My Little Grumble . . .



'tuther day I was playing on a public server ( freeuk ) with 3 other players for about 30 mins & then suddenly we had a dozen or so spectators, these spectators then voted an admin in & kicked us all off !

I reconnected to have a go at the cheeky blighters & recieved grief for doing so, they kicked me again & I reconnected.

These "players" were from {_X_} & [Hg] & claimed they needed the server for clan practice. When I suggested that maybe they ask before kicking everyone off I was hit with a torent of abuse especially from {_X_}Soulreaver. The only player who seemed to get my drift was REGAN & he was very apologetic.

Am I the only person who thinks this is a shit thing to do ? After all lots of gaming sites provide servers for practice.

Is there somewhere or someone that I should inform about this sort of behaviour ? Do either of these so called clans play in the savage leagues ?

I play Q2 for fun ! But I don't want my fun spoilt by some arogant 'holes who believe that because they are "clanned" they are in some way superior to me or any other "fun" players.

your response is welcomed, especially if you are aphilliated with {_X_} or [Hg]



ICQ the people responsible for the servers and have them shut it down. Can't think of a better way other than bring down server temporarily. These people may go oneto that server on a regular basis.

I've heard the name SoulReaver 3 times now. One of them is french and the other was at ScotLan (annoying person).


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