most played and unplayed classes (!)



More Clerics and Armsman on Albion than anything else if you look at the lvl 50s.

Loads of stealth alts on the way though, everyone seems to have a Minst, Scout or Inf.

Very few Friars, Cabis so guess the suk but never played either so couldn't really say.

There used to be very few Sorcs but lots of them appearing now as well cause people have realised they're actually quite a good class.


Originally posted by Verata

By sheer coincidence, the worst solo classes in Hib. Ah well. Just means we're in higher demand. Which would you guys prefer: billable hours or cost per bubble? ;)

Not had any trouble levelling my warden solo to about lvl24, can solo yellow bugs easily with my handy hammer. However why anyone would choose soloing over playing with a good group I don't know its so damn boring.

Originally posted by Aeiedil
a good shade does draw a lot of aggro :) ive been 2-shotted by a dullahan before because i out-aggrod a tank 6 levels higher :s that wasnt very nice ;)

I don't agree a good shade doesn't take aggro at all. Archers and Assasins are plugholes for healing power :D


Originally posted by Meatballs

Not had any trouble levelling my warden solo to about lvl24, can solo yellow bugs easily with my handy hammer. However why anyone would choose soloing over playing with a good group I don't know its so damn boring.

About lvl 20 I would say, forgotten all about the little eldritch you left behind in the levelling?

I don't agree a good shade doesn't take aggro at all. Archers and Assasins are plugholes for healing power :D

A bad assassin is the one who can't deal out damage,
The Newbie assassin is the one who goes: I am so cool I can fucking out aggro all of you tanks I am so 3117. Takes about 20 levels for an assassin to learn taking aggro is not a good thing.
The good assassin is the one who packs out loads of damage but knows when he is reaching the damage limit and put in 1 or 2 detaunts. Tanks can also help with this by putting a taunt in if they see the monster is starting to turn against the assassin.

Btw what level is lythetounge now?


cabalists IMO suk... big time...
they get to summon pets which they can heal...

Other than this they dont have much.. as far as i know.. can some1 pls tell me what cambilists have better than a sorcerer... or a theurgist... other than healing your pet?

What else do you get in your advanced skill path?


I'm a Cabalist and we don't have the heal pet spell YET.
And they don't suck. My pet saved the day a couple of times allready because it's a suicide tank. No one cares if it survives or not, so it can engage a mob while you can retreat.
Also makes soloing quite easy.
The pet is also a super mana battery, giving me super mana regen.
Too bad we don't have any group buffs, that would be social of Mythic, but hey, we are one of the most evil classes in Albion :cool:


pets have a mana regen thing? didn't know that...


There is a spell in the spirit line which converts your spirit in power points. 10% of it's con point in fact.
So if my spirit is alive and in full health I can convert and create him 3 times to bring me back from almost total power less to almost full power in ~25 seconds.


I don't agree a good shade doesn't take aggro at all. Archers and Assasins are plugholes for healing power

a well specced assasain draws a lot of aggro when using its best styles because htey hit hard :) and they should also evade quite a few hits, but they normally only stand about 4-5 hits, maybe less, against higher-conning creatures


Speaking of cabalists....

They are actually a pretty cool class

With mine, I can solo oranges with no problems, and red are not that hard either

Just str debuff, a melee attack speed debuff, Disease AoT and a plague and most mobs go down hard and fast vs BoB, my similacrum

And we get AoE disease at lvl 18 body spec I think

And I also have a scout (almost lvl 25), and I was one of those in keloti... we had 3 scouts in my group, including me, and a 4th would have joined if i didn't stress the need to save last spot for a proper tank, I mean, 3 scouts, 2 clerics, 1 paladin and a thuergist is hardly a balanced group

And would you believe it, 2 drops of preystalker armor in one night! :D


I've seen sillier combinations of groups that work surprisingly well :)


Yello Silverhood :) Wasn't in that scout group - but was in another with 3, you Straker and someone else...

Speaking of weird groups...
Last night was pretty strange - was in cornwall and met up with a Wizard and an Armsman.. we killed trees nice and easy (elder beeches - orange/yellow coming in pairs) along with another Wizard that joined...

Then 2 paladins and a theurgist within about 5 seconds of each other join... so no more trees (pap xp).

Went up the hill and started killing boogeys - were getting pairs of purples and thinking 'aaaaaaaaaah we have no healer we're gonna dieeeeee'.

But we didn't... we earned the most xp I've earned in a group for AGES.

Final group was Wiz Wiz Theu Pal Pal Arm Merc Scout and we were taking 2-3 boogeys of red-purple without any problems (unless root failed in which case we were hurting but usually not dead :)

Just goes to show ... don't _need_ a cleric for a group :) (though I have to say they are damned handy)


Update to the least-played classes thing... Hibernia seems desperately short of hero's in the 30-40 range at the moment :mad: Seem to have spent half the playing time of the last week doing /who hero trying to get enough tanks into groups :(

More tanks please!! Particularly hero's! :)


camped Mithra when I was lvl 11-12......
1 scout (me), 5 paladins, and an armsman

Who needs a cleric? we had full health even after the combat


btw, in midgard prydwen, I was in a group with 8 Thanes all my level

Now that was a kick as group


I have a dream...... :p

the other night 2 friars teamed up workd pretty well could take orange mobs without trouble (friars only wear leather remember) the one not being aggroed healed ;)

another friar joined and we kicked arse 2 dmg dealers and a healer NO MATTER who had aggro.....

now my dream is

I would LOVE to make a 8 man friar group lvl 40+ and make a trip to Dartmoor, or deep into barrows, all 8 members hurts with the same amount of dmg as an armsman (if full staff specced) and all 8 can heal

don´t EVER say friars won´t be any good that group would rock


_so very tempted to make a friar_ ;) maybe i will if a third english server comes :)


Originally posted by Bedwin
I have a dream...... :p

the other night 2 friars teamed up workd pretty well could take orange mobs without trouble (friars only wear leather remember) the one not being aggroed healed ;)

another friar joined and we kicked arse 2 dmg dealers and a healer NO MATTER who had aggro.....

now my dream is

I would LOVE to make a 8 man friar group lvl 40+ and make a trip to Dartmoor, or deep into barrows, all 8 members hurts with the same amount of dmg as an armsman (if full staff specced) and all 8 can heal

don´t EVER say friars won´t be any good that group would rock


a 2 man Cleric grp can do reds without 2 much trouble using smites from range then a melee/smite/heal combo when it gets close.

an 8 man Cleric team 40+ could go anywhere in albion :)
16 insta heals, 8 insta mez on a 30 second timer, ranged + pb smites, I could go on....

Shame Friars suk really, they have potential but I won't be playing one as I can think of very few Alb classes that are worse :(

Got to be easy to equip a Friar though as I've had stacks of Friar drops and guess you must get given most of the stuff you need.


Midgard lacks healers mainly. There is way to many low level Kobold hunters on Excaliber, one reason I made a Dwarf hunter.

Runemasters are also in short supply as well as Spiritmasters. In a group a spiritmaster is awsome, I have grouped with a few and with the deduffs they get and the pet stuns and DD proc's it helps lower the down time.


c0ngo friars don´t suck friars are gimped, we get some loving in 1.46 but we still need that one thing that would be nice, ranged attack, I could live with a minor smite line or something else that is unspeable I just want to be able to pull :)


Friars are only good if you want a nice full english breakfast :)

Gerrit? Friar.. Fryer.. aaha.. i crack myself up sometimes

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