
Reading another thread talking about the ole spectrum I thought I would recount my years as a gamer:

Game and Watch - Chef, Octopuss and Eggs - use to charge 5p per game to me schoolmates;

The ole Speccy 48k - Sir Clive should have been knighted (oops, he was:))

Me trusty Commodore 64 - best graphics in the world. More blisters playing Summer Games, Pitstop 2,Impossible Mission and Paradoid than any moderm game could ever give me.

Atari ST 520. Ermmm, I remember Starglider's intro sample made my jaw drop. Oh and the Pawn and Guild of Theives with their high res piccies were a sight to behold. Carrier Command was another one - luverly game. Oh, and let's not forget Xenon 2. I pulled my missus with that game!:) (but that's another story.)

Commodore Amiga wos that game? - the one with the jousting and catapults - made by Cinemaware. Anyway, it was brilliant.

The Megadrive - Thunderforce 3 and Herzog Zwei (this was my first proper RTS), amongst others. Super Monaco GP was brill. MD had loads of ace shoot-em-ups.

SNES Streetfighter 2 was the reason I bought a SNES. I actually forked out £115 for the Jap Cart with adapter! But games like MarioKart and Super Mario really made these pleasant gaming years.

MY FIRST PC! - from Tiny Computers - a 486DX250 with 16 Megs ram. - it was enuff for Doom 1 and 2, and Dune 2 (provided I used a boot disk :().

Then it went onto a P166 (with CD Rom!!!) and Voodoo 1 card. Quake 1 and 2 were fab. Went online to play Q2 for the first time on BW servers.

Then had P550 with Voodoo 3 for a bit. Played Counterstrike!!!!

Now, Athlon 900 with GeForce2 GTS AND ADSL - whoopeee!

Oh, I almost forgot, I had a PSX since initial UK launch and a DC as well....but they are gathering dust.


Originally posted by Ono

Me trusty Commodore 64 - More blisters playing Summer Games...
...than any moderm game could ever give me.

You dirty git :)


My lovely Atari 2600 console and Acorn computer like thing :)


After the grandslam pong gun thingy i had, my first computer being a dragon 32, then came the speccy, amstrad, amiga, megadrive, 3DO, playstation, pc. Thats alot of money on software.


Atari Pong Console Sometime in 77 or 78 I played this thing.

Atari VGS/2600 Got my own in 79. Combat ruled. Air-Sea battle was dope.

Timex/Sinclair 1000 You guys called it the ZX81, I call it my first computer. Hot rodded it from 2k to 64k of memory and added a Centronics printer interface and almost ordered a color graphics kit from somewhere. Every game I had, I typed up and saved to cassette myself. I got rid of it in '87

Apple II +/e Though I never really owned one myself (we had 5 at school, unheard of at the time), I learned most of my programming skilles on it and played the greatest games of 82-85 on it. Castle Wolfenstein, Drol, Hard Hat Mack, ect...

Vectrex I wish I still had mine. I had about 15 games for it, but Mine Storm was my favorite.

Atari 800xl The best computer I ever owned. Got it in 84 and didn't unload it until 97. That was the hardest thing for me to do. Played The Goonies non-stop, Had Return of the Jedi, Centipede, and Star Raiders carts. BallBlazer was great. I typed in a shitload of games from Compute!, Antic, and Analog magazines. I even wrote a bunch myself.

Atari 520ST/1040STE I was the shit at school when I got mine. I was the only kid in High School that had 2 computers (I still had the 800XL hooked up and working). Many a day was spent playing Shadow of the Beast, Elite, The Pawn, and Teramis. I had too many games for that. I got the 520ST w/Color monitor for my 16th birthday and bought myself a 1040STE in '91. I unloaded it in '96.

To be continued...


Most of my game years were spent on the Speccy. C64 owners were lame :D

I've had pretty much everything over the last 6 years but Speccy still has my fondest memories *sniff*

Oh yeh, I'd have loved a Vectrex. /me toodles off to eBay...


