My usual gripe



I was round a mates place tonight , he was playing on BW ctf base server from about 6:30 pm , for the 2 hours that he was on line , I saw some of the most onesided games I have ever seen . Typically there was 8 tagged players on one side and 2 on the other . A few tagged players would straggle on one at a time into the losing team them after trying for a bit , give up and leave . Unfortunately my mate doesnt use a joystick so I couldnt give a hand . As an example dangerous crossing lasted 3 minutes 31 seconds .

I must stress this wasnt 1 or 2 games this happened for about 2 hours solid at which point I took some screenshots . here are the scores taken just before the end of the game on broadside .

Pamberi ne hondo Blood Eagle 15
Darth Vader Blood Eagle 7
Eradict Blood Eagle 1
[EmOmD] Squeek Blood Eagle -1
Trapper Blood Eagle -2

|OC|Fusion Diamond Sword 57
.:]Ark[:. Diamond Sword 33
Balle Diamond Sword 28
[Bam] mac Diamond Sword 26
[Wtc]Silver Diamond Sword 22
Hexen-NI Diamond Sword 2
[Bam]Gadget Diamond Sword 2
Kerry King Diamond Sword 2
Kellr Diamond Sword 0

Says it all really

If anyone wants the screenie find me in #hhtribe and I will happily send it .


I had the joy of being on the shit side for a couple of games.
I managed to draw it out a bit by getting thier flag and hiding.
Then it went on to scarabrae, and unsurprisingly quite a few of them left because it wasn't a muppet run for an easy five point flag cap.
One guy S=A player, cant remember the name was sooo lame that he was actually bragging about getting half of the caps in one totally pointless game.
I bet he plays offline on a server of his own, wins 8-0 and says to himself 'god i rock'



Yes this is pretty worrying Rhoadie. A while back I spent ages on the team that consistently lost badly. I said to ppl that the teams were hopelessly unbalanced, everyone ignored me, I even stuck with my team hoping that the teams would right themselves. After about 2 hours of this I got sick of it so I left. I'm not usually that patient


The quality of games on UK servers is abysmal! Playing tribes on UK public servers is about as much fun as being stabbed.

[This message has been edited by zach (edited 11 January 2000).]


Hi all,
Just something about unfair teams.
I was on BW C&H today and as the teams were unfair (in my favour) I went to change. However as the other team had 1 more player the only options I got were to change to my own team!! or select automatic or observer. Not seeing the other team listed i tried automatic a few times none of which ended me on the other team. Is this a fault of the server or one of my config? Any help would b gratefully appreciated.



taBoo, it's part of the BW Admin mod. The option is called "No llama team swaps", ie you can't change to a team that is larger than your own.

BTW, we had some cracking games today, both teams had an even number of badged players, so it was fun and close.


It was Broadside.
I think we did you a favour finishing the map as quickly as possible and moving it on to another one.

You should be thanking us


Well that was very kind and thoughtful of you .

But please do tell me why this had happened continously for 2 hours , were u hoping that someone would get bored and quickly create a new level , slipping it into the map rotation ?


I think the S=A guy was taking the piss. I would treat his comments with kid gloves.

The problem with balance is that there is very little you can do about it when both teams have equal numbers of players. The fact that people constantly drop and join the server makes things even more difficult.

I played on the D&D server recently just for shere curiositiy. Sadly the games are even more farcicle then the CTF games these days, lasting a mere 2 minutes in duration on average. The server also seemed to be full of non-skiing newbie players which makes things even easier for experienced players.

I don't think people leave the server because they dislike that they can't cap on scarabrae on their own, more a case of the map being a slow defensive bore. Problem with these stupid defensive maps is that if the entire team goes defensive you are very much screwed.

But alas, public server games were never meant to be organised affairs were they?


The way I see it was that I was assigned to the diamond sword team when I joined the server so I ought to stay there.

I cannot be held responsible if 1/2 the other team decides to bugger off 1/2 way through a map. Nor can I be held responsible if I join a server and get assigned to a good team and if I swapped teams that would make it uneven as that team would have more players then the other team I was originally on and so forth.

There was a lot of inexperienced players on my team anyway, you just have to look at those scores you posted to realise that.

As for those people dropping on scarabrae, those are the sensible ones.


With how bad the teams were they ought to have been able to cap on Scara tho, esp that S=A guy who was obviously one of the best players in the world being able to get half the caps (joke btw).
I normally hate scara but the teams were so gay I actually welcomed it for once.


I reckon that the time that you play your games on the BW servers should be taken into account.

