mp Chain hauberk!



u forced me to sell it :( need cash now bid u gits!

guess 5.5plat is acceptable just gimme money!


spending so much money tryin to get cap lol :/


same price as candice.....and nefi sold a jerkin for 5.5 plat so............ u sux mori


decided not to sell it for 5.5plat so gonna keep it until i can get a good offer.. worth alot more than 5.5plat imo

(close thread please)


heehee well I don't sell on 49 retries I sell on how many it actually took.


Which more often then not is a lot less than 49 retries


mori ive made about 300jerkins last 2 days made 2 mp's... im assuming that aint good.
u must be very lucky on making under 49 tries


>heehee well I don't sell on 49 retries I sell on how many it actually took.

You got a 2% chance of getting a MP when crafting, though I suspect that figure is lower for the highest level items, like jerkins, lvl 51 2hand weapons etc. If you are lucky and get one on second retry will you sell it at that price?

Masterpieces are very rare items and should be priced as such. Flooding the market with MP items with prices that dont reflect their true value is to do a very big disservice to your fellow crafters in the realm. Based on the prices on 99% items atm, reasonable MP prices seems to be the only way for the crafter to avoid making a loss on his work.


To get a 'true' price for the cost of MPs:

Average # of retries to get an MP ~= 49
Average cost for make + 49 retries ~= 6.5p
Crafter markup @ 50% (very high) = 3.25p
Total Stock cost = 9.75p

Average # of 99%'s in 49 retries = 49/6 ~= 8
Average price of a 99% hauberk = 1.5p
8 x 99% hauberks = 12p

Therefore, assuming the price of the MP = Total Stock Cost - Revenue from 99% hauberk sales

Price = 9.75 - 12 = -2.25p

So Tao, I'll be in Hagall in 15 minutes to pick up my hauberk and my 2.25p. Ill be generous and round it down to 2p :)

PS.. The first person to find the hole gets a MP Asterite Hinge :D


dindt u forget to calculate all teh non MP/99s in? :)


To all the whiners about high prices...Make your own stuff in the future...

Don't just say OMFG your prices are so high bla bla bla...

You all seem to forget the most important thing in this crafting business..

surprise... it takes TIME to make stuff...

No wonder I very rarely accept SC orders with Medicus :p

And having capped armorcraft with Candice but still trying to keep some sets in vault to sell to those that need it...
She can't get higher skill, so why should she keep doing armors ??
Do you goto work and get paid just amount of cash to cover the expenses you have to pay to make your work ??

Imagine getting paid for a full days work, and the pay is just: lunchmoney+ expenses from travelling (bus, subway etc)+ extra for whatever stuff needed to complete work...

I really think a Crafters Union should be started to help fight people like Tao using my old prices :D

And moriath...:p


:D Candice ... i cba to work out my own prices ^^

Agree about sorting something out for crafter prices ... its a joke as it is!:(


Originally posted by old.moriath
heehee well I don't sell on 49 retries I sell on how many it actually took.


Which more often then not is a lot less than 49 retries
Yes, it is. However, next time you try it might be 150 tries for an MP. Do you think you can get a hauberk sold for 18.7 p + your own work cost? No thanks, I'll wait for that next MP hauberk you'll make at the first try and pay you 515 g + work cost instead.


Depends on where you want the risk to be...
Imo a crafter should never be able to lose money on a deal, but thats everyone's own choice of course.

Start a union ! Oh my god, it is going to get as ugly as in real life.


its not like crafters automaticly joins the mafia when chosing a tradeskill.... you have to work to get accepted!


I have personally never had a problem paying 50x cost minus sellback on MP armour/weapons, and those occasions i can get a deal for less i am genuinly grateful.


ugly union would pwn :) ow and cami u mean u didn't? only reason i crafted :D im the big fat leader guy (now i know why ppl call me fat) :D


im the mafia boss if you didnt know... now shut up or ill hang your cat!


Originally posted by aveh
To get a 'true' price for the cost of MPs:

Average # of retries to get an MP ~= 49
Average cost for make + 49 retries ~= 6.5p
Crafter markup @ 50% (very high) = 3.25p
Total Stock cost = 9.75p

Average # of 99%'s in 49 retries = 49/6 ~= 8
Average price of a 99% hauberk = 1.5p
8 x 99% hauberks = 12p

Therefore, assuming the price of the MP = Total Stock Cost - Revenue from 99% hauberk sales

Price = 9.75 - 12 = -2.25p

i dont get it, why should the people buying the 99%'s be paying to make the MP cheaper for whoever gets it?


LOL at the math in this the dude who is saying , that crafters are making 2,25 p on the 99's alone if they try to make a MP..yes thats what your saying ( profit 12p - cost 9,75p ( incl markup ) = 2,25p earned ) even deducted the the numbers wrong ffs, and thats the smallest fault in that calculation...thats some shitty math m8....


Didn't find anything appropriate to say:sleeping:

But after 1.5 years I finally gave Krakatau a lastname...

Krakatau CrazyCrafter ...I think that sounds quite ok :D

And crafting mafia...Well I'm the man to organize it - already have enough members of my own to join in

You can all call me Don Krakatau in the future :ROFLMAO:

But honestly... I totally agree with Solid - enough said


> LOL at the math in this thread..

Well, here's more.

Basically, material cost on hauberks is 516g, with total material cost for 50 item run just about 25.8p

From that run, you'll get on average 1 MP, 8.3 99ers and 40.7 pieces of trash.

Sellback price for trash is 394g (I think), MP and 99er price are variables.

From selling back trash, you recover somewhere around 16p, which means you have to sell your 8.3 99ers and MP for total of 9.8p + X, where X is profit.

Assuming 1.5p price for 99er and 5.5p for MP, your total earnings will be close to 34p. Of that, around 8.2p will be profit.

That makes for about 164g profit on average per crafted hauberk or 82g per craft if we consider that chain hauberk needs leather lining that has to be crafted as well and takes about the same time to make as the hauberk itself.

Which is all nice but kinda irrelevant as there simply isnt market for MP chain hauberks.



And that only if he get's lucky and dont need 177 tries to make the MP


> And that only if he get's lucky and dont need 177 tries to make the MP

And -thats- only if he manages to actually sell all that stuff. Unless one is prepared to sit on one's arse in Hagall for weeks, broadcasting all over and advertising on every web board there is, youre going to have easily 50+ plats worth of craftables collecting dust in one's vault. With chain hauberks, yer gonna have trouble getting rid of MP's. With cheap stuff like gloves and boots, youre having trouble selling 99ers. With leather, yer gonna be lucky to sell any 99ers at all as a) leather is relatively cheap compared to studded and chain while b) leather wearing classes have alot of stuff to cap, hence heightened interest in MP's. With studded you have market perma-flooded with 99ers from armorers who skill up on that stuff. Consignment mercs are going to solve some of that but not everything.

Conclusion: it is theoretically possible to get rich with armorcrafting if youre moderately lucky and very, -very- industrious but thats kinda beside the point as you have to be rather rich to begin with ;)


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