MP Jo Cox Shot


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Jesus...ok if 15% of christians agreed with it, I would be it is only handfulls of idiots do, support for atrocities in the name of Islam is in the tens of millions.
Look at the facts, not your bigotted idea of nasty old white men.

But you said that all white people are racist and homophobic deep down?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well OK, let's get back to basics, as a whole 'christians' are by far the worst, overseeing genocide in the middle east because brown people and sand equals target practice.
We are all guilty by association, mainly by indifference and falling for the propaganda.
We dislike islam because to us it is backward and faith based.
You call me a racist bigot, but as a whole we are all guilty of racism as pure as it gets.
Getting annoyed on forums and joining the uni stop the war pub meet does not disqualify you from this.
I'm pretty sure muslims as a whole feel the same as us from their angle and quietly considered 9/11 as a point for their side, I would guess there are hundreds of millions of muslims who would love to see sharia law imposed on the decadent west...millions who dont give a shit and millions who want to get pissed and shag white women..but who do we trust when they all pray to the same brainwashing.
Everyone is racist, homophobic and xenophobic on both sides in varying degrees.
Pretending not to be is pointless, you cant make peace by starting with a lie.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I dont dislike islam or anyone who i have met who says they are muslim.

I think that you are making sweeping statements without any proof to back it up. Millions here. Millions there.

I disagree with sharia law. But thats on a humane basis more than anything else. I dont pretend to know how many support it


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Multiple polls put support for the core values of isis at between 15 and 30%...which could be 500 million people, that is a very precise question and doesnt include stoning, throwing off buildings and nuking the west, but it does show there is ,by sheer numbers ,a huge amount of people who would like to see them succeed.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Multiple polls put support for the core values of isis at between 15 and 30%...which could be 500 million people, that is a very precise question and doesnt include stoning, throwing off buildings and nuking the west, but it does show there is ,by sheer numbers ,a huge amount of people who would like to see them succeed.

Source pls.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It depends on the question asked as with all polls, is that belief in their values or outright support for their cause.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It depends on the question asked as with all polls, is that belief in their values or outright support for their cause.
So lets see the poll youfound that showed 15-30.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Okydoky..cracks fingers

Boots up altavista.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Jesus...ok if 15% of christians agreed with it, I would be concerned...

support for atrocities in the name of Islam is in the tens of millions.

There are 2.2 billion Christians in the world. 15% = 330000000, aka three hundred and thirty million. so you need that amount of Christians before you're concerned?
as we've recently established, there are perhaps 50K hardcore ISIS supporters, or about 0.003125% of the Muslims in the world. from that we can conclude that if truly 15% of Christians were hardcore fundamentalists, then every single person on the planet would be screaming JEBUS IS LORDDDD and trying to not covet their neighbors goose. e.g you'd be as fucked, if not more so, than in a pure Muslim world.

If support for atrocities in the name of Islam was really in the tens of millions...let's call it 30M for arguments sake, then that is 1.9% of all the Muslims there are. I know that to your mind this may seem a huge number, but you could safely conclude that 98% of all Muslims are peaceniks. Why? Well, we're not under Sharia law and I'm not typing this in Arabic.

So, before letting your fear get the best of you perhaps you could consider checking your facts. On the other hand, fuck it. None of your favorite information sources bother with their fact checking, so why should you?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I most likely will get shot down for this but I do not give a fuck. What about the other people that get murdered everyday doing their day to day jobs? We do not hear about their murder, the children, husband, wife they left behind. Don't get me wrong, I hate this violence but feel that because she was an MP she has so much "air time".


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I most likely will get shot down for this but I do not give a fuck. What about the other people that get murdered everyday doing their day to day jobs? We do not hear about their murder, the children, husband, wife they left behind. Don't get me wrong, I hate this violence but feel that because she was an MP she has so much "air time".



I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I most likely will get shot down for this but I do not give a fuck. What about the other people that get murdered everyday doing their day to day jobs? We do not hear about their murder, the children, husband, wife they left behind. Don't get me wrong, I hate this violence but feel that because she was an MP she has so much "air time".
I agree to a certain point. It also goes to 49 killed in florida but the same coverage doesnt appear for a suicide bombing that only gets a byline in afganistan.

There are seven billion of us. One more or less at the end of the day doesnt make a difference.

What i object to is @Job and his blanket racism statements.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes I hate brown blankets.

Its reasonable to say that 100% of Trump voters would like to see the middle East nuked into the glass age.
I'm pretty sure most muslims are aware of their standing with a west turning to the right, the west that supports Israel and bombs them everytime we dont like their leader.
Is it too far a jump to suppose there is a similar undercurrent of hate against us from them, they would be saints not to, just count the bodies and multiply by the average family, I'm not an exceptional racist or a bigot, I always like to point out that we all try to, in varying degrees of success to supress our inherent racism, homodislike and xenophobia.
No one is above it, from Nelson bombthekids Mandela to the Dalhi Lamar.
The evidence is there to see, with a thin covering of lies.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I most likely will get shot down for this but I do not give a fuck. What about the other people that get murdered everyday doing their day to day jobs? We do not hear about their murder, the children, husband, wife they left behind. Don't get me wrong, I hate this violence but feel that because she was an MP she has so much "air time".
a) We do hear about other murders but, unless there's something particularly newsworthy about the case (Jo Yeates springs to mind), they won't get further than the local news. I live in France but my default BBC region on Sky is apparently East Midlands ( :( ) and there seems to be a story about a murder or a body being found or a hit and run or some other violent crime every other day.

b) I imagine the family left behind don't want to be "heard about", they want privacy to get on with their lives.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I most likely will get shot down for this but I do not give a fuck. What about the other people that get murdered everyday doing their day to day jobs? We do not hear about their murder, the children, husband, wife they left behind. Don't get me wrong, I hate this violence but feel that because she was an MP she has so much "air time".

It's newsworthy because there's a very direct connection to a rather important vote next week. It's not the fact that she was murdered, it's why she was murdered, so comparing it to other people "doing their day jobs" is missing the point.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I most likely will get shot down for this but I do not give a fuck. What about the other people that get murdered everyday doing their day to day jobs? We do not hear about their murder, the children, husband, wife they left behind. Don't get me wrong, I hate this violence but feel that because she was an MP she has so much "air time".

There's a few things at play here. It's rather similar to missing white girl syndrome, but also the media interest in firearms in the wake of the Orlando shooting. The media (and those on social media) have been hugely critical of the USA's gun policy with an almost holier than thou stance on our own gun policy. For a reasonably pretty, harmless family woman to be gunned down in the UK's streets was the perfect media-spotlight tick list for an overly emotional response from the media and the public.

I still think it's sad, but I agree that there's been quite a disproportionate outburst - even Bild and Das Spiegel have tweeted about it, and that was even before the neo-Nazi connection.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
It has also overshadowed and almost halted a lot of the EU debate


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
And thats the real reason..if he had shot Anne Widdecombe, they wouldn't be questioning his sanity


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think it is also the feeling it was an attack on the democratic process.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I was expecting a terrorist attack to change those dont knowers...wasn't expecting it to be a home grown looney.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
a domestic terrorist? who'd have thunk it!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I was expecting a terrorist attack to change those dont knowers...wasn't expecting it to be a home grown looney.

Conspiracy theories about it being a fit up to discredit Brexit in 5...4...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its lucky the banner wasnt any longer, they would have had to ask the muslims to help them hold it up.

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