You were saying that this 2 hour stretch was in the evening at about 6.30pm onwards? Reading through the postings to this topic, I remembered a 90 minute stretch that I played last night on the BW D&D server. The time was about 3.00am to 4.30am. You would find that people were quite happy to change side to not only balance up unequal numbers on teams, but also to balance up the lavel of experience for each side.
It was fair to say that the opposite team didn't have a clue what to destroy on the maps, so I went onto their team and pointed out what structures to blow up and what have you. It was still unbalanced, but more enjoyable for everyone (I hope).

(One player in particular, Beowulf, was the very image of good sportsmanship. I just wanted to mention that as well!)

Time that games are played is a factor. It just seems a shame that you have to be an insomniac to get some of the best cracking games you can play outside of league matches.

<LI>[SS-04] Zenith
<LI>Ranger to the 4th Element of StarSlayer Tribe


I hear what you're saying Fusion. It's not a case of organisation, more a case of what is generally considered "fair play". If some people want to stomp over a load of newbies, then who are we to tell them otherwise. If you want to take the time out and help those same newbies, then you may well have someone who shows more interest in the game itself for a longer time.

<LI>[SS-04] Zenith
<LI>Ranger to the 4th Element of StarSlayer Tribe


From looking at Rhoadie's list, Fusion was helping a load of newbies.

- Zach


Lets look at this logically , both zach and fusion have claimed that the team of fusions was full of newbies. thats not the way i saw it .

First we have 5 people whos score indicates they were on the base raping Offence .

|OC|Fusion Diamond Sword 57
.:]Ark[:. Diamond Sword 33
Balle Diamond Sword 28
[Bam] mac Diamond Sword 26
[Wtc]Silver Diamond Sword 22

Ark and Balle are the only names unfamiliar to me and by their scores I wouldnt say they were newbies .

Then we have the 4 lower scores .

Hexen-NI Diamond Sword 2
[Bam]Gadget Diamond Sword 2
Kerry King Diamond Sword 2
Kellr Diamond Sword 0

Hexen and Gadget are familiar names , I wouldnt call them newbies. Low scores possibly indicate that they were defence and didnt get kills because the other team couldnt get out their base.

That leaves Kerry King and Kellr , names unfamiliar to me . If we assume that they are newbies then this indicates the team was 7 expierenced players and 2 newbies .

Now we look at the scores on the other team .

Pamberi ne hondo Blood Eagle 15
Darth Vader Blood Eagle 7
Eradict Blood Eagle 1
[EmOmD] Squeek Blood Eagle -1
Trapper Blood Eagle -2

I would think it fair to conclude that the top 2 scorers arent newbies . I would assume froms Squeek`s tag that he isnt a newbie ( possibly just joined game). Eradict and Trapper are unfamiliar names and like the DS team lets assume them to be newbies.

So to me the teams look like 7 experienced+2 newbies versus 2/3 experienced +2 newbies .( I say 2/3 seeing as one probably wasnt there long ).

Fair teams ?? personally I think not .


The team numbers were even to begin with so this is all highly irrelevant,
they only started to get messed up once certain individuals on the other team concluded that they were being outplayed and chose to quit the server, and this was towards the end of the game.


Well, Once upon a time I attempted to even up the teams as much as possible, but I don't bother any more for 3 reasons.

1. Nobody else does. Which means that if you are initially in a team that is doing well and decide to switch sides toa crap team you will end up getting slaughtered, and what fun is a game thats impossible to win?

2. There is the clan issue of whether or not people of the same clan go out of their way to play on the same team. On this point I do encourage this behaviour as I want
-=IG=- to improve, however I'm not going to force people to go into the same side, they seem to do it willingly.

3. Thirdly, the choice between being in a team where there are a ton of well known players, with remote turrets set up, mines placed etc, or being in a team with the gens trashed and people queing up to take their flag. Its an easy decision to make.

Finally, I'd also like to point out before I get piles of abuse from all quarters is that -=IG=- are doing a lot more now for newbies than almost all other clans as with th creation of a reserve side which is deliberately intended to train up "newbies" will hopefully benefit the game in the few months to come before Tribes 2, and perhaps we can succeed in keeping a few people playing the game that might otherwise have given up long ago.

[This message has been edited by NicenGood (edited 16 January 2000).]

[This message has been edited by NicenGood (edited 16 January 2000).]


Well, personally, unless theres a pretty even spread of badged or 'named' players on each side, ill swop over if i get the chance... mebby im just some kinda national hero (lol), or mebby cos i find it a lot more fun, and a lot more rewarding, capping a flag against a good team. Public games are the only time i get to play offence anyway, an I like to make the most of it
Mind u, its totally up to the individual how they wana play the game, and ive seen plenty of what look like pretty evenly matched public games that last no time at all, simply cos 1 team had a couple of class cappers. Constant owning of newbies tho, is a bit sad.

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