my last words



Well this is SB signing out for good the stress and strians of life in DAOC has finaly taken its toll on me and i feel that the spirt that was once in the game has gone for good.

I rember when it first came out and lvl 15+ was aloud on relic raids personally i went as my lvl 9 infil and had a whale of a time but now sadly it has got to the point were only lvl 50s can do anything!!!

only lvl 50s can random for drops only lvl 50s can get grps in rvr unless yer in a guild grp or are very lucky!. and in some cases only lvl 50s to join a guild ;/

and now i feel the game is going to get worse droping to only rrX can get a grp etc etc

its all very well adding restrictions but with every restrican thats added fun is taken away from someone.

(and its even got to there point of guild colors that look simialr become a big problem bleh!!!!)

plz dont think i am just here to whinge before i disapear into the darkness never to be seen again ( that anyone knows of at least)
i am simply just saying how i think the game has become unplayable and i feel sorry for the newbies just starting the long and winding road to lvl 50..

I wish you all a long and happy gaming life and hopefully we shall all x paths again soon enough..

This is SB signing off


if u cant be bothered to lvl past 20 its not our fault


Actually the product life cycle works very well. Elitism wont last forever because of all the veterans leaving. Thankfully for every veteran gone a newbie shall replace them, eventually become a veteran too.

Anyway, cya and hope you have fun in whatever you play next. You'll undoubtably be back in the future though. I never thought id come back until i realised that DaoC is as good as it gets. At least atm anyway.


level to 50, get a bb, have a good time ;) thats what i did :D

Molten Lava

Originally posted by shadowblades
i am simply just saying how i think the game has become unplayable and i feel sorry for the newbies just starting the long and winding road to lvl 50..

We got a 'fresh' started guy that was sad to see there was 0 albs in Abermenai...the big RvR-place he heard about :( kinda sad...


Well ...

Originally posted by AbPoon
PL him then

Kind of missing the point really?

I took a break, no intention of coming back, but missed the "interaction" the game brings. Therefore, I play a little now, but not like I used too.

I have five level 50's, and so could stand on the elitist ground, but I agree with SB really.

The most fun I had was levelling through Mithra, Salisbury Plains, Keltoi, Tepoks, Dartmoor etc.... the new guys, when power levelled, miss that part, which would be a shame. After all the game is not just about level 50 and RvR and elitist highly exclusive "hunts".

I heard the other night that someone ran a RR5 only Sidi raid. Well to be honest if that's the way the game is going then it will die very fast when a true alternative appears on the shelves.

I have been some fun with my /level guys. Keltoi is used again, and it gives a chance for us "old timers" to lend a hand to the guys who have dragged themselves to level 20 the traditional route. However, I even find people calling such players "noobs" which I find amazing as they are noobs, as we all were once, and these vets should have more respect and tolerance.

I have been playing my Scout Saruh(I know, why make a gimped scout) in Thridanki, and it's been fun. Battles have been on going for hours, as opposed to the usual zerg in big boys RvR.

I didn't mean to ramble on like this :rolleyes:



Its a shame :(, All it is these days is about how ya specced! And who ya know! Wheres the fun? Wheres the love :( I blame Mythic for screwing with the classes :( And the whiners for making em do it! I say nerf em all and jus have armsman, Warriors and Guardians :spin: j/k, I can see where your comming from though :)


Re: Well ...

Originally posted by old.Ashgen
Kind of missing the point really?

I took a break, no intention of coming back, but missed the "interaction" the game brings. Therefore, I play a little now, but not like I used too.

I have five level 50's, and so could stand on the elitist ground, but I agree with SB really.

The most fun I had was levelling through Mithra, Salisbury Plains, Keltoi, Tepoks, Dartmoor etc.... the new guys, when power levelled, miss that part, which would be a shame. After all the game is not just about level 50 and RvR and elitist highly exclusive "hunts".

