Multi boxers are in trouble!


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Mythic Entertainment | Camelot Herald - Community News for Dark Age of Camelot!
My name is Todd Gropp, and I am the Senior Manager of Customer Service for Mythic. I would like to talk to you about the change in the ability for CS to detect and discipline players that are performing multiple actions, on multiple characters, on multiple accounts with one keystroke.

This behavior has always been a violation of DAoC’s Rules of Conduct. Specifically, this breaks rules 13, 14, and 16, which I’ve included below. I’ve been playing DAoC since launch, and I’ve been a part of CS here for six and a half years. We’ve been aware of multi-box teams since their inception and have received player feedback regarding the issue since that time. Where the change in our stance as a studio has come into play:

•Clustering has increased the contact rate of players in the game world.
•We now have technology to determine whether a set of characters that appear to be played by one person is being controlled by multi-box means.
CS does not warn, suspend or terminate an account for the use of a 3rd party program or hardware without being able to detect it on our side, no matter how sure we are of what we visually verify. When asked by players what exactly a violation of these rules would be, our CSR’s are instructed to advise the following:

•“One keystroke should only perform one action, on one character, on one account. Anything which is used to circumvent this would be a violation.”
With the creation of the Ywain “Super-Cluster”, player feedback on multi-box play within DAoC has increased dramatically. While this feedback is not specific to PvE or RvR areas of the game the Development team has taken this Feedback seriously (as always), and made the decision to reach out to Customer Service and determine what we would need in order to curb the use of any software or hardware which would allow players to multi-box. After much discussion a plan was put into motion, and the final result is what you are seeing from us now.

If you are playing Dark Age of Camelot and you come across a group of characters all performing synchronized actions in a way which you feel could only be accomplished by 3rd party means, please file a Violation report. Include every character name that you see taking part. We will be investigating these reports thoroughly. In concert with our new technology, accounts which are performing these actions will be disciplined based upon the investigation. Do know that the investigation does not revolve around the exact timing of the character abilities/spells/etc. being used.

The discipline for this behavior, if verified during the investigation, is quite strict. This is due to the severe impact on the experience of other players on the server, and the means in which these actions are performed. Multi-day suspensions at the least, up to permanent account termination at the most are what you should expect. We will never discuss the action taken against another account with you, but we are very serious about trying to ensure a fun and fair environment for all of you. We always strive to improve both the game itself, and your experience within it. We, of course, welcome your feedback on any changes that we make to our service via the Camelot Herald: Mythic Entertainment | Camelot Herald - Community News for Dark Age of Camelot!.

•Full Rules of Conduct: Full Rules of Conduct .: Dark Age of Camelot Knowledgebase
•Rule 13: Use any scripting or macroing tools, hardware or software.
•Rule 14: Use any game hacking/altering/cheating software or tools. Use of these types of programs will result in immediate termination of the Account and may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability.
•Rule 16: Engage in any behavior that is contrary to the 'spirit of the game' as defined by Mythic in its sole discretion.

Thank you for your time, and fight well!


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Paladins, wardens and chinese will be crying their eyes out.. Thankfully crafters are hardly ever reported and are hard to detect


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The whine on VN is some of the best ever.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
I disagree on them saying they will ban for macro chants etc. I doubt they will anyway. I think they just commented on the herald as I know a few people myself who emailed in asking what the rules are with hotkey, since some pver was banned for farming scales with a group.

I rarely play my skald atm, its lvl 49 for cathal valley since main rvr just sucks for solo, so im sticking to my SB.

I wonder if they have " any technology " to detect people using g15 keyboards or mouse macros etc.

Most of it is bullshit imo.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Thankfully crafters are hardly ever reported and are hard to detect

remember Gimmly (think it was him) on the EU servers? he got busted for macrocrafting in aegir, he even opened a whine thread here about it claiming he only used it to save his keyboard as he wasn't actually afk. and should thus not be punished >.<

quite a few others got busted aswell before GOA lost to many customers so they had to cut down on the staff. both at the public forges and in their houses.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I'm always at the keyboard while crafting and chatting away with people around the forge or in /gu. Many people at the forge on the other hand can stand still for a VERY long time with a bag beneath them without saying a word...


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
they should do away with the autodrop on full inventory :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
They haven't cracked down on single account uses of macroing yet. I don't know if they intend to.

I know lots of people macro styles and chants, this definatly gives an advantage but doesn't seem as bad for the game as the multi boxers. Will be interesting to see what mythic do and who gets busted.

I think getting rid of macro groups should make it easier for normal players to farm stuff in PvE, which I support. I also disliked the effect of Macro groups on RvR. Yes a decent 8 man could kill them NP when their moc was down but they where a pain in zerg situations.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Multi-boxers are free rp's, I have never seen the problem with them myself. An 8-man or one person controlling 8 men...really never seen what all the fuss is about except in pve, which is pretty pointless these days anyway.

I have many fond memories of farming multi-box teams. Wasted sooooo many of them in PoC.


Aug 24, 2008
remember Gimmly (think it was him) on the EU servers? he got busted for macrocrafting in aegir, he even opened a whine thread here about it claiming he only used it to save his keyboard as he wasn't actually afk. and should thus not be punished >.<

quite a few others got busted aswell before GOA lost to many customers so they had to cut down on the staff. both at the public forges and in their houses.
No it wasn't, I've never cheated nor been banned for cheating, I was banned for very different reasons and because Requiel hated me quite a bit.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
GOOD! I remeber in thid on ywain getting ganked when running around solo or having a 1 on 1 by some retarded full banshee grp + one bard, all with variations on the same name and obviously all the same person and they did every action at the same moment, i mean really, don't these people have better things to spend all that money on.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Lol @ the multi box thing, i'll believe it when I see chinese/russian farmers being banned not until.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What took Mythic so long to fix this?

Mythic just aren't responsive enough to problems anymore. People creating loads of trial accounts for MLx.10 drops is a typical example, they weren't fast enough in closing it down whilst people were finding it impossible to login.

I think the problem is that now the game has attracted this sort of scum, instead of being booted they'll probably do what they can to avoid being banned and find the next potential weakness in the game.

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