national health service.



i know our health service is supposed to be the best in the world but has anyone here been entirely satisfied with any treatment they have received from our good hossies?
heres a little experience i had at my local hossie a couple of weeks ago

nearly cut the top off my fionger off at work,blood everwhere tbh anyway the works first aider strapped it up and off i went to a and e.on getting there there was a sign on the window saying "waiting time 1 hr",there wasn't many people waiting so i thought what the hell i'll only bee here a little while so i registered and sat and waited,the time nurse called my name to have a look "oooh thats a nasty cut"she says,she then straps it up and im told to wait again till the good doctor is free....................................................................................................................7pm now and im starting to get a little pisssed i go to the counter and ask how long it will be before im seen,nice lady says it's up to the nursing staff just go round the corner and ask....on actually entering the treatment are there are just 2 nurses and a doctor with there feet up on the counter watching fucking wimbledon.excuse me i say politeley im just wondering how long it will be before im seen,nurse replies "there are 4 peolple before you" FUCK ME theres only 2 of us's now 8.30,ive been here for 4 heres the best bit.

doctor calls my name,i go through and he unwraps the bandages and then comes out witht the alltime classic fucking line.."im sorry young man but you needed stitches,however it's now been to long since the injury and the blood has congeiled the wound,WTF.he then puts a little badage on it,gives me some painkillers and sends me on my way,time 5 hours.


i was very ill a few years back and passed out, and managed to go through a huge pane of glass face first :/

Cut my lip in two, and severed my chin quite nastily.

This was around 8pm on a sunday night.

Went to A&E and was seen within about 20 mins which i was quite pleased with. I was then told the surgeon who did microstitches had gone home, and he was at a hospital 40 miles away the next day so i got bandaged and painkillered up and sent home with a huge fuck off gaping wound.

Got to the other hospital at 8am the next day w/ an appointment and was taken into surgery about an hour or so later.

The nurse then said * we just have to get some forms and you can go home *, 4 fucking hours later they turn up and all i have to do is sign my fucking name.

NHS = shit.
Private Health = good :-]


I cut my wrist open on a window about a year and a half ago and went to the minor injuries unit not far from here, it was easier than going to the main hospital because I'd have waited all night probably, but I got there about 6pm and got seen and told to wait. Three hours later, nobody's gone in or out of the ward and they only other people waiting are there for the family planning clinic elsewhere in the building. Finally got in there, took them half an hour to stitch me up and send me home. I still want to know what the fuck they were doing for 3 hours :/

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by scooby-doo
i know our health service is supposed to be the best in the world

I thought it was renowned for being so shit.


you wanna try the health service in the states. oh my god dont ever get ill there....but thats another story children :)


NHS paediatric care is first class, I've experienced both NHS and private operations for my son, and the NHS is just as good if not better as they have dedicated facilities (theres a separate childrens A&E and recovery unit at my local hospital).

Strangely, it was the same doctor in both operations :)

The first operation was head stitches, after a very nasty fall that put a hole in middle of his forehead right down to the skull, he now has a Harry Potter lightning scar !


NHS is great if your injuries are serious.

I got a detached retina in a fight, and got surgery within 3 days.

Not bad imho.


A & E is terrible. Waited 6 hours last time I went.


Put a hole through the back of my mouth once. I was playing th bagpipes, and some crazy little kiddie kicked me in the leg, causing me to fall forward and send the mouthpeice of the bagpipe flying through the roof of my mouth, into the nasal region... Needless to say, I killed the little shite when I got out of hospital :)

Anyway, went to hospital, and had to wait 2 hours for the doctor to arrive, the whole time with a nurse staring down my throat, asking me questions, while i tried to gargle some answers.

Needless to say, I was TeH PiSSeD. And I had to live off soup for a week :p


Originally posted by Mr.Monkey
NHS is great if your injuries are serious.

Aye they probably have government mortality targets to hit :p


About 3 years ago i was seriously ill(8 months in hospital) and the NHS were great. Scans, operations, you name it and i probably had it. All as soon as i needed them.
Sometimes the doctor was a little late but thats to be expected really.

Ive found that those with most need get put to the front, not those who arrived first. You cant expect a doctor to just stop treating someone else to have a look at your cut finger or whatever.

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