Name Thread



My name, Angrykid, have I nicked from a very fun person on the internet. Take a look at the for some fun movies.




Sniper, because it owns and every scout wants this name:p
and it makes sense:p


Uriron ison = name generator created uriron i added "ison"

Agnar = will be Agnar Lodbrok my D&D character from when i was about 12 also Agnar is my online name for UT op flash wolfenstein etc.. My D&D char was a retard NPC who the quest party met down a dungeon that i took over when i joined the group. Every turn i had to roll a 10 sided dice if a 0 came up i had to sing a song at the top of my voice, the amount of times i got the party attacked due to my singing they used to get really pissed off. His int stat was 9 ! proper dumb :)))

The others are just made up but in most cases i try to stay with "ur" as first 2 letters in name like Uriron



I am Bob but I have mystical powers.


All my names now have a meaning. In order

Ruinsul Aldaron
-Not a char of mine, but the name of the forger of the Kemencuive (afaik not a character atall ;))

Tiradiel Aldaron
-Tiradiel has no meaning, however Aldaron is the title "Lord of the Trees", and is held by all of those in Tiradiels bloodline. The title is held by the bearer of the Kemencuive.

-Named Aeiedil by the druid that found the lost firbolg. The name means "The Lone Star", named such because upon the night that he was found there was but a single star shining upon the forests.

Aeiedel Aldaron
-Meaning "Shadow of the Lone Star", formerly Aeiedil. When Aeiedil decided to seize the Kemencuive from its resting place he was cursed to become a creature of the shadows, thus the name. Also upon his taking of the Kemencuive the title of Aldaron passed to him

-Wife of Aeiedel Aldaron, meaning "The Shadows Gift". Origin of the name is currently unknown (havent gotten around to making her story deeper yet)

-No special reason behind the name, name chosen by Eilanna, son of Eilanna and Aeiedel Aldaron

Lucil Linelda
-When Lucilin becomes the emmisary of Queen Cliodna he is given this name, meaning "Snowshine, Song of the Stars". "Song of the Stars" was chosen for him because of the nature of which he came to Queen Cliodna.

(The Lady) Rivedel
-Forgotten meaning, wrote it down at home, i think its "(The Lady of) Brilliant Horror" or something along those lines. Companion of Aeiedil

-Meaning "Silverwolf", the prefered form of appearence of this creature. Guardian of the Kemencuive.

More information about all of these characters, and a deeper background story, can be found soon at, or for the direct link go to :) The names are based upon Tolkein's elvish language, ive forgotten what any of the runes were based on, I think dwarvish runes :)


Aloca =random
***oca=random (couldnt remember and im not at home :) )
Aqe=first char and is a mixture from my name.


Forum name is general internet nick since years n years back, when I was less creative, nevertheless it's stuck fine and proven to be not too common and that's all I could ever ask for. Simple letterexchange from Tiberius, in turn with origins in the roman empire and star trek :)

Charnames, as my internet name was too unfantasy (and represents me, whereas chars are chars) are taken from my 3 favourite D2 Amazons and have been adapted and changed into names from the word that describe their main trait.

Speaking of which, D2 was easier when your accountname would be listed after your char everywhere, made charnames/alting less of a big deal as the playername would always be known.

Bleri McThrust

In Beta I started with a name I carried over from previous games (Dreamslayer). But when I trying new characters i just pressed the random generator. I kinda stuck with my Armsman and became known as Bleri.

So when retail came out stayed with the randon one rather than my normall nick :)


-dil is quenya(or sindarin, cant remember), tolkiens elvish languages for those of you that arent enlightened :p and means the one who loves whatever comes before -dil ;)

and, well, nilji is like, a bunch of i's and j's with a n and an l thrown in there :p


firstname Congin - generated a name and took away and added som letters ;)

lastname Connachan - read in a book that a ancient king on Irealand was named Connachan, may be wrong....

Madonion Slicer

My two main Albion character name suck wish there was a way i could change them, Madonion is from when i was heavy into modding PC and overclocking and Madcarrot simple a following a vegtable theme from the onion.

Thank God i am in Midgard now and had a chance to move on Otrotord and Eiis are names i simple choose no reason behind them i like them and they are not stupid, i am in the proccess of writing their story as you can see in the link in my sig.

