Music Class Love Patch if it ever comes.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Will it ever come now? Tbh i aint holdin my hopes up for it , but if u play a music class, what would u like given to it love wise , and plz keep answers sensible :p

Personally , Minstrel itself isnt that in need of love imo, a shorter duration on the AoE mezz would be a nice addition, maybe if it was affected by Dex instead of the current way of use. The RR5 could do with a change as it isnt all that useful tbh but other than that i dont really see much need of improvement. (And b4 u see my sig, i have infact owned 2 lvl 50 mincers in my time both to the mid RR3's)

Skalds - I myself would like to see the Ablative that Minstrels have, also given to Skalds , as it is, Skald is supposed to be the Melee version of the music classes, and seeing as it isnt viable to spec Parry high enuf for any real defense it really would be a nice addition, if not this, than the obvious other choice would be a power song, or maybe some inherent power regen, like a perma serenity1 or 2. I did contemplate maybe that we could use the same Wepstyle DD's that Thanes do, however in which case these shuld also be available to Minstrel and Bards in some form.

Bards - Not really played a bard b4, but i know they only get the one DD , tho they r much more the support type than the other 2 music classes, it would be nice for the insane peeps that go battlebard. Seein as how there isnt much point in speccin high wep on a bard atm, the DD styles once again maybe an option.

Just my thoughts, tho i have a feelin all 3 will just get some nice graphic effect cloud of dust animation when they run instead of any proper love, i mean Mauler is coming and after that Warhammer... Dooooooooom etc.

But we'll see... so what would u like ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ignore posting in the other double posted thread tho :)


Dec 22, 2003
Minstrels not in need of love? Are you joking?

Please read my thread here to see that that just is not true.

This is the problem, people still thinking minstrels are overpowered like they used to be, it simply isn't the case.


Dec 22, 2003
knighthood said:
Skalds - I myself would like to see the Ablative that Minstrels have, also given to Skalds , as it is, Skald is supposed to be the Melee version of the music classes, and seeing as it isnt viable to spec Parry high enuf for any real defense it really would be a nice addition, if not this, than the obvious other choice would be a power song, or maybe some inherent power regen, like a perma serenity1 or 2. I did contemplate maybe that we could use the same Wepstyle DD's that Thanes do, however in which case these shuld also be available to Minstrel and Bards in some form.

To be fair, if skalds get our ablative then I would expect a DPS increase for minstrels, skalds are offensive where as minstrels are defensive. Giving you the defensive tools of the minstrel would be a bit overpowering if your melee dmg output stayed the same. Although I can see what you're saying with regards to lack of defence but to be fiar try hitting for 160 / swing in melee then you can have ablative ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Gamah said:
To be fair, if skalds get our ablative then I would expect a DPS increase for minstrels, skalds are offensive where as minstrels are defensive. Giving you the defensive tools of the minstrel would be a bit overpowering if your melee dmg output stayed the same. Although I can see what you're saying with regards to lack of defence but to be fiar try hitting for 160 / swing in melee then you can have ablative ;)

Yes m8, but what u lack in DPS u can make it up with Pets , and i know theyre a pain in the ass to control, but if ure a damn good player, u can use them to very good advantage and there is a lot of grt RvR pets. Also, if u get mezzed , your pet loses charm and hits u out of it :) we have to waste purge.

While i agree mincer needs a DPS increase, it has a lot of other tools to play with so do bards, Skalds dont particularily, and the ablative isnt THAT grt :) Tho i do see where your comin from, what i meant was Mincers have enuf utility


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Minstrels need something to make us viable in fg's once more. Gone are the days when we were core to a decent fg setup.

Soloing now is totally reliant on toys being up as our DPS is shit.

I totally agree with Gamah in his original post. There have been too many silent nerfs of our class. I would gladly for go stealth if we had an option to spec shield or they put pet charm onto something similar to the sorc charm.

