Mythic Mysteries 2 : Qbars and Qbind


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Beginners Only

Just thought I'd drop in a few notes on how to use the Quickbars and Quickbinds to make useful actions. Just 1 click and do away with typing stuff all the time. These are examples only, and only use QBar 1. (There are 2 others you can activate from Options). Also, to save alot of re-allocating keys, I'll bind some of the actions to a Ctrl+key press.​

From Options (or Keyboard Config, depending on your UI) make sure you have checked 'Use Ctrl as Modifier' - otherwise it's probably Mouse Look.​

1. Choose a QBar 1 Bank you don't currently use (eg. 7)​

2. The first 'slot' in this (square 1) is referred to as 7 1 1 (spaces between numbers)

7 = Bank# 1 = slot# 1 = Qbar#​

a. Simple Action

3. Let's put a macro for Quit in slot 7.10. Press Shift+7 to get QBar 1 Bank 7.​

4. Type /macro Quit /quit

/macro will add a grey square to your cursor
Quit = macro name
/quit = action (space before it)​

5. Drop the grey square on to slot 10.​

6. Press 0 and you should get the 'you are quitting' message. Stand up - you don't want to quit yet.​

7. Type /qbind 7 10 1 and press Enter

8. Next key pressed will be the bind.​

9. Press Ctrl+Q at the same time

Now each time you want to Quit, all you do is press Ctrl+Q

b. Potions etc

This time we do without the Ctrl key. From Options make sure the P key is clear - if necessary re-allocate its current action.​

1. Drag a Potion or Barrel to slot 1 eg.​

2. Type /qbind 7 1 1 [Enter]​

3. Press P.​

4. Press P again. You should get a message 'You cannot Fire or Use that Item'​

5. Now try E and P at the same time.​

c. Text in a Chat Channel

If you ever attend modded raids, there will come time when the Raid Leader will ask for Roll Call in the Battlegroup Chat Channel. This is how to do it automatically :​

1. Choose an empty slot - say 8 1 1​

2. Type /macro Main /bu Main:Your toon's name.​

The /bu puts the text into the BG but only if you're in a BG.

3. Drop it on to 8 1 1​

4. Type /qbind 8 1 1 [Enter]​

5. Press Ctrl+M​

6. Press Ctrl+M again and you'll get an error message if you're not in a BG.
If you want to test it, either make a BG or do it in Guild Channel (change the /bu in the macro to /gu)​

I find the following macros to be useful as key binds :​

Release House
Houseface <#>
Jump (from a boat = /disembark)
Random 100


There's lots more, but this was meant to be a simple intro. Have fun!​



Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
/qbinds really are useful.

Nothing new to me, but someone might find that useful.

I have quickcast on my space button. Impossible to miss hit it. ^^

(Damn, account closed)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
mercury said:
Potions etc
This time we do without the Ctrl key. From Options make sure the P key is clear - if necessary re-allocate its current action.​

1. Drag a Potion or Barrel to slot 1 eg.​

2. Type /qbind 7 1 1 [Enter]​

3. Press P.​

4. Press P again. You should get a message 'You cannot Fire or Use that Item'​

5. Now try E and P at the same time.​

I guess you have E binded as 'use' but nevermind. I just want to let you know that you can instead of drag the pot or barrel to the slot you can drag the effect to the slot instead. In this way you can skip the extra press on E (use)



Fledgling Freddie
May 28, 2005
Labbe said:
I guess you have E binded as 'use' but nevermind. I just want to let you know that you can instead of drag the pot or barrel to the slot you can drag the effect to the slot instead. In this way you can skip the extra press on E (use)


Oh labbe thanks!!!

I forgot that is possible. Thank you matey! That's way more easier than reach use buttons and then the item to use. Thanky spanky matey!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Labbe said:
I guess you have E binded as 'use' but nevermind. I just want to let you know that you can instead of drag the pot or barrel to the slot you can drag the effect to the slot instead. In this way you can skip the extra press on E (use)


This may be true if you have the Atlantis Skin, but if you use a custom UI (such as Derida's) I don't think you have that option.

However, there is another way to get to Use any barrel or potion with just one key press (so you don't need to press the E key first).

1. Your back-pack slots are numbered already as follows :

Bag 1 : 40 - 47
Bag 2 : 48 - 55
Bag 3 : 56 - 63
Bag 4 : 64 - 71
Bag 5 : 72 - 79

2. Let's say we have an Underwater Breathing Potion in the last slot in bag 4 (slot 71).

3. Make a macro by typing /macro UWB /use 5 71 and dropping it into a qbar slot, say : Bank 7 Slot 5 of QBar 1

4. Type Qbind 7 5 1 and press Enter

5. Bind the macro to Key B by now pressing B. (You may need to clear key B first from Options/ Keybd Config).

6. Now when you need breath quickly, pressing B will give it you.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
mercury said:
This may be true if you have the Atlantis Skin, but if you use a custom UI (such as Derida's) I don't think you have that option.

There is a fix for Derida's that makes it work.

I tried to find a link but pretty much every site with it on is blocked at work.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
I'll add another little macro tip :)

Making a Master assist Macro:

This really comes in handy if you work with an /assist marco and run with different groups.
Normally you have to retype the macro with the new name you are assisting.

Use this macro:
/macro Master /macro Assist /assist %t

/macro means you want to make the macro
Master is the name of your new mastermacro
the second /macro says that your new made macro is yet another macro
Assist will be the name of your 2nd assist macro
/assist gives the 2nd macro you make an /assist function
%t with %t you take the name of something you target

So you place this master macro on your quickbar. You target the main assist, say the cabalist in your group. You press the macro and get the 2nd macro with /assist XXX, where XXX is the name of the cabalist you have targetted.
Now put this macro on your quickbar and have fun ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
mercury said:
This may be true if you have the Atlantis Skin, but if you use a custom UI (such as Derida's) I don't think you have that option.

However, there is another way to get to Use any barrel or potion with just one key press (so you don't need to press the E key first).

1. Your back-pack slots are numbered already as follows :

Bag 1 : 40 - 47
Bag 2 : 48 - 55
Bag 3 : 56 - 63
Bag 4 : 64 - 71
Bag 5 : 72 - 79

2. Let's say we have an Underwater Breathing Potion in the last slot in bag 4 (slot 71).

3. Make a macro by typing /macro UWB /use 5 71 and dropping it into a qbar slot, say : Bank 7 Slot 5 of QBar 1

4. Type Qbind 7 5 1 and press Enter

5. Bind the macro to Key B by now pressing B. (You may need to clear key B first from Options/ Keybd Config).

6. Now when you need breath quickly, pressing B will give it you.


You can log onto the atlantis UI put the effects you want onto the quickbars, artis etc, then log back onto deridas and they will still be there and work. iirc.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Anyone got a link to Vodkafairys thread where it shows all the macros you can make to use arti charges etc?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
N1 ideas guys. Keep em coming...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2006
Himse said:
Anyone got a link to Vodkafairys thread where it shows all the macros you can make to use arti charges etc?

/macro xx /use 5 **
/macro xx /use2 5 **
replace xx with the name you want to give the macro (obviously), and replace ** with the digits that represent the slot you want to use.
0 = right hand
1 = left hand
2 = two-handed
3 = ranged weapon
10 = helm
11 = hands
12 = boots
13 = jewel
14 = vest
15 = cloak
16 = legs
17 = arms
18 = necklace
21 = belt
22 = left bracer
23 = right bracer
24 = left ring
25 = right ring
40-79 = inventory slots

so for example, you want a macro that directly uses a barrel of power (in your first inv slot):
/macro barrel /use 5 40

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