Most hated school memory



What was the worst point ever in your life whilst at school?

Mine was being held in my head masters office after I accidentally set fire to some kid. I was shittin myself I was.

Not a good time for me.


Was spending 4 hours in headmasters office after i had a little fight with 2 fellow students < Dutch and high on weed >. I accidently smashed a small TV screen with my hand as one of them tried to throw it<the TV> 'in my direction'. Prolly worst moment of my earlier students career.
But after i presented a bottle of Russian vodka.... guess what, i didnt even get a record or a fine :cool:

PS: couldnt play basketball for a month after that... me hand suffered a bit - few scars .


Only got one bad memory that I can recall now and that was getting sick in french class asking to be excused and not making it to the toilet thus hurling on the floor right as I open the toilet door...


Managing to run into one of the larger female teachers in the play-ground at the age of about 8 and somehow break my nose and fall unconcious on the ground (I have no idea how either. I suspect she was wearing an iron jacket or something).

Uncle Sick(tm)

The worst... hmm...

I remember getting one of those infamous red slips for missing out on classes a lot - supposedly being sick...
So I accepted the slip, signed for it (was 18 then... supposedly self-responsible;)), ripped it, made a tight little ball out of it and fired it into my psychology prof's face... god I hated that arsehole.

I got a two week suspension for it... enjoyed every minute of the spare time. Oh... the worst moment... damn...


Two week suspension! Sweet! I'd enjoy every minute of extra freedom myself :)
Hmm... I've never been even close to suspension (if I remember correctly)... maybe because I lived abroad so much and in the foreign schools they weren't as harsh in my case :D

- Pathfinder -

Curse! Two weeks suspension? I want to migrate, damnit!

Worst moment, hmm, getting below 90% on that test... errr, I mean, the time our teacher caught us smoking weed :p


Hmmm has to be the time where I was beating the living daylight out of a fellow student, and the headmaster grab'd my arm ( not a vise thing to do as im quit a big guy ) And I prombtly send him flying head over... Needless to say he didnt like that one bit, but I didnt get suspende ( weird enough ) maybe he realised that grabbing my arm like that was not the wisest thing he could have done, and as I did not start the fight, I just ended it ;) But every teacher was on my case for a few week's after that, and that was quit annoying :(


most expensive:

having a fight with this kind of fat guy (cant remember his name or why we were fighting... hmm) - once i has given him a black eye and suitably ruffed him up - I IS TEH 'ARD! - i threw him through the air, yes, he actually flew... even though he was quite chubby :p ... straight into a school computer.

proceed lots of talking to the head about vandilising, being naughty, having to give the bloody school money to buy a new comp...


Anyone notice that our most hated memories of school begin with :

I was beating some guy up......

Good to see video games don't make you violent. :p


i must admit in school i looked pretty boring and normal, no big pumping muscles or anything, but then the big bullie d00d picked a fight with me and suddenly his 'ard rep went out the window :)


Sure we are 'ARD...I only once in my life have taken a beating, and well we where 3 and they where 16 we didnt realy have the odd's going for us, cost me a black eye and a split lip, before the local police arrived. But I'll bet you me best underwear they will never fight us again , if they arent atleast 10 peopel, a few of them ended up in hospital, after I grab'd one of those log's you put up to surport small tree's , and started to hitting the living daylight out of peopel with it, actualy think that fight was the main course the is now atleast 2 police cars outside that discotec from it opens to it closes...

And nope vidoe games didnt make me violent, I actualy go out of my way to avoid a fight( normaly not a problem, most peopel dont start fights with someone who looks like a member of Hells Angels ), but if it cant be avoided, or someone attacks one of my mates, you better not be standing in my path

Uncle Sick(tm)

We had that smelly kid in class... who really liked to get in your face when he got enraged about something, adding stink to nastiness. I hated him with a passion (stupid, nasty, smelly).

So one day, he pissed me off one too many times - I picked him up Randy "Macho Man" Savage style (only chest high and kinda awkwardly... it looks so easy on TV...) and slammed him against the blackboard. The very same moment the teacher came into room... oops.

Another time, we were on one of those extended field trips, I kinda.. uhm... took his gameboy (it was anno Gameboy year one or two... the thing was really expensive still) and started playing Super Mario Land... he came over and turned it off.
I gave him the bitch slap of his life LOL:)
So that big guy started sobbing, ran to a teacher and demanded to get his own room in the youth hostel. Har har

I could fill a book with what I did to that arse... evul.

Oh... and remind me never to book a vacation in Denmark. People are violent there;)


Hehe nahh you come by anytime, and I'll buy ya a cool Tuborg :clap:

old.Gombur Glodson

2 episodes - one where me and some classmates made a semi large hole in the wall using only a pencil, we covered it up with a drawing but it was discovered and we were forced to pickup trash around the school grounds.

second - involves beating someone up and getting send to the headmaster and having major touble with my parents :(


heh, I too made a hole in my politics class wall. That hole was cool!

There's always a smelly kid, we had one who was allergic to everything, especially eggs.

Last day of school, guess what we did......

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Hehe nahh you come by anytime, and I'll buy ya a cool Tuborg :clap:

He should rather drink harboe ren pilsner

and damn Damon I liked it better when I was on the same side as you ;)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by [Cerebus]
Short ass

6ft 5 here! :p

I'm 202 cm tall :)

I think that translates roughly into 6 ft 7, so bring it shortie :p


Hhmmm, what do they say, the bigger you are the harder you fall.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Fafnir
Hhmmm, what do they say, the bigger you are the harder you fall.

TBH I'm not that big, I'm just tall :) I'm more of a wiry, muscular guy, though ;)


Stop using these damn feet. I mean we at least use proper units not some body parts.

Uncle Sick(tm)

What's next? Who has the longer dick? :flame:



Worst moment:

Leaning back on my chair and falling out the geography room fire escape door (mid lesson), proceeding to fall down 2 flights of stairs and ending up in the playground still in my chair... ouch

8 inches


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Sure we are 'ARD...I only once in my life have taken a beating, and well we where 3 and they where 16 we didnt realy have the odd's going for us, cost me a black eye and a split lip, before the local police arrived. But I'll bet you me best underwear they will never fight us again , if they arent atleast 10 peopel, a few of them ended up in hospital, after I grab'd one of those log's you put up to surport small tree's , and started to hitting the living daylight out of peopel with it, actualy think that fight was the main course the is now atleast 2 police cars outside that discotec from it opens to it closes...

And nope vidoe games didnt make me violent, I actualy go out of my way to avoid a fight( normaly not a problem, most peopel dont start fights with someone who looks like a member of Hells Angels ), but if it cant be avoided, or someone attacks one of my mates, you better not be standing in my path

think back.
was the grass green, and the mobs neutral?

that was the zerg in emain! not rl!


ROFL...... a lvl 50 Paladin in Yggdra more like

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