My lists of grievences



1.) Very little RvR going on. What little there is mainly comes from guild groups. So if you arnt in a guild that rvr's a lot... you are screwed. If you want to join one, you better be rr5+.... only problem is, you are lucky to get to rr4 with the amount/quality of these random groups.

3 bards lfg.... i could wait an hour or to and get a group that will break up first time we die... or just run out solo even thou i know i couldnt kill a thing...

*runs out solo*

2.) Focus pulling sucks. End of story. Sure nice and fast.... but you try being a lvl 29 bm and everyday the choice boils down to soloing or crafting everyday. And its not like i dont try to get groups.

/who 26 32..... pm about 6 of those people asking if they in group and can i join.... most common responce.

Sorry, focus pulling, we are fine.

so ya! i can lvl a healer, or a mage.... but focus pulling is so boring. Oh there goes the pet..... *hit heal button* or *hit pb button* OMFG! excitment!!!!

oh so whose all getting lvled? Healers and mages. I dont know where the druids all go cause i cn never find one when I need one in a group. But I can remember several time with me, one tank, 2 casters in group, and 4 or 5 pb mages sitting out..... lfg

3.) Ok RvR mainstream out.... Leveling out.... let go to BGs!!!

My Nightshade yurmom, fully SCed, no buffbot always soloed. Oh see an Infil! PA.... 4 baf. I die. Oh see a SB! same thing.... no one else solos. And if you do get in a duel with someone, it is almost guarenteed that one realm is going to run by and se these two people dueling and wet themselves from the 1 RP they can get and butcher the other realm.


4.) So i guess I'm left to crafting... only problem is many people know I'm a crafter and I get 3 PMs a minute "can you make me armour" or "can you SC this"

so you end up driving yourself mad filling these orders. And when you are left alone you hit a button, go run 3 miles, eat dinner, then come back just in time to hear the cymbol crash meaning you've failed the product.... and if you do make, well then you just have to do it 20 more times before you ding in your trade skill!


so what so good about this game? Why do I play it?

the people that i know and are friends with...

feck paying 7£ a mouth, MSN is free



if ur that pissed off with daoc which i am nearly getting there myself then just leave and concentrate on rl


Originally posted by barevoose
if ur that pissed off with daoc which i am nearly getting there myself then just leave and concentrate on rl

thats why i said /quit


Join BoH - I assure you that u will find all that you need and a welcome mat at the door :)


Originally posted by cercela
1.) Very little RvR going on. What little there is mainly comes from guild groups. So if you arnt in a guild that rvr's a lot... you are screwed. If you want to join one, you better be rr5+.... only problem is, you are lucky to get to rr4 with the amount/quality of these random groups.

3 bards lfg.... i could wait an hour or to and get a group that will break up first time we die... or just run out solo even thou i know i couldnt kill a thing...

*runs out solo*

2.) Focus pulling sucks. End of story. Sure nice and fast.... but you try being a lvl 29 bm and everyday the choice boils down to soloing or crafting everyday. And its not like i dont try to get groups.

/who 26 32..... pm about 6 of those people asking if they in group and can i join.... most common responce.

Sorry, focus pulling, we are fine.

so ya! i can lvl a healer, or a mage.... but focus pulling is so boring. Oh there goes the pet..... *hit heal button* or *hit pb button* OMFG! excitment!!!!

oh so whose all getting lvled? Healers and mages. I dont know where the druids all go cause i cn never find one when I need one in a group. But I can remember several time with me, one tank, 2 casters in group, and 4 or 5 pb mages sitting out..... lfg

3.) Ok RvR mainstream out.... Leveling out.... let go to BGs!!!

My Nightshade yurmom, fully SCed, no buffbot always soloed. Oh see an Infil! PA.... 4 baf. I die. Oh see a SB! same thing.... no one else solos. And if you do get in a duel with someone, it is almost guarenteed that one realm is going to run by and se these two people dueling and wet themselves from the 1 RP they can get and butcher the other realm.


4.) So i guess I'm left to crafting... only problem is many people know I'm a crafter and I get 3 PMs a minute "can you make me armour" or "can you SC this"

so you end up driving yourself mad filling these orders. And when you are left alone you hit a button, go run 3 miles, eat dinner, then come back just in time to hear the cymbol crash meaning you've failed the product.... and if you do make, well then you just have to do it 20 more times before you ding in your trade skill!


so what so good about this game? Why do I play it?

the people that i know and are friends with...

feck paying 7£ a mouth, MSN is free


that is so true :) most of the reason why i left too

p.s i suggest you try out second life ;) hehe


Come back Squal :(

Cerc - There are plenty of smaller guilds who`ll more than likely take you in.

You already got an offer from BoH and im sure there are plenty more.

Either that or let us start a stealth rampage in emain xD


i agree with you on that 1... and the focus group things is F**KED imo....

crafting.. boring :sleeping:
lvling.. hard if you dont have a caster or healer. :puke:
RvR.. impossibel unless your RR5 or have a guild group, and the Random groups is crap since people dont know how each other plays like you do in a Guild RvR group. :(
BG .. DING!!! got PA'ed by 7 Infils and 9 SBs.. fun.. NOT!.. :rolleyes:

what i miss the most on hib atm is the REGULAR XP groups that everyone have nearly forgot, and the newcomers dont know about them.. the good old days where we had 3 tanks, 2 pbae ( or even longer back then where hibs dident know what PBAE was :D ) a warden, a druid and a bard perfect setup and its more fun and is ( if you do the right spots ) faster than focus....


depnds on who you are, how ppl play their game, and what spwan your at.. "yay i can pull the whole spawn at once" < -- good for you imo, then you have to wait for it all to repop and your mana to be full before going agian.. and that can take a while :x


This is a game and it follows that people want to play the game - not sit around.

Most of us who play daoc also have or still play many other games, most of which are fast paced. That is why a lot of us prefer rvr above all else.

It comes as no surprise therefore that people enjoy chain pulling in a tank group - with the right setup there is little downtime and its a sport that all classes can participate in.

That is what I expect from a classic game - maybe mythic dont.


focus i getting nerfed in 1.65 so just wait abit

dunno about ns in bg but i solod fg albs in bg0 whit manachanter,capped bard in 1 day in bg1,capped druid in 2days in bg1(albs where zerging):p

crafting hmm i toke me 6 months to get 800 on ac yes it sucks u will get bored after 5min

about RvR hmm make random grp in odin u can make some rps there not mutch but still smth


focus nerf wont help imo - peeps will still pull about 20 yellows if they can!


Originally posted by old.Zuljin
i agree with you on that 1... and the focus group things is F**KED imo....

crafting.. boring :sleeping:
lvling.. hard if you dont have a caster or healer. :puke:
RvR.. impossibel unless your RR5 or have a guild group, and the Random groups is crap since people dont know how each other plays like you do in a Guild RvR group. :(
BG .. DING!!! got PA'ed by 7 Infils and 9 SBs.. fun.. NOT!.. :rolleyes:

what i miss the most on hib atm is the REGULAR XP groups that everyone have nearly forgot, and the newcomers dont know about them.. the good old days where we had 3 tanks, 2 pbae ( or even longer back then where hibs dident know what PBAE was :D ) a warden, a druid and a bard perfect setup and its more fun and is ( if you do the right spots ) faster than focus....

More fun, yeah - unless you weren't a PBAoE mage, tank, warden bard or druid, and b4 pbaoe all mages were ignored. Fact is, FP is just the new form of 'if you're not xyz, f*** off, we don't want you", and before FP a voidie, ment, or stealther had no place in xp groups.

Not changed, only the classes have.

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