I heard the other night that someone ran a RR5 only Sidi raid. Well to be honest if that's the way the game is going then it will die very fast when a true alternative appears on the shelves.

kinda sums up my point i did the same


do a rollback to the time when ud hear "lvl 12 lfg" at west downs and do /who out of disbelief to make sure theyre not lying? hm


Originally posted by -fwapp-
do a rollback to the time when ud hear "lvl 12 lfg" at west downs and do /who out of disbelief to make sure theyre not lying? hm

Read this and mad me smile... Long time back as aN00b i remember grouping with Linkblack, Bodezalpha (Quit and tring other realms) Tulan and myself... all lvl 10 ish and it was great fun friendships formed and to think we had a healers / rezzer in our group.. to see a small wipe out and a purple con tank in plate come a rez us on his way to barrows.. the old days was fun..


making me sad remembering how all the old times have gone :( Do kinda agre that the whole exp thing is completely gone upto lvl 40. AC is good but not great, RvR is well.......either you spend the time or you don't go anywhere


Couldnt agree more. My first day playing i didnt even kill much. I killed a few ants in humberton then went exploring. All the way to snowdonia on foot to be killed by a snake a matter of 50 yards from the fortress :D
A cleric came past and rezzed me of course, and after that i was hooked :)
I dont think i broke level 4 for 10 days :)

Good times for sure. I still love the music in Humberton :)


The whole elitism attitude is disturbingly close to Hitler's ideals...


I agree with everything you said m8. 6 months time any1 under rr5 will be lucky to get in an rvr grp, i heard a disturbing thing a few weeks ago about one of the well known alb guilds omitting all cloth wearers from their guild rvr groups.


and then theres the basic thng that u used to be able to put getting killed in rvr down to level difference, now however if ur 50 and killed by a better opponent uve got nothing to blame it on but buffbots, zergs and fotm abuse


So has anyone decided what game they are going to next? If so, what?


This is going way back, but I remember the old days of going places for drops. Staying in Keltoi looking for a forester ring etc. Does anyone really pick up drops anymore? When SC'ing first came out I thought it would get nerfed rather quickly. I like the idea of making good items to accentuate an already good collection of drops, but I had no idea that it would all just become spellcrafting every single item. When making jewelry is out its gonna be even worse. And I gotta say I feel sorry for the people from levels 1-19. Now that everyone is level 20 I wonder if they have groups at all. It must really be a pain to get to 20 unless your getting PL'ed, but thats not very fun anyway. And as for that guys comment about if you cant level past 20 its not our fault. Do you realize how many 50's there are? Everyone and their mother has a level 50. I don't think its all that rare anymore. But I guess this all comes down to why people play the game. Some like the idea of building a character and actually enjoy pve in some areas. And others are here for rvr, neither is right or wrong just different. So its pretty obvious why even something as small as saying goodbye becomes an argument.


2434 level 50's in Albion Excal at last count.


So 2,434 level 50's and a total of 16,245 characters. If you consider on average most players have 6 total characters. That would mean 2,708 players roughly. That leaves 274 people without a level 50. Now granted this is based only on characters in guilds, and im sure there are more low levels not in guilds than level 50's. So given the benefit of the doubt lets say... 1 in 3 has a level 50. This is the first time ive bothered to look, so bring me up to speed if there is a place I can go to get more accurate numbers.


I wonder...if I spammed here, would Tilda still delete this post? Or just move it to Off-topic...:D


Originally posted by Sadireh
So has anyone decided what game they are going to next? If so, what?

definitely World of WC, still about a year to go so should pick up when daoc is pretty much dead when u can craft any item, negating drop hunts, and the interesting character balancing gets a bit too much :)


Yeah ive been looking into alot of games recently, WoW looks a little bit too animated, although im sure they will put alot of effort into the game so even if at first its not the best and building up your character seems fruitless, im sure it will still be fun to play. Besides they can always add that other stuff. Only thing that concerns me is the community of WoW. No offense to the younger crowd, I do realize games are marketed more for the younger players than say, me. But I wonder if that will ruin its appeal.

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