Nailah´s Bug ...?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone know if a respanw of a Sabak(nailah´s mob) can take more than 24 hours ? or it is buged or something ? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Encounters can take minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years to spawn, depending on its chance to pop, and on your luck. 24 hours is quite normal.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
For the love of god Eggy 24 hours is not normal lol :mad: find a GM and say to pop for meee ! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Just because you haven't seen it in 24 hours doesn't mean it hasn't been killed ;)

and 24 hours is not long :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Every encounter has a % chance of popping every x minute/hour or something..
so in theory it can instapop .. or it can go several days.. (Just ask Angrist in TDA how he feels about Eremai...)


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
There's no maximum time for any artifact to pop. Theoretically it could not pop for a year and not be bugged although the chances are microscopic of that happening.
As it's been a while since the last time, I'll just remind you all of how most encounters spawn.

Encounters have two variables that determine when they spawn. They have a spawn timer and a percentage chance. When the server starts the spawn timer starts ticking down until it reaches zero. Then the server rolls a random number and compares it to the percentage chance. If the number rolled is lower than the percentage chance, the encounter spawns if it isn't already spawned. Whether it spawns or not at that point, the timer resets and counts down again. This is why sometimes an encounter can spawn seconds after you kill it, the timer starts from the last time the server checked to see if it was up, not from when the mob dies.

Things like the newbie mobs have very short spawn timers and very high chances to spawn (like 10 seconds with 85% spawn chance for example) so these mobs are always up and respawn fast when killed. Some mobs have very long timers and very small respawn rates. I think the worst I've seen is 30 rl hours for a timer with a 20% spawn chance - on average that particular encounter would spawn once every 6-8 rl days.

Because each check is a separate random chance an encounter can go for a long time without spawning.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
bit off topic buuut..
What about the epic dungeons in SI? How does the timers work in say.. err..
Tuscarian Glacier - different parts of it..

set rules for different rooms .. different types of mobs..?


Jun 21, 2005
Requiel said:
There's no maximum time for any artifact to pop. Theoretically it could not pop for a year and not be bugged although the chances are microscopic of that happening.
As it's been a while since the last time, I'll just remind you all of how most encounters spawn.

Encounters have two variables that determine when they spawn. They have a spawn timer and a percentage chance. When the server starts the spawn timer starts ticking down until it reaches zero. Then the server rolls a random number and compares it to the percentage chance. If the number rolled is lower than the percentage chance, the encounter spawns if it isn't already spawned. Whether it spawns or not at that point, the timer resets and counts down again. This is why sometimes an encounter can spawn seconds after you kill it, the timer starts from the last time the server checked to see if it was up, not from when the mob dies.

Things like the newbie mobs have very short spawn timers and very high chances to spawn (like 10 seconds with 85% spawn chance for example) so these mobs are always up and respawn fast when killed. Some mobs have very long timers and very small respawn rates. I think the worst I've seen is 30 rl hours for a timer with a 20% spawn chance - on average that particular encounter would spawn once every 6-8 rl days.

Because each check is a separate random chance an encounter can go for a long time without spawning.
can i ask you something about maddening scalars mob... is it true as it says on VoS?

Visionofsages said:
The secret to the spawning of the Scalars mob:
This is according to the new strategy guide, and it's very devious-Ok, there are those snakes, the uraeus, that spawn when somone dies, as well as some being around as regular mobs in Typhon's. Well, supposedly whenever one spawns, there is a very small chance for it to spawn as an invisible non-aggroing uraeus. When 9 invisible snakes spawn, they will move to the Scalars artifact loc and form the artifact mob. There is supposedly a 200 snake limit to the zone, so if there are 200 present, and less than 9 invisible ones, the mob will NOT spawn until some are killed, etc. Dec 29


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Samaroon EatsCheese said:
think its just 24 hours for all tg/sidi/gala mobs to re-pop ;)

I think there are some hidden triggers as well that starts the countdown .. say if you log out somewhere inside.. you kill stuff but do not kill something you would kill if you came from the outside.. since those mobs are alive countdown never starts.. ? if that made any sense..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Espen said:
can i ask you something about maddening scalars mob... is it true as it says on VoS?

He won't answer that.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Requiel said:
I'll just remind you all of how most encounters spawn.
There are some encounters which have specific spawn conditions - either because they are linked to quests, are instanced content or just start in an unusual way. Maddening Scalars is one like that, you can force the spawn to an extent by suiciding. I'm not going to say whether the info on VoS is true or not however. TG, Sidi and Galladoria have 100% respawns on a timer that starts from an ingame trigger event, so it works in a broadly similar way to nearly everything else but not exactly.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
but the triggers in epic SI dungeons remain a secret, right? :p

Thanks for info though.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
I think the worst I've seen is 30 rl hours for a timer with a 20% spawn chance - on average that particular encounter would spawn once every 6-8 rl days.

would that be Marishas shagging sharkskin gloves?...........



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
well i do know the arti is bugged, as a firar if u get it, you get cloth absorb and not Leather :twak: :m00:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Fenderon said:
but the triggers in epic SI dungeons remain a secret, right? :p

Thanks for info though.

roughly 8 hours after the 1st mob is killed afaik...or at least thats how galla works in hib


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2005
I know a lot of people asked me if Sebak had spawned while I was camping it so I noticed a lot of people where after the Nailah Robe encounter. Thought it was bugged too but eventually after 48 hours Sebak spawned yesterday (20th of July, around 18.30pm GMT+1). Perhaps this information is usefull to someone :)

Have fun,


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