Started on my m8's Atari pong doobrie circa 1979.
Moved onto Space Invaders when my dad gave me 10p for the arcades.
Gave up for a while coz of Star Wars toys.
Was re-admitted to the Bar when my dad was gonna buy either the rubber keyed ZX-80 or ZX-81 48k jobbie. That was it then, totally hooked.
Spy Hunter, Chuckie Egg, Horace goes Skiing, Gauntlet (got up to level 627), Robocop (classic), GhostBusters (although it was better on the C64).
Liked to play in the arcades too, but parents did'nt like me doing that.
Never got a C64, always preferred the Speccy. Got a Speccy Plus, then a Speccy Plus 2 128k.
Dad moved onto Sinclair QL with the Microdrive thingy.
M8 had a Atari ST, so I wanted one.
Ended up with an Amiga 512k. The dogs nads that was.

Originally posted by Ono
Commodore Amiga wos that game? - the one with the jousting and catapults - made by Cinemaware. Anyway, it was brilliant.

Was it Defender of the Crown? I played it on the ST but got it for the Amiga.
Also played F19 Stealth Fighter, AMC, Shadow of the Beast 1 and 2.
The Speedball games were the bollox. Then I got my 512k RAM upgrade and every lad at school thought I was god.
Lent it to a m8 who was then burgaled and it got stolen sometime in 1993.
Never went in for consoles at all until the PSX came out, but I only got that when they were on the 3rd edition.

My first PC was a Cyrix 150 that nothing apart from C&C worked on. Then got my AMD 300, which lasted me for 3 years before I got my T-Bird 800.

I will always remember when I saw Quake 2 for the first time on my m8's system which had a brand new Orchid Voodoo card in it (4mb of RAM, waheey!!).

But my best gaming moment so far has to be in 1997, when my m8 Tez lent me Half Life.....


Atari 520ST/1040STE I was the shit at school when I got mine.
Atari ST's r00led (sic) - much better than those poxy Amigas (they weren't really, but Atari owners - including myself - always deluded ourselves that they were.. "better MIDI capabilities!", etc). I've still got my ST somewhere, gathering dust.. I once painted it white thinking it would look cool but instead of spraying it, I painted it by hand, using completely the wrong paint (one that was meant for plastics might've been a good idea). Result: one icky mess :(


Yeah that's it Staz.

DEFENDER OF THE CROWN. Stonking games with brill graphics.

I still have loads of Speccy games in storage at my parent's house. They probably dont work tho coz the tapes would have eroded by now.

I still maintain that the BEST machine for games for its time was the C64. It had 2 joystick ports and a brill sound chip.

Paradroid, Summer Games 2, Ballblazer, Eidolon, Impossible Mission, Wizball, Thing on a Spring, Bouncer, Dropzone, Pitstop 2, Tetris (originally).........

I dunno. They don't make them like they use to.

Andrew Braybrook, Epyx Games, Rob Hubbard. All genius(es) in their own day.

Have to say the title for Most Engrossing Game Ever goes to Dungeeon Master by FTL on the ole Atari ST tho.


  • Atari 2600
  • Vic20
  • Commodore +4
  • Commodore 16
  • Commodore 64
  • Atari 1040 (I still have this somewhere, best midi rig I have ever used)
  • Amiga
  • x86 computing


Part II

Nintendo Entertainment System I got it for Christmas. It was the only one left in town, probably the last in the state. I got SectionZ, Zelda, and Pro Wrestling for it. The best games I've played on it were Blaster Master, Mega Man 1 and 3, Metal Gear, and Rygar.

Commodore Amiga 2000HD My roommate in college bought one and got Shadow of the Beast for it, I was completely amazed at how much better it was over the ST version (mine) that we had been playing. I ran out and got one. Psygnosis games ruled everything!

Turbo-Grafx 16 (PC Engine) My favorite game system. I played R-Type for days on it. (I still have it!)

Sega Genesis 2(Mega Drive) Me and one of my roommates in college got an idea. He had just bought a Genesis and we wanted to check out the insides. We took it apart and got too lazy to put it back together so we played a few games with the main board out of the case. Then it dawned on us: Buy a Genesis, take the board out, put the case back together and take it back for a refund. It worked twice, one for me and one for him. I played with this circuit board Genesis for 4 years. Best games were Subterrania and Gunstar Heroes.

