Necromancer Question




Does anyone know alot about necromancers?

Good, well i wanted to know if your pet was effected by YOUR stats, or what would it matter what you spec'd to start with, do your resistances and consti etc. effect it, if not, what does? Any help would be appreciated, also - whats RvR like for necromancers, but im mainly interested in the PvE side, i heard they can even solo purples at level 50, is this true?



only thing from the character that effects the pet is magical resists. so if you have 24% cold resist... your pet has 24% cold resist. Tbh I would just max intel and a few in dex in the char select screen.


Are you 100% sure? Your constitution, quickness, dexterity etc. make no different to your PETS stats!?


Int and magical resists make a difference - int for increased damage.

Racial resists & those from AoM do not transfer.

Dex can help YOU cast some spells faster to the pet, but has no effect on the pet.

Str can help you carry more loot (not exactly essential tho) but again, doesnt transfer.

There is some information that CON buffs (not item +com) cast on the pet increase the pets ABS, but Ive not tested this.


According to my research on various forums, its exactly as Fatgit says.

As for soloing a purple, i've not tried that. But i've certainly killed lots of reds solo, and not just spirit weak ones either. A purple would probably be pushing it a bit, and the red caps the xp anyway, so there is little point.

For PvE the Necro is very powerful and you can get to lvl50 solo in 6-10 days played quite happily i think. The problems start with the lvl50 endgame. The Necro has lots of resists against deep purple mobs and it is hard to land a hit, making them pretty poor against Epic mobs. In RvR, a lvl50 Necro has a pet that is (i think) lvl44, and so it is blue con to the lvl50 hibs and mids. The pet can also be mezzed for full duration. You can do some decent damage on the enemy, but I believe (haven't got much personal experience) that RvR is frustrating and Necros often feel a but useless.

If you want a character for the RvR or Epic mob experience, then a Necro is probably not the best choice.

Nightlore, Lvl43 Necro


You can full crit on necro pets. I've two-shotted them with a couple of high crits. Also you get damage scaling from them being lower level.

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