Naagauk does it again.

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Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
BTW the encounter was reset only 5 minutes after I got the Long Black Cloak, so I don't really see what you're whine is about. It's still up at this moment and I don't see anyone trying to camp/clear it.

Secondly, Requiel just told me they have patched a hotfix that disables Sojorners from getting the cloak with port-method. Don't cry, Albion.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
sko said:
BTW the encounter was reset only 5 minutes after I got the Long Black Cloak, so I don't really see what you're whine is about. It's still up at this moment and I don't see anyone trying to camp/clear it.

Secondly, Requiel just told me they have patched a hotfix that disables Sojorners from getting the cloak with port-method. Don't cry, Albion.

How're you going to earn money now?. You can't join raids, you can't steal SoM anymore :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
You don't get it even yet do you Sko....

What most of us want isn't SoM. What most of us want is never to hear your name again.

And no, posting here does very little as far as enforcing anything within the CoC is concerned, but what it DOES do is highlight just how sad and pathetic Sko and his little band of 'can I be in your gang please cos I don't fit in with those normal human beings' sociopaths (get a dictionary out again Sko, you'll find it is MOST apt) really are. As a result, rather than a simple flame that's soon forgotten when every other player does something to piss another player off, with you the frustration will build, and build; and soon, very soon, someone with their finger on the big, red, eedjit-ejectabutton (t.m.) is going to turn around and say 'hold on, that prat's ruining the game for loads of fee paying gamers.. it's time to get rid of him!'

Rules of good conduct Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks intended to hurt another person will not be tolerated. Of course, we expect our members to express themselves using correct language. Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.

How much more evidence do you want to give us Sko? Keep it coming please, the case is building....

Penalties GOA reserves the right (at any time and without prior notice) to reduce access to or block an account temporarily or definitively if the user has not respected this Charter, has encouraged another user not to respect the Charter or has caused harm to the user community.

Ohhh, that'll be you then....

Act all cocky and arrogant for as long as you can Sko... meanwhile we'll all quite happily keep drawing attention to your actions, building up the case for 'The People versus Prat' and looking forward to the day it comes to court.



Dec 22, 2003
Like Eva said... this is getting old.

If you feel like he violated the CoC go to RightNow since they can help you.
We can't and since this thread will only lead to the same as the others i will close it aswell.
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