


To Job

I'm afraid Spike Milligan beat you to that epitaph :)


True, and it's a good one, did he actually have that put on his grave I wonder?


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Halo go read some books, I suggest u start out with some topics like World War II, Genocide, Communism, Stalin, Political Murders - make up more here.
U may also wanna check out Polish and Baltic history post WW II - especially with regards to genocide, gulags and mass relocations.

Besides that, I find u amusing.

Sorry mate my wife iis polish and even she laughed and called you a TIT for complaining at a cha named Stalin. if you realy want to complain at coc and names go post a list of all those arsholes with second names like Ikillalbsforfun or yamamafuckspenguins these are the typs of names that you should be bothered by. On side note once saw a ranger caled cancer, not that realy is a bad choice of name, even if only for the kill msg of bleh was killed by Cancer.

Ps : who cares if someone is named stalin or pot after all daoc is based several hundred years before these :p

Lifeless Minion - Kobi smite shaman commiting albion genocide with poison for Blizzard


why does every1 tries to outsmart the other?
If u seriously can't come up with any reason why a name like Stalin would not be allowed then there is no point arguing with u..

i have not reported any1 with names like this yet, although i thought about it a couple of times.
I think i will in the futher, if it's not for me, then it's just to annoy the person who actually took a new like cancer for example :)


more cheese plz ~~;;


Originally posted by Son
So what exactly is wrong with the surname Stalin? After all its only a name. He didnt call himself Joseph Stalin. I am sure there are many people in the world with the name Stalin. Next I suppose you will be reporting people called Smith and Jones?

take it up with goa :) they said its wrong :)


Try "Osamabinladen" and see how long your char's just a question of good taste.

By the same token names can be amusing:

Did see a lowbie char once called Syphillis but dont know if he got wiped. (Player XXXX was killed by Syphillis may not happen if Player XXX has penicillin handy btw). Can't see any difference between that and "Cancer" tbh and he is still around.
A helluva lot more people suffer a bereavement due to cancer than syphillis. "Ikillalbsforfun"??? Hardly offensive. I do it every night. My underplayed SB alt is "Hisownstupidity," and was created just for a laugh initially. "Elvirabrothelmadam" was set up to help form a new guild and that got a few laughs. Keep it fun and keep it humorous, I say. There is a line not to cross though and names like "yamamafuckspenguins" is way over on the wrong side.


Originally posted by old.Second
here is a silly one... but still true=)

What if someone called himself Roosenvelt(or what that president was called) or Edgar Hoover. would u report them too? they were responisble for the D-day deaths u know=) sending all those soilders to normandie and stuff... a murderer i say. or r they heroes for freeeing europe blabla? what about Bush or Clinton? (afganistan and iraq) dooont think u should go mental just because someone calls him/her self something you have heard about=)

flaming should be posted under this line
---------------------------------------------------- =)

Those are political names and thus forbidden to use according CoC rules.

There is someone called Cancer in the game which I think should not be allowed. Its total stupidity to call yourself that. Its a serious decease and thousands of people die from it every year.


I have nothing against hilarious names, or dumb ones... their holders take it up on themselves... I have a guildie, kobbie/hunter, named Hobbitmolester AlligatorWrestler...


Other then that, political, religious, etc. references should stay out of the game... after all, it's a MMORPG with three different settings... midgard (norse mithology names), albion and hibernia (heroic fantasy names ?), and the CoC stipulates that people should choose character names in respect to the game setting.

...but reporting people that have offensive names ? never... Skalds are quite open-minded you know...

my chars:

Murphys Law

Ps: Report me, you ^@%#@^@


I have no problems with silly/funny name (look at my alts :)). The only one I have ever reported was someone whose surname was 'Jewslayer' - theres some strange people out there if anyone thinks that is OK !

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