Please all email rightnow and complain about my albion characters names so they change them thanks.


angantyr is the first king in denmark and was a brutal viking so i chosed it :)

Kurik BHM

Kurik - From some books David Eddings wrote
Tleilax - From Dune books
Meena - ehm? isnt there a meena in Mortal Combat 3? or somehting.. dunno :)
Leadric - Random
Enginner - eh... whatevah =) supposed to be a crafter but... i cba really


Re: :D

Originally posted by nightsorrow
Sniper, because it owns and every scout wants this name:p
and it makes sense:p

sniper comes in the same bucket as berserker&bonedancers with anything bone in their names, and names like Gandalff and so, sucky sucky and not imaginative worth a crap imo


Originally posted by kurik
Kurik - From some books David Eddings wrote

muhahaah, hes the one that hits ppl over the head with a mace innit?


Mazter Mind
Was made to pis ppl of coz me and some of my friends ment to beleive that there were a quest where u had to talk to master visur.
Then he became a sorcerer and specced in ''yeah you quessed right''.
Wacco Maniac
Seemed like the right name for a mercenary.
Dick turpins little friend that help alot and ok name for a friar I quess.
Freewheeling Franklin
Character from a comic and thought name was perfect for a full enh cleric ''well allmost full'' to just buff ppl and sit down and do nothing.



Ghengis Khant.....a bad pun i couldnt resist.
Meerclar.....a lazy demon from an Elric book.



Byffa is the name of a friend (his char is Karate)
that i took to piss him of... took a lastname that he didnt like.... Byffa LikesToGiveBlowJobs.... think i was @ 1st place on this forum for the ugliest/funniest name in Mid/Exc....
current name is Byffa NotBuffaOrBoffaOrBuffy cuz everyone invites to group cuz they think im a shammy :D

Chieftec BigtwrWithSixFansAndWindow is my computer case ;)

Grov Snus... well u have to know swedish culture to know what that is... a type of tobacco that u put under ur lip... think the english name is Snuff

Playboy PlaymateOfTheYear is a Valkyn female thats so ugly that the name is totally wrong

DjGermany IsVerySkilledInMusic

lol DjGermany sux and thats exactly what he said once

Hamahakkimiaes Hamahakkimies

Hamahakkimies is spelled Hämähäkkimies and its the finnish word for Spiderman :)... just a funny name


Mens Monster... avalonian... looks like a dragqueen in that purple robe... Mens is the swedish word for PMS(the thingie that makes women bleed every month) so the english name is PMS Monster ;)

Onanist Javisst

the name is Swedish/Danish(maybe norwegian too) for masturbation(ist?) Javisst should be like: Hell yeah in english but its not supposed to make any sence in english

its kind of a question... Masturbation? answer: Hell Yeah! ;) ok.. now ur confused enough by my shitty english



Amothus Byriani -> Came from Dragonlance books I think? Had it long as I can remember in AD&D. Byriani coz we had all our guild using fast foods as nicknames. Best one we had was Huni FriedRice - SUPERB!

Amotus Tandoori -> rolled a fire wiz but was stumped for names and wanted people to kinda know who I was still - nearest thing.

Loads of other shitty names I guess....

Sock (Drawer) coz that's just funny!

Stellla Artois

Worthy CreamFlow

Welly (Boot)

I generally try and go for funny names of inanimate objects when making new chars - makes me chuckle more.


Barring Landshark, which has been my nick online for donkeyes years (came originally from a poem I think, the Dry-Land Shark that lurks around in parks and other urban places :p then got shortened to Landshark... plus I'm really interested in sharks IRL) most of my chars names are from Ian M Banks books.
Cheradenine = dead guy, commited suicide when his adoptive brother sent him a chair made from his sister's bones.
/em curses Apathy from having Nicked Yawning Angel :p
Other than that the names are mostly Culture GSV names, although the relation between any of my lowbie alts and a million-kilometre long sentient spacecraft is fairly unclear...


Gorbash - the name of the green dragon from 'the flight of dragons'

Moccy - old internet nickname i made up that ive used for years

Nanto Seiken - south star fighting style from 'Fist of the north star'

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