my last words



only thing is i can already see class imbalances like casters being able to stealth....... :| nerf


Haha yeah I saw that too, stealth fireball stealth.... uh oh, has Daoc ruined us all?


dunno, but as far as i know, i started off the XXX is overpowered debate for wow, woopie :p

lets blame it on savages?


I think this one is the most stupid thread of the year.


Re: Well ...

I heard the other night that someone ran a RR5 only Sidi raid. Well to be honest if that's the way the game is going then it will die very fast when a true alternative appears on the shelves.

Actually the product life cycle works very well. Elitism wont last forever because of all the veterans leaving. Thankfully for every veteran gone a newbie shall replace them, eventually become a veteran too.

The whole elitism attitude is disturbingly close to Hitler's ideals...

I agree with everything you said m8. 6 months time any1 under rr5 will be lucky to get in an rvr grp, i heard a disturbing thing a few weeks ago about one of the well known alb guilds omitting all cloth wearers from their guild rvr groups.

What a load of rubbish. All of it. I heard this, blah whine blah. If you don't have anything to whine about, you make shit up. I would love to hear who ran a rr5+ sidi raid, which guild is excluding all cloth wearers and how hitler's ideals fit into a computer game. Elitist are ruining things? No. Whiny ppl who make up total bs to whine more about might be tho.

As for lvling... yes it's not the same :( But I am afraid that that is how things go when GOA aren't marketing the game so there is few new ppl. I leveled my new char to 20 w/o /level, and I met some nice new people who weren't "noobs" along the way. But... if I can get pl then I would take it cause I did the lvl grind before and it's not my thing :(


Re: Re: Well ...

Originally posted by Asha

What a load of rubbish. All of it. I heard this, blah whine blah. If you don't have anything to whine about, you make shit up. I would love to hear who ran a rr5+ sidi raid, which guild is excluding all cloth wearers and how hitler's ideals fit into a computer game. Elitist are ruining things? No. Whiny ppl who make up total bs to whine more about might be tho.

As for lvling... yes it's not the same :( But I am afraid that that is how things go when GOA aren't marketing the game so there is few new ppl. I leveled my new char to 20 w/o /level, and I met some nice new people who weren't "noobs" along the way. But... if I can get pl then I would take it cause I did the lvl grind before and it's not my thing :( [/B]

The whole elitist attitude is that if you're not level 50, you're not a person, or worth anything... Hitler viewed the world as if you're not Aryan, you're not a person, or worth anything... see the link? I know it might scare you but live with it, there are some utter bastards in this game who would probably have joined the Nazis if given the chance. And as far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't see that elitists ruin things for others are elitists themselves, or just haven't experienced this yet. But, I assure you, you will...

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Sadireh
So 2,434 level 50's and a total of 16,245 characters. If you consider on average most players have 6 total characters. That would mean 2,708 players roughly. That leaves 274 people without a level 50. Now granted this is based only on characters in guilds, and im sure there are more low levels not in guilds than level 50's. So given the benefit of the doubt lets say... 1 in 3 has a level 50. This is the first time ive bothered to look, so bring me up to speed if there is a place I can go to get more accurate numbers.

You forgot to factor in the fact that some of the characters on Excal are off people with lvl 50's on other servers ie Prydwen :m00:

Wonder where the edit button is :confused:


I dont care the reasonings or if they play elsewhere to, im just showing you the numbers as to totals and 50's. Wouldnt surprise me if people have 50's on multiple servers though now that you mention it.


Stupidest thread of the year? FFS let this guy make his peace with the game and go. Why is saying goodbye something that causes an uproar?


wasn't his thread that is stupid but the lame responses


Originally posted by Asha
wasn't his thread that is stupid but the lame responses

No.. was the Thread and the responses :)

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