I was round a mates place tonight , he was playing on BW ctf base server from about 6:30 pm , for the 2 hours that he was on line , I saw some of the most onesided games I have ever seen . Typically there was 8 tagged players on one side and 2 on the other . A few tagged players would straggle on one at a time into the losing team them after trying for a bit , give up and leave . Unfortunately my mate doesnt use a joystick so I couldnt give a hand . As an example dangerous crossing lasted 3 minutes 31 seconds .
I must stress this wasnt 1 or 2 games this happened for about 2 hours solid at which point I took some screenshots . here are the scores taken just before the end of the game on broadside .
Pamberi ne hondo Blood Eagle 15
Darth Vader Blood Eagle 7
Eradict Blood Eagle 1
[EmOmD] Squeek Blood Eagle -1
Trapper Blood Eagle -2
|OC|Fusion Diamond Sword 57
.:]Ark[:. Diamond Sword 33
Balle Diamond Sword 28
[Bam] mac Diamond Sword 26
[Wtc]Silver Diamond Sword 22
Hexen-NI Diamond Sword 2
[Bam]Gadget Diamond Sword 2
Kerry King Diamond Sword 2
Kellr Diamond Sword 0
Says it all really
If anyone wants the screenie find me in #hhtribe and I will happily send it .
I must stress this wasnt 1 or 2 games this happened for about 2 hours solid at which point I took some screenshots . here are the scores taken just before the end of the game on broadside .
Pamberi ne hondo Blood Eagle 15
Darth Vader Blood Eagle 7
Eradict Blood Eagle 1
[EmOmD] Squeek Blood Eagle -1
Trapper Blood Eagle -2
|OC|Fusion Diamond Sword 57
.:]Ark[:. Diamond Sword 33
Balle Diamond Sword 28
[Bam] mac Diamond Sword 26
[Wtc]Silver Diamond Sword 22
Hexen-NI Diamond Sword 2
[Bam]Gadget Diamond Sword 2
Kerry King Diamond Sword 2
Kellr Diamond Sword 0
Says it all really
If anyone wants the screenie find me in #hhtribe and I will happily send it .