Sega CD I love the games that came out for this thing. Heart of the Alien, Vay, Lunar, Bari-Arm, and Silpheed were in condstant rotation.

1st PC - Packard Bell 486sx 25Mhz I had been building PC's for folks for about 5 years (286 and 386) and laughed at everyone that bought one from me. I hated pc's. The Atari and Amiga were sooooo much more superior. But the 486 came out and I decided to get one for myself. I was working for the retailer that I got it from, so I picked it up cheaper than if I had built one. I played Doom until I beat it, Tyrian, Hocus Pocus, Duke Nukem I, and Raptor.

Sony PSX I had to have one. Alien Trilogy, Resident Evil, Kings Field 1 and 2, Zero Divide, and WildARMS are great games.

2nd PC - 486 133MHz A hot-rodded 486DX66. I also got into emulators at this time. Now I was playing SNES games as well as old assed arcade games from my youth.

I've had more than a few pc's since the 486-133MHz (which was only 1997). Pentium 166(current Linux dev box), Cyrix 200MX, Pentium 200MMX, PII 233(now Daughter's pc), K62-300, K62-450 (now the Wife's pc), Celeron 366(current system #2), Celeron 466(current main system).

Oh... I've also got a Power Mac 6100/66. (sUx0r)


O god...

I fink my 1st 'computer' was an Atari 2600 :D

Then, Sega Master System, C64, swapped master system for NES, then onto PC's in late 97:

P166MMX@233, 32meg, Voodoo 1, 128bit 2D graphix :D

Celeron 300A@464MHz, Intel i740 I think, 128 megs ram, then a V3 went in, then a new CPU, then a new mobo, then another new CPU, then another new mobo, then another new CPU and other bits like new HD, sound, woteva and now it's:

PIII Coppermine 650E @ 820MHz
Alpha PEP66 copper based CPU Cooler
Abit BF6 Motherboard
Iwill Slocket 2
128 megs PC133 Toshiba SDRAM
Globalwin 802 ATX midi tower case
(detachable panels, slide out mobo tray, 6 HD spaces)
300w PSU
Mitsumi 1.44mb FDD
13.5gig IBM 7200rpm, ata66, 2 meg buffer HD
Slimline HD cooler for above HD
2.5gig maxtor diamond max 5400rpm HD
40X Philips CD ROM
6x4x20 Ricoh CDRW
Videologic sonic vortex 2 sound card running:
Creative CSW100 sat/sub setup + also linked to home stereo
Creative GeForce w/32megz DDR ram
Super Slot Exhaust Fan to cool Video Card
15" LG Studioworks 57i Monitor
Diamond Supra Express 56SPi K56/V.90 moodem
Microsoft 'Internet' Keyboard
Genius Netmouse Pro PS/2 Mouse
1x80mm Sunon 36CFM case fan
1x80mm YS Tech 36CFM case fan

i.e. wank

the end :D


Just another excuse to cut and paste yer spec again TUG :)

Mr B

- ZX80
- ZX81 (with 16k RAM Pack) (wrote my own games)
- ZX Spectrum 48k
- ZX Spectrum 128k +2 (with disk drive dongle thingy games - Cookie, JetPac, Exolon, Starglider, SabreWulf, AticAtac That game with ants n stuff, Southern Belle, Football Manager (Addictive), Match Day (Ocean), Daley Thompsons Decathlon (die keyboard die!! bwuahahahah!!), HyperSports, Alien8, BubbleBobble, )
- Commodore 64 ("Skate or Die" clearly ownz)
- Amstrad PC1512 - which I shall spec out for amusement;

- 512k Ram
- 0Mb HDD (that's right, NO Harddisk)
- 5 1/4" floppy
- B/W Monitor
- GEM (Graphical Environment Manager - Amstrads proprietary GUI)

- Atari ST (Starglider2, and loads of MIDI stuff)
- Amiga 500 (Starglider2, Speedball2, Xenon2)
- Amiga 1500 (40Mb HDD)
- SX25 (still going)
- DX2-66 16Mb RAM, 700Mb HDD (bought specifically for Doom)
- DX4-100
- P60 (bought specifically for Quake)
- PSX (Tekken rules - as did the original Demolition Derby)
- N64
- PII350 (Bought for Quake 2)
- PIII500
- Athlon 900
- Athon 1Gig....blah blah...and so forth

/me sues iD.


hmmmmmm. /me goes all misty eyed for a second.

