My account is TERMINATED


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
Hello everyone.

I just want to inform you that my main account has been terminated. Which means i will stop playing DAOC offcourse.
After 3,5 years of work, i won't come back to DAOC ever again.
My ranger hit rr7L1 today.
I heard about this bug that makes you get 2000 - 50000 rps from 1 kill, and i tried it out 1 time and it worked giving me about 35000 rps for 1 kill.
My account got instantly terminated because they state i did something similar before. They referred to an incident of 3 years ago, when i was still playing Prydwen. And my ranger and an infiltrator friend of mine did a Duel afternoon which gave me 10000 rps or so in duno 2 or 3 hours. So essentially i got banned for 45000 rps, what a bullshit :).
As that seemed to have been against the COC/ROC, i received 3 days ban for it. The ban lasted 22 days, because GOA had account server problems, so i was the dupe of it.

If they terminate my account for that, then I find this not deserved.
I didn't really plan on stopping daoc yet, but this offcourse gives me no other option.

I will also post the mails i received from goa, and the replies i sent them.

I wish you all the very best.




Customer (Alexander DE GEETER) 10/25/2005 10:44 PM
Well, i'm a programmer myself, bugs can get into programs, but for trying this out, taking away the rights to use a program, that's not very nice to be honest.
I admit my mistake, and i can promise you i won't do it again.
But what i state about the duels of 3 years ago, saying me I did this before, is a lie. And if you do something wrong, you get instant termination, that's not fair.

I was allways very happy with the way GOA worked, but this i find exagerated, sorry.
There have been tonns of other players that used 3rd party programs like radar, which was a real offence vs other players, cuz they could find you anywhere, and lots of those haven't even been terminated. So I find this very unfair, compared, since i only tested this out, and didn't play on retrying. And no other player gotten any negative effect whatsoever of me testing this bug out.

Have a good evening.



Response (CM) 10/25/2005 10:36 PM
Your account is terminated and will not be reopened. Cheating is not tolerated on our servers.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer (Alexander DE GEETER) 10/25/2005 10:34 PM
Ok, i'm gonna be honest, i heard about this bug.
And i wanted to try it out once, because i didn't believe anything about it.
So i admit i have made a mistake, but you permanently close my account because i "did this before"?

3 years ago i duelled a friend in albion prydwen, just for fun, gave me some rps from time to time, his name was Ocolus or Oculus, my ranger was Rangedvarkie.
But that was really for the fun, it's nice making duels and wasn't meant as bug abuse or wanything. Then that time i received 3 days ban, which took 22 days, because there was a problem with the accounts server or something. I accepted that, because indeed i didn't realise doing duels with other realms as against the COC, and only realised it afterwards.
Now you say to me that i did illegal RP farming before, and i will accept being punished for this, but terminating my account i find exagerated.
If you really wanna close my acc down, that's your decision offcourse.
But i'm a good player, got many friends ingame and i'm really against cheating that inflicts damage or negative effects to other players.
But for trying this out for 1 time which no other players get any ingame-negative effects from, getting permanent ban. Sorry i don't find that deserved.
My ranger is strong enough to take on descent fights, without any cheating, i never cheated before.

You can ask many other players in the game what they find of me, like my guildmaster Hurraichbintod, Kindrid, Codacx, Dutx, Halder, Fuddle, Mvv, Janzor, Formi, Ylay, Meutre, Moehlon, Buffdaddy and many others.

I'm not very happy after being such a long term customer with goa, and after all the work i have put in my account, and if it is permanently banned, i am quitting the game, i won't restart a new account or anything, not after all those years of work.

Yours sincerely


Response (CM) 10/25/2005 10:07 PM

We have investigated an incident of bug abuse and found your account to be involved. The specifics are:

Character: Rangavarkie
Account: adegeeter
Date: 25/10/2005
Details of the offence: Abuse of the RP farming bug.
Consequences for the account: Account terminated due to previous similar incidents.

When starting the game on the European servers of Dark Age of Camelot, you agreed to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) and the rules established by the Code of Conduct.

- Article in the Rules of Conduct:

Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, nor to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify GOA personnel of the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults that they may discover as soon as possible.

- Article in the Rules of Conduct

No illegal activity is permitted within the Dark Age of Camelot, on its site or more generally in the environment connected with the game. The encouragement of such activities or the supply of means by which such activities could be practised will not be tolerated.
It is forbidden to supply the means of access to software of an illegal and/or harmful nature (such as viruses or hacking/pirating programs).