Whilst I still love the class, it is becoming increasingly frustrating to play, particularly in relation to the many "3 button, no skill" classes that seem to dominate the game these days.

I did read somewhere that after Lotm is here Minstrels will receive attention but I fear this maybe just another rumour.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i for one would like to see the Power Song increased to something more viable that it is now, with Campfires and FoP mincer PS is just not needed which in groups was once one of our greatest tools


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Just had time to read thru your thread gamah, and as a minstrel of long ago i actually agree with most of the points. I dont agree with MoS RA tho or the Banelord ML path, but thats probably as im not a mincer anymore. A lot of the points made tho are pretty valid tho and was a nice post overall :)

But there was one thing i noticed in there i do agree with toward Mincer AND Skalds. The idea for a Piercing buff or maybe pulsing affect for our DDs. Now i know this is possible as the mincer champ Harp has a Piercing Charge for a start, and as pointed out , its shite our DDs are body dmg, especially Skalds, seeing as the graphical effects for skald DDs is like spitting lightning, to me that shuld be Energy dmg like thanes. But yes, every man and his dog caps Body resists for RvR , and it makes our DDs hit patheticly low these days.

Change the DD dmg type (Not sure if Bards DD is body have to check) , it would be a nice start.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
For bards I'd love to see a change in the end song (make it uninterruptable and affected by dex) a change to rr5, and the ability to also use lower level mezz for interrupts.

If you can throw in a second form of CC would be great.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Played all of the music classes in RvR - skald is best for pure damage, minstrel has lots of options, and a bard is the best CC class in the game (not just because it has CC but because of everything else it gets).

Skald's my fave and to this day I think they should get shield spec but not more points. It'd make it interesting having to sacrifice something to gain something if you want went defensive spec.

Same goes for Mincer. I used to merrily tonk mincers on my other Midgard characters but then, a minstrel does have so much going for it that to say it's not fair that it's not as strong as another melee class going toe-to-toe is to disgredard all its other toys, and you really can't do that... you can't pretend it can't stealth just so you can justify it needing more damage output, for example, because it CAN stealth. Add one RR5 mincer to a stealth grp and that stealth grp becomes practically unstoppable fighting any other stealth group, if he's any good. ( like me :p ) Add a decent mincer to a visible group and you've got one heck of an interrupter. Assuming he's good enough.:fluffle:

One thing I really do think that Minstrels should be given is detect hidden. Considering everyone else gets MoS you're walking blind. I don't mind it that much but it would be a bit less niggly when trying to locate your group mates - even with compostite 51 stealth (ok capped at 50) I can only see friendlies at about /groundset 100

Bards I reckon are fine - they've got a lot going for 'em and I really enjoyed playing mine in RvR however briefly. It would be nice if they were offered some way to spec as a melee bard with some actual DPS though, but that would preclude them having all the other stuff .... perhaps when you get to 5, the trainer could ask you if you want to be a battlebard or a nicebard and you get different spec choices? :D Would never happen just dreaming :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
RS|Phil said:
a bard is the best CC class in the game

yeah, baby... best cc class in the game.

tbh, the mincers and skalds are (still) ok as they are. improving their so called grupability, will only result in making them stronger in solo scene without getting groups more often (see heavy tanks love patch).

the bards should get some love*, they being the main hibernian cc class and having only one form of cc in these purge3 days, while the sorc has access to two forms of cc and healers have all three forms.

* (end song unintreruptibile, a second form of cc and their insta dd line split in two like mincer/skald has it would be nice).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Give bards celerity song :p then they can't complain that the other realms have it!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Bards will be fine if they make endurance spell uninteruptable and lower dd/lull timers. (Maybe add something which gives more utility to group too)


Dec 22, 2003
make the songs uninteruptable, add celrity song, add 2nd dd shout.

<3 bards


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I agree with the end being uninterruptable as long as it drains power for being so - gotta be a downside to it like Paladins burning power and Shamans burning Conc to be fair.