I started out when I was 3 and my dad brought home a brand new state of the art Spectrum 48k. Lost more hours playing Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy than any game since. Was the first kid at school (we start early in scotland :) ) to finish Jet Set Willy, and me dad took great pride in finishing Manic Miner and The Hobbit (still have the map we made for it somewhere).

Anyway the Speccy died (in the way that Speccys always did), so we went for an Amstrad CPC 6128 (3 inch disks all the way baby). Lost more time to Roland in time (no pun intended), Tuberuba and Daley Thompson's Olympic type game (breaking several joysticks in the process).

A few years and home repairs later, the Amstrad was ditched in favour of our first PC. Was hooked from then on. First machine was an IBM PS/2 Model 70, with a 386-16 and a whopping 2 meg of RAM. This beast is still going and makes a very handy Speedball machine. Also lost much time to Wolfenstein 3D, Test Drive and f19 Stealth Fighter.

The trusty old PS2 was replaced with an Evesham Vale 486-33, on which Doom and F1GP were mostly played. Upgraded this to a P133 to play Quake and GP2. Added a Voodoo 2 and played Quake 2.

At the end of the P133's lifespan, I decided upgrading to a P2 wasnt worth it at the time (too expensive and P2 speeds were moving forwards too rapidly), so I went down the PlayStation route. Had lots of fun playing Gran Turismo, Tekken 2 and 3, Wipeout 2097 and Resident Evil 2 until the wee hours of the morning (took great pride in being the first person I knew who could win races in Wipeout 2097 on the hardest level).

Fast forward to now. I have split my gaming between my trusty P3 500 (Deus Ex, UT and Rune) and my brand spanking new PlayStation 2 (Tekken Tag, Tony Hawk's 2 and Wip3out).


Oi, u ch34t0r :)

Jet Set Willy was impossible to complete without a POKE to fix the 'Attic' bug afaik.

/me gets trapped in 'Priests Hole' :)


Word up!

1. BBC B 32k, with 5.25" floppy! (still have it with loadsa games!
2. PC 486 DX 33Mhz, 2MB video, 8MB RAM
3. PC 486 DX 66Mhz, 16MB RAM
4. PC PII 300Mhz 2Mb S3 virge + voodoo 2 12Mb, 128 MB RAM
4. PC Celeron 500, CLAP 32MB, 128 MB RAM
5. PC Duron 800@1G+, GF2 GTS, 256 MB RAM (being built!!)

man i had some great fun playin on me m8's Amiga with 512K o RAM... F16 falcon ruled!

big up



Atari 400

My old Atari 400 came with 4 (yes count them) joystick ports included under the keyboard. 4 Player Asteroids at lunchtime with me mates drinkin cider. Ahhh those were the days.


Originally posted by Cornholio
1. BBC B 32k, with 5.25" floppy! (still have it with loadsa games!

Yep i have one, i can't remember the name of any games, but there was one which was like pacman. That game had me totally hooked.


If I remember, the only good games I played on my mates old BBC were:

Revs (F1GP3's evolutionary first stage)

All classics in their own time.


Revs: That was the one with the dumb names like Gloria Slap right ? :)

Elite: obvious. Frak: good game.

Planetoid was my fave. The defender clone. Absolutely top notch version. 2nd only to the orig Defender coinop.

Killer Gorilla was excellent too :)

I used to play em all the time on the Beebs at school :D


did anyone ever complete Knight Lore??

The one where you turned into a werewolf every so often.

On the BBC and the Speccy.


Nope. Hated it. Alien8 too. That genre only really got good with Drummond and Ritman (if I remember right). Batman was quite good but Head over Heals was brill :)

Testin da Cable

wooo Elite

totally hooked on it back when I had an MSX :)


Those things (MSX) didn't even dent the US market.


I remember the horrors of my Atari (65XE i think) occasionally (ie about half the time) failing to load a game off casette tapes after half hour loading times. Then i went thru several Nintendo and Sega consoles before setting with PCs.

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