- Article in the General Conditions:

GOA reserves the right to temporarily suspend or definitively terminate your subscription, effective immediately, in the event of:
- insolvability or expiry of your credit card. GOA wishes to point out that your account may be suspended or closed if we are unable to invoice your card if it has expired on the date you renew your subscription,;
- inability of GOA to check or authenticate the information provided at the time of subscription ;
- failure to meet any of your obligations under the present general subscription conditions;
- breach of intellectual property rights; In this respect, you acknowledge that the DAOC game contains elements protected by intellectual property rights and that GOA and/or any other supplier of its content remain the full owners of the relevant contents of the DAOC game and that you do not become the owner of these rights by downloading DAOC or by accessing your Player Account ;
- failure to respect the provisions of the DAOC Behaviour Charter, available to consult at the address
- and more generally in the event of behaviour that GOA, at its entire discretion, judges harmful to its interests or to those of DAOC users.
In the event of the suspension of your Player Account or in the event of termination of the account by GOA for one of the reasons stated above, you lose the right to access your Player Account and the data contained in it and you will not be entitled to any reimbursement, in whole or in part.

Cheating is NOT tolerated in an online game and is not accepted on the servers of Dark Age of Camelot.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2004
Ditto, if anyone wants speedhack/radar/dmghack/tips on rpexploit, just send me a PM and your wish will be fulfilled.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
FallycSymbol said:
Ditto, if anyone wants speedhack/radar/dmghack/tips on rpexploit, just send me a PM and your wish will be fulfilled.
Mkay givf!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2005
no perm ban = no sence ...

i mean you can farm so many rps with that, and than only 3 days ban ?

And after the 3 days your rr is still that high ? nice ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
minimezz since u did the video u shudnt flame anyone, i know hes odins, but since i saw ur vid, i mean, i cant even find words to describe it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
hope u enjoyed it :)

as i said was bored didnt put any effort into it ...

Why dont people get i hurt the fraps button hut abit of shitty editing and had balls to post it on


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Antistatic said:
minimezz since u did the video u shudnt flame anyone, i know hes odins, but since i saw ur vid, i mean, i cant even find words to describe it
I'm sure I can give you some words:

arid, dull, unvaried, flat, insipid, irksome, lifeless, monotonous, moth-eaten, platitudinous, rustic, plebeian, stupid, weak, prosaic, repetitious, routine, spiritless, stale, stereotyped, gay, stodgy, plain, tame, tedious, trite, unexciting, vapid, wearisome, interminable, well-worn, wooden, a waste of time and valuble internet space that could have been used to store some grade-A sheep porn featuring Dolly.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Odinsbond3 said:
HAHA I have tell it to a GM.I have bann you noob cheater/Bug user.

PLAYERS :)))))

:cheers: :cheers: :drink:

!!!!!!!!!POWND BY ODINS TEAM!!!!!!!

TO be honest i would be surprised if you reported this and actually think you did a good thing.

ALtough i liked Lex a lot and the punishment was harsh i think farming this exploit is ruining the very foundation of this game and that is not acceptable

Antistatic said:
minimezz since u did the video u shudnt flame anyone, i know hes odins, but since i saw ur vid, i mean, i cant even find words to describe it

And QQ-ing bout a movie that wasn't to great is only allowed if you published a movie yourself so FO imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
u aint even got a sig ??

Who r u :eek2:

Im close to using the D word :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Antistatic said:
how dont you know i didnt? u shud stfu before telling someone to, nerd
leave the nerd alone - he has a point


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ame said:
I'm sure I can give you some words:

arid, dull, unvaried, flat, insipid, irksome, lifeless, monotonous, moth-eaten, platitudinous, rustic, plebeian, stupid, weak, prosaic, repetitious, routine, spiritless, stale, stereotyped, gay, stodgy, plain, tame, tedious, trite, unexciting, vapid, wearisome, interminable, well-worn, wooden, a waste of time and valuble internet space that could have been used to store some grade-A sheep porn featuring Dolly.

Too much time on ur hands ...

Put them in alphabetical order now please


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Minimac said:
Too much time on ur hands ...

Put them in alphabetical order now please
You're not denying them - therefore they must all be true!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
nice guy, tough but fair punishment. will miss seeing u in game! :(

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