There's no need to give them any more CC or interrupts - two lines of amnesia is enough for that!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Actually aye, Givf Skalds the same Celerity chant pallies get imo. I wanna swing me 2h every 1.5 secs lol


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
RS|Phil said:
I agree with the end being uninterruptable as long as it drains power for being so - gotta be a downside to it like Paladins burning power and Shamans burning Conc to be fair.

Not really. Hib used to be the only realm that had end regen, how about we go back to that? Then we can leave end song being as it is.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Celerity is one which should be highly considered for bards to be honest. Mids have it, albs got it a couple of patches ago, where is the hib love ! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
knighthood said:
Personally , Minstrel itself isnt that in need of love imo, a shorter duration on the AoE mezz would be a nice addition, maybe if it was affected by Dex instead of the current way of use. The RR5 could do with a change as it isnt all that useful tbh but other than that i dont really see much need of improvement. (And b4 u see my sig, i have infact owned 2 lvl 50 mincers in my time both to the mid RR3's)

What are you talking about? Minstrel RR5 is extremely useful. Great to use against all the new high beastcraft hunters and of course its always been extremely useful against all the ml9 pet classes that delight in banging ml9 then kiting...

Also AOE mezz cast time is affected by Dex... the single instrument mezz is not. As for shorter duration!! Im not even going to dignify that with a comment.

Only problem with minstrels is they are a show pony class that is more reliant on charges than almost any other class. A slight increase in WS would be the easiest fix to make them competive without charges.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
I would like stun-style for skald, wich would mean a style overhaul like this. Skald is the only melee class without access to stun (if you look away from vampiir - claw spamming ain't melee anyway :p ).


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Think this is how it's gonna go down:


Skalds due to having big axes will be lead guitarists doing some kind of metal music (Slayer and the like), and blow there enemys away with massive sound waves. They will also have a cc / dmg effect called Mosh Pit, which is aoe and makes enemys form a circle and then run in to the middle smashing the crap out of each other.


Minstrels will be at the back of the fight using the drums to motivate his group, motivation include a higher evade rate as the group members will be dancing to the beat. If they want to go close range and are able to find a small/thin enemy (eg. Lurikeen/Kobold) they are able to pick the enemy up and use them as a stick for the drum, doing dmg to the poor guy having to make the music.


Bards will be a classical guitarist, becoming like Sting they will be able to change there hair to bleached/wind swept. They will gain a record lable and then go to enemy territory educating young poor citizens of the enemys lands, and try to raise money for them using T.V!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Gear said:
Not really. Hib used to be the only realm that had end regen, how about we go back to that? Then we can leave end song being as it is.

Hmm I think I remember and that was very screwed up. Was fixed quickly iirc.... Endurance is a huge advantage in a fight. Honestly, if you don't have end regen you're going to have a hard time. I think you were kidding but anyway, you can't go back you have to look forward. For bards to have an unint end regen like Paladins then it's gotta drain power. Or remove the end song totally, and make it a buff if you want. Can't have all the good things.

I do think Celerity should be added to Hibernia too, though not to Bards but to Wardens.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I don't think bards need help in their groupability... give them more things to do by themselves... survival abilities/soloing abilities.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Improve minstrels groupabilities. Give them better survivability in group RvR by swapping their Stealth spec for Shield spec.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
RS|Phil said:
I do think Celerity should be added to Hibernia too, though not to Bards but to Wardens.

Yes, lets just give Wardens everything so Hibs dont have to bother with all those other classes :p
Wardens are powerful enough! QQ.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ballard said:
Also AOE mezz cast time is affected by Dex... the single instrument mezz is not..

Erm, no its not... get your facts right b4 postin these comments, neither mincer cast time is affected by dex


Dec 22, 2003
knighthood said:
Erm, no its not... get your facts right b4 postin these comments, neither mincer cast time is affected by dex

Ae Mez cast speed is affected by dex..YOU get your facts right.

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