Need help with an infi spec



lo all,

I'm thinking of making an infiltrator, but I have no idea how to spec him. I checked all the guide on but they aren't very clear about a good spec. I want to focus on stealth ( dont want to be a melee infiltrator ). I've found a couple specs and would like to know which one is best, or which one is the classic spec,...

50 thrust
44 cs
38 stealth
37 envenom
0 dw


50 thrust
44 cs
35 stealth
35 envenom
18 dw

Alson, how should I spec my points while lvling up?



50 thrust
39 cs
37 stealth
37 envenom
rest dw

go with that or if your explecting rr4 fairly easily go
50 thrust
39 cs
36 stealth
36 envenom
rest dw


If you can, try not putting any points into stealth until you hit level 24, that way you will auto-train it (which gives you extra points in the long run)

Keep your points in dual wield to a minimum, , keep crit strike to your level up to however high you want to take it, and keep envenom fairly high. Look at a character builder to see when its best to spec in envenom (your DoT poisons that you get come every 5 levels - these are the ones that do the most damage)

You can go thrust or slash as you're levelling up, but I'd recommend taking thrust to 50 for the dragonfang style - you can respec slash to thrust at level 40 if you want.

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