judging by some of the numbers above, there are a lot of people who didn't do very well at maths at school.

Briton vs. Saracen? Makes very little difference in the end. All things being equal, Briton has marginally higher hits and higher carry-weight (whoopie), Saracen has marginally better evade rate, but the differences are completely insignificant. The main difference is Saracens are shorter and uglier (I'm the shortest and ugliest of the lot :p)

For specs, cookie-cutter is:

Thrust: 50
Stealth: 36/37
Envenom: 36/37
Critical Strike: 34/39/44
Dual Wield: ~25 (remaining)

Autotraining is of little use (and not easy on PvP). 77 points for autotraining to 48 would give you ~1.5% higher dual wield chance in the end for a lot of levelling pain.


my spec at 50 after autotraining to 44, yes i was that crazy :))) that got me 65 points.

50 thrust
36 stealth
37 envenom
44 critical shot
15 dual wield.

you can spec stealth and envenom up to 39-40 if you want to hit 50 with RR/items sooner but imo those points are better used in CS and dual


I kinda fancy 35 stealth 50 thrust 34 envenom 39 cs 29 dw (requires a bit of autotraining, not much) miss out on the little bit of extra dmg from lifebane for a more reliable and ever-present higher DW chance and a nice DW style: Flank @ 29.

Saracen vs Brit, saracen ends up with 210 combined str/dex (assuming u go thrust) while brit has 200. So 5% more dmg or 17% more con, the choice is yours. Saracen is smaller/darker.


I'm going for a full respec when 1.52 comes in:

50 Slash
34 Stealth (11 + 5 = 50)
34 Envenom (11 + 5 = 50)
39 CS (5 + 5 = 49)
30 DW (4 + 5 + 12 from dualist reflex 2 = 51)

Depending on whether I like slash I'll either keep it or use a single spec respec to go back to thrust.


im not sure what spec brommix have/had but i know it was more stealth than ppl belive is good
around 48 in base or something, this didnt make him move faster in stealth but before "see hidden" he had his own kind of see hidden and after he was really good at helping our group out with finding other assasins, he saw em a lot easyere than they saw him..

on a pvp i dunno what stats would be best, but im sure brommix didnt find his high stealth useless


Originally posted by Pin

Somebody obviously hasn't read up on how respec was implemented.

Yes, you clearly haven't if you think that what i said is impossible...

About Brommix, I'm not sure if increasing stealth spec past 50 raises the distance you can detect other stealthers at. Certainly stealth over 50 doesn't decrease the range at which others can detect you, which hits a minimum limit at 125 units.


Originally posted by darbey
Never thought id see zilly asking for stealther advice, anyway for all your infil needs see the Infiltrator FAQ at

I just needed some reassurance on certain aspects of the class. Mainly whether to go for a Briton or a Saracen and increase DW instead of CS once I acquire Creeping Death.

Anyway thanks to all those who contributed suggestions.


re: respec...

Once we reach 1.52 everyone gets 1 full respec only on characters that already exist. Therefore no one on the pvp server will ever get a full respec in this way. The full respec has to be used within 2 levels or you lose it. Using the the full respec sets all your skills to zero or to the minimum autotrain would have taken them to and returns the skill points to your pool.

Characters who then reach 20 or 40 will also get a single line respec. This clears *one* spec line to zero or the autotrain minimum, and returns the spec poinst to you. These respecs cannot be saved and you use them or lose them at the levels you recieve them.

Characters who are already over 20 and/or 40 will never recieve these single line respecs.

So on an inf, who has such a large number of spec lines, I would be very careful about assuming you can use your lvl 20 and 40 single line respecs to switch from a mercfiltrator to a traditional assassin at the drop of a hat.


50+ stealth does nothing, since the bubble cant be smaller than minimum or bigger than maximum (detect radius vs you , and vs them (min/max)) has been tested to bits in the US (where else).


Originally posted by old.LandShark
play it like a mercenary for 50 levels and then respec to a normal assassin template :p

Just to elaborate. Compare what you said to what Ramas (Hi :) ) posted just above. You'll see there is no way you can play anything for 50 levels then respec it in any way at all.

And as for respec on Excalibur. I'll be at

Thrust: 50
Stealth: 33
Envenom: 33
Critical Strike: 39
Dual Wield: 34

And just to point out to Nicolas before he does something he might regret, going for that slash template, you will have no melee stun at all. The only stuns you'll have are CD and BS2 (personally I'd hate to not have any melee stun).

And don't respec to slash and think you can use a single line respec to go back to thrust. Read Ramas' post, you'll see that level 50 chars only have a full respec, you only get a single line respec when you ding 20 and 40 and must use before you ding 21 or 41. When it's patched, level 40+ characters will never see a single-line respec.


Nic, I am sure you are jesting with us. :) Partly the reason I've decided to play an Inf on the forthcoming pvp server is to use Dragonfang - the most unfair and unbalanced style in the game. Why on earth would you want to sacrifice losing it and leaving yourself with no stun moves during combat?


