My Kingdom



What are your guys opinions on this one?

I personally think it's a great adaptation of.. a story I've never read, and actually one of the better Shakespeare adaptations out there (much better than Romeo & Juliet with Leo. De Crapio)

Listed as "one of the last great films of his (Ricard Harris') career. I'd agree so much.
Very well acted, maybe direction was tense (although maybe he could work on his camera angles a little imo) and a very good backdrop to it all.

Script was fantastic, taking a story like that and bringing the script into such a new age, making it stand out on it's own and still live up to the quality of the original is a very hard task (trust me, I can't do it)

I think overall I'd give it a 89% I think. Very good, still room for improvement in some areas.

your thoughts?

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