N3RF Zerkers



they're good...

its getting close to anything other than a tank is gimped nowadays


True but it's Mythic, Archers owned, nerfed, Casters owned, nerfed...hello mr melee char :p


Zerker with end regen is best class in the game.
Hero? what is that.


Im just glad mid doesnt have SoS :) zerker hitting me = press button that looks like speed song 5 but with black background :clap:


let me give a friendly advice to the hibs/albs here. When fighting zerkers, dex/quick debuff ISNT your friend ;)


Got to admit i've been getting owned by zerkers lately. But then against all mid melee classes i seem to die obcenely fast (that relic take had made it midds heaven).

Got to say though never been owned by a tank like zerkers are owning me lately 500+ dmg hits is bloody nasty but fair play.

Lets bloody get them relics back pls or just nerf all mids melee classes pls ;P


Gaenvan Telak RR3 lvl 50 merc


zerkers were balanced in rvr when mids didnt have end regen. simply because it was harder for them to actually engage their opponents and do that insane damage. now they can get directly onto anyone, stay on anyone, and murder all.

nerf nerf nerf :/


Humm i dunno its all pretty hypocritical so far of everyone who has posted to this thread

Rangers/scouts/hunters They had their day doing whatever they wanted when they wanted all day long. With almost zero trouble from sb's. I know as i was one of the handful of L50 sb's hunting the overpopualted archer class. They had the same stealth pretty much as us and most of the time i couldent be bothered to find them.....including u censi. They could solo extremly well then.....<patch>

censi starts bitching about how he cant solo so well any more and how his class is gimped and hes going to leave the game...

Ministrels the same, 10000 of people complaining about minstrels, they had it all and could solo in emain better than any other class.....they were still good for a while...

Then loads of stealtheres came on the seen 1 hit killing casters all day long and not breaking stealth. Casters starting to threathen to leave the game......

All of this time tanks are uber gimped and i mean useless...they sit there wave a sword then get ganked....

well its the tanks go atm so deal with it, and if you had any brains you would look at the bigger picture and see that mythic actually knows what its doing....keeping the money ticking in for all the new character being created and brought to L50, Keeping the product game life cycle going.

Cha-ching!! Were the only suckers :D


Originally posted by Novamir
zerkers were balanced in rvr when mids didnt have end regen. simply because it was harder for them to actually engage their opponents and do that insane damage. now they can get directly onto anyone, stay on anyone, and murder all.

nerf nerf nerf :/

I actually agree here, its the end regen thats the problem.
VERY few ppl bitched about zerks pre end-regen. They even beefed the dmg on LA (and nerfed dfrost) yet NO whines almost.
Then end-regen hits and whiners pop out of the woodwork.


Originally posted by Arnor2
let me give a friendly advice to the hibs/albs here. When fighting zerkers, dex/quick debuff ISNT your friend ;)

Bullshit.. pure bullshit hes trying to trick you... dex/quickness is the first debuff you should hit on a zerker (especially if you see me)... cos i will roll over and die instantly... its true etc..

also spd debuff if you really want to kill me fast, cos the rolling-thing got bleed dmg on it :(


Scouts were uber, but that is now about 1 year ago... Since that time they are crap in solo rvr.
Assasins are now approaching how they should be, except for SB's who are still sickingly uber.
Enchanters have been sick all this time with their castable stun and pbaoe, damage debuff, etc...
Mythic should have been able to provide a level playing field after 1 year of playing...
But yes, I keep renewing my subscription... so yes, I'm the sucker.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Rg.Miath

I know as i was one of the handful of L50 sb's hunting the overpopualted archer class.
Actually Excal was never overpopulated with archers and I could still probably remember most enemy archers from the top of my head ;/ (lvl 47-50 that is, back in the good days ;/)


Originally posted by Rg.Miath
Ministrels the same, 10000 of people complaining about minstrels, they had it all and could solo in emain better than any other class.....they were still good for a while...

^^ before mes/stun timers when u could dd dd mes x infinite ;o

find me a whine thread about a minst other than alpha ;) he singlehandedly got goa to nerf minstrels i reckon :D


Originally posted by sorusi
Bullshit.. pure bullshit hes trying to trick you... dex/quickness is the first debuff you should hit on a zerker (especially if you see me)... cos i will roll over and die instantly... its true etc..

also spd debuff if you really want to kill me fast, cos the rolling-thing got bleed dmg on it :(



TBH i love fighting zerkers, I just enjoy seeing if I can get them down before they rat and 2-3 hit kill me if im not buffed.

I dont think they should be nerfed, in fact I think there really quite balanced.


Ministrels the same, 10000 of people complaining about minstrels, they had it all and could solo in emain better than any other class.....they were still good for a while...
I think the people complaining must have been low level moaning at minstrels popping out of stealth at 105% speed and killing them easily. If they actually fought a level 50 with decent body and melee resist (like most people have now) they would struggle even against casters.
Snipers could kill casters in the middle of a full group, get away and stealth, rinse and repeat, that is why we have see hidden. If a minstrel makes a kill, he does it just like an assasin and its a lot harder to get away alive.
As for tanks they have always been pretty good, better items has made them even harder to kill, and now end regen for all realms has brought them to what they should be.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by sorusi
Bullshit.. pure bullshit hes trying to trick you... dex/quickness is the first debuff you should hit on a zerker (especially if you see me)... cos i will roll over and die instantly... its true etc..

also spd debuff if you really want to kill me fast, cos the rolling-thing got bleed dmg on it :(


get a str debuff on zerkers they almost hit like a pole arms then :rolleyes:


Originally posted by sorusi
Bullshit.. pure bullshit hes trying to trick you... dex/quickness is the first debuff you should hit on a zerker (especially if you see me)... cos i will roll over and die instantly... its true etc..

also spd debuff if you really want to kill me fast, cos the rolling-thing got bleed dmg on it :(

damn, busted again... she sees right through me :rolleyes:


slam them and get casters to nuke them not hard but yes we need our str relics back they hurt alot :eek:

- Fedaykin -

As a sorcerer i fear zerkers most simply because they and kill me in 1 hit Every time (heh like most classes do)

If i see a zerker look at me i almost start typing /release because i cant take more than 1000 damage at all never min in 1 hit :(

i'd like to see the mid view if all their casters got 1 shotted from a melee class


Well, soruzi hits level 50 heroes for 1300, so one shotting cloth casters ain't too hard:)


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
As a sorcerer i fear zerkers most simply because they and kill me in 1 hit Every time (heh like most classes do)

If i see a zerker look at me i almost start typing /release because i cant take more than 1000 damage at all never min in 1 hit :(

i'd like to see the mid view if all their casters got 1 shotted from a melee class

con buff, str/con fuff, af buff, spec af buff, necro absorb buff
and your problems are solved, you wont be killed in 1 hit anymore (but rather in 2 :p)


Originally posted by old.Leel
Well, soruzi hits level 50 heroes for 1300, so one shotting cloth casters ain't too hard:)

actually it is. heroes can MAX have 16%slash resist(pre-racial) while casters can have 26%(pre-racial)

Casters seldom get oneshot except if they got their shields down'

And like aussie says fedyakin: use armour. and dont say no to con buffs, absorb-buffs etc and for the LOVE OF GOD DONT LET YOUR SHIELDS DOWN

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