Hey I said I could be wrong in my speccing, though not that far out woah I need to go back to school for some maths lessons

But hey good luck in the infiltrator life will be a lonely one, levelling on PvP server

I am gonna go for a ranger/scout so I will probably be joining you on the loneliness


Originally posted by Zilly
Partly the reason I've decided to play an Inf on the forthcoming pvp server is to use Dragonfang - the most unfair and unbalanced style in the game.

I read on US boards (ign) that shadowzerkers own dragonfang infs. Reason being since both hands always hit with LA, infs cant evade both, hence never get an evade style off. Might be worth looking into @ respec time ;)

I was considering shadowzerker for pvp for this reason. But I doubt ill reach 50 or even close on pvp so fighting ppl with dragonfang is a non-issue. Going troll skald I think :)

And how is Dragonfang the "the most unfair and unbalanced style in the game" when Slam doesn't even require an opening?


Pin/Ramas are you even serious?
PLAY IT TO 50; so, you have a lvl50 char yes? Right. Still with me?
At 50 you get a single respec that zeros ALL your speclines and frees up the points.
Thus, play a merc-style inf to 50, respec it to more traditional critical strike template....

Being contradicted patronisingly 3 times when I happen to be dead right.... rather annoys me :>


Originally posted by K0nah
Reason being since both hands always hit with LA, infs cant evade both, hence never get an evade style off. Might be worth looking into @ respec time ;)

You can evade both hands, but obviously just not as often a single-hand swing.

Even so, this is irrelevant as you only need to evade(/block/parry for other classes) the mainhand for it to be counted.

The reason shadowzerkers rip through infs (before level 50) is slash vs leather, thrust vs leather. At level 50 though, with Dragonfang, an inf can hold his own.

And the reason Zilly claims that Dragonfang is the most unfair and unbalanced style in th egame is because he has some gimpy template that doesn't have a melee stun and he's been beaten by infiltrators that have one (go figure :rolleyes: ).


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Pin/Ramas are you even serious?
PLAY IT TO 50; so, you have a lvl50 char yes? Right. Still with me?
At 50 you get a single respec that zeros ALL your speclines and frees up the points.
Thus, play a merc-style inf to 50, respec it to more traditional critical strike template....

Being contradicted patronisingly 3 times when I happen to be dead right.... rather annoys me :>

No. Read the damn patch notes.

When 1.52 is patched into the game, any current character gets a full respec that they must use within two levels.

When we get a PvP server, it will already come with patch 1.52. Therefore you won't ANY full respec on the PvP server. Only single-line respecs when your characters ding 20 and 40, which must be used before you ding 21 and 41 respectively.

Now, I don't know how you got the idea about level 50s getting a full respec. That is completely false. As I said, go read the 1.52 patch notes on The Camelot Herald.

Edit: Oh, just to make a point, there were characters on Mordred that got a full respec at level 50. But this was due to them being characters copied to Mordred as it was the PvP test server. We won't get that privalege unfortunately.

Edit: Here's the patch notes


Since there seems to be some 'confusion', I've quoted the respec notes directly from the v1.52 patch notes in full below.....

Full Respec

If you have a current character in Dark Age of Camelot, you may elect to do a full respec. This resets ALL of your character's specializations to zero (or that spec's minimum allowed for your class), and gives you the equivalent number of spec points back to you so you can retrain however you see fit. Please note that respeccing is a one-time thing, and is irrevocable. You cannot do a full respec again, so be sure you know how you want to spec your character before you do this.

NOTE: if your class has a "min spec level" on any specialization then you will be taken down to the minimum allowed when you do a /respec all based on your level. You cannot go under your class minimum (based on your level) for those specializations.

ALSO NOTE: Full respec only is available to current characters of the game, and is offered to them as a way to take advantage of the many game features that have been implemented since the game began (and presumably since their character was initially specced). Future characters will receive the normal "spec-line" respecs at levels 20 and 40, but not a full respec.

To do a full respec, go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec ALL". You will only have a limited time to do a full respec: within two levels of when you first log into this version. So, if you are level 22, and you want to respec, you will have to do it before you attain 24th level.

In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization at your trainer and click the train button multiple times. Previously, you had to select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it. Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times.

Single-Skill Respec

From now on, when a character reaches the levels of 20 and 40, they will gain the ability to "de-train" a specialization by doing a single-spec respec.

To do a single-skill respec (when you reach level 20 or level 40), go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec SKILL NAME". Please note that you cannot redo this - once you respec a skill, it is done.

Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you gain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.

Also, please note that you gain this skill when you level from 19 to 20 and from 39 to 40. This means that an existing character who is level 20 will not gain the level 20 single-spec respec, but since everyone gets the full respec, that player could fully respec (and in fact must do so before attaining level 22 if they wish to respec at all before level 40).

Finally, you will not gain the single-skill respec if you are eligible to use a full respec and have not. So, if you are 19th level, you have a full respec available to you, and you advance to 20, you will not gain the single-skill respec because you still have the full respec available to you. Any changes you want to make to your character can be made through the full respec at that time.


No respecs at level 50, unless you are already there when 1.52 hits excalibur.

Sorry landshark.


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