Most Efficient Levelling Route



Gorgers/Feeders in LB

I don't know why it is so, but it seems like not so many people knows that Feeders and Gorgers in LB pays great XP and drops too.
If someone attacks our realm it's easier to get to the action fast from LB only - is that almost everyone can't get their ass out of Lyonesse but prefer to wait for treegroup instead of making group and go to LB sometimes.


just an Idea for 45+ ish, what aboiut taking a full group to LB and camping Needletooth, Feeders and Bearded Gorgers, cos no one is about you get the choice of the lot and they a nice con for those lvls, and im surprized people wait for trees groups and dont go up there and hunt


trees xp really sux tbh esp now they dont auto pull. the only lvl they are good xp is prolly 44-46 after that its a waste of time, really slow. noticed it on my firewiz @47 when some worms were red and thinking "i can solo reds sometimes and here i am sharing it with 8 ppl?". an 8 person grp needs to be fighting purples anything less is wasting time. for a guideline on how much xp is decent xp at any given level go solo a yellow/hi yellow mob and see how much u get. u want that xp or a bit less, only faster, per person, in an 8 grp.


We're going to LB with our PBAoE group(s) at 40... Going to be fun...

And I think I remember you Puppet :p

It was our first time there, I think we already did better later that evening (and I think the group you where in was level 20-22)...

And we did Danoian Clerks at 26-27... Those guys are level 36-41 (I've seen blue ones with my 50-Wizard), and we killed them all... A group of 32+ was pulling those too with a mezzer (last weekend), and they did them at half the speed at which we did them (29-30)...

I'm still amazed, its basicly so that if the wizards can hit a mob, they will kill it as long as the healer keeps the tanks alive... Since all tanks are Paladins, agro almost never goes to the Wizards...

But I think 40+ for LB should be really nice (huge camp-bonus since no one goes there and loads of camp-spots)... Weird level ranges though (those toads for example, go from orange to purple for my wizz)...


Originally posted by Jiggs
i really dont care how you play your theurgist, mine is specced to be a pure support class. I enjoy the fact that my abilities enable other classes to do the real damage, which is what having a specialist group is all about.

Ofcourse, don't get me wrong! I am not blaming you for playing that theurg as you're playing it now. It's the best you can do if you're supporting PBAoE'ers, for sure.

It's just I think it's gonna be 'less fun to play' once you hit lvl 50 and go RvR. If that's not the way you are heading with your theurg you should be OK. But I doubt you will have much fun with him in RvR. But then again, I can be wrong :)

incidentally if i wanted a versatile nuker i'd make a body or matter cabbie or a body sorcerer both of which have a far more effective variety of tools that any theurgist.

Well, ofcourse I have to doubt that, as a theurg :D

No seriously: I really am convinced I am more versatile than a sorc. I've played a lvl 50 sorc with mind 20/24 and body all the way to 50. He has a mezz, so do I (long enough in RvR though). He has a nuke, but it's capped lower then mine (plus same base damage, but in RvR body gets higher resists then spirit), he can charm a pet but once it's gone it's gone. He has some instant-debuffs, I have 1 as well. But the harder nuke, the EB-buffs, the PBT and the castable pets make me more versatile. At least, I think :)

Dunno about a cabby, never played one seriously. But I doubt he's more versatile than I am :)


i usually do kill tasks 7-20 because they are so quick, and virtually all mobs are there somewhere, like undead druids span on plains by night or by mithra in day


anyone tried leveling with the kill reward tasks 20-50 ? how much exp can u get from doing them and how repeatable are they? heard u could turn in summat like 12 items a level ?


I must agree with Alithiel here regarding killtasks, never understood the post 10 fascination with them. At L5 or so it gives a full bub per task, commonly is killing a blue bear beyond the ridge, ownage. Then it % gained per task starts slowly ticking down and the areas you have to travel for the tasks stretching out. At 10ish it becomes 5% per task and travel ranges can involve crossing the majority of a zone. Meanwhile a yellow con mob can very well give a similar %, you lack camps, you get alot of downtime due to poor defense, you risk stray aggro, but if we posed that you could theoretically pull yellows without risk of dying then I just don't see who could possibly find it faster to run half a zone and back over and over. Towards 20 the reward for a KT is like 3% and you find yourself running back and forth over and over.

Killtasks is safer, it might seem faster and less repeating with less actual sitting on your butt, but sorry I really can't say I think it's good and effective exp. You must be able to top this in a group of non-muppets in a place like not-salis.

This all is assuming a quite extensive knowledge of exactly where and when to find the mobs and the shortest/safest route there.


Originally posted by Tigerius
You must be able to top this in a group of non-muppets in a place like not-salis.

Ah - now youve got to the real point ;) Good luck finding that group of non-muppets. Of course a muppet-free group will level faster than someone kill tasking - but you know as well as I do that Albion is NOT a muppet-free zone ;)


Originally posted by Draylor

Ah - now youve got to the real point ;) Good luck finding that group of non-muppets. Of course a muppet-free group will level faster than someone kill tasking - but you know as well as I do that Albion is NOT a muppet-free zone ;)

It's not just Albion. All realms have that problem. Face it: If you're levelling your alt and he's like lvl 10 you have a good chance joining a full-group with at least 3 guys who are levelling their mains. And you can't expect from them to be 'perfect' in the game.

But I know for sure if you have a sorc, a theurg or a mincer (i.e. with speed-buff) you can beat most groups with XP, unless you don't know mob-locations.

I did 2 complete levels of kill-tasking at PKB and my average on completing a killtask was 4.5 minutes (you can see it when you do /task just before you return to the NPC: It states how much time left and it was always between 115-116 minutes left) and it's XP is, well we all know, great.

You can do 2 high-level killtasks within 3,5 hours (eg. level 18 and 19) if you know mob-loc and have speed.

Especially a theurg should at least try it. You don't get aggro (throw 5 elementals in the mob and run away back to the NPC) and there's no 'real' downtime, just the running back and forth between mob and NPC.

And I agree that some mobs only spawn at night (or day) like tombraider diggers , green ghasts but if you're at the wrong time there is ALWAYS a mob there which cons about blue/yellow to you, so you could just continu to ordinary XP-hunting in the meantime until the pop of the killtask-mob is there.

But I can imagine it's tricky sometimes for chars like an armsman to pick out 'the bandit thaumaturg' without aggroing at least 2 or 3 adds... Which is tricky if they all con blue..


OK... This is how Kerosene levelled (iirc)

0-5 - random shit (solo)
6/7 - Boulderlings (solo)
8-20 - Kill Tasks - As Puppet said, speed - lob 5/6 ele's at target - be half way back to kill task bloke before the mob dies :)
21-25 - Tepoks/Keltoi (solo)
26-30 - Ponies/Cats
30-37 - Gobbos
37-42 - Tanglers
42-44 - DF/Ellylls
44-50 - Trees/DF/DM/Ellylls - Anything really.

Once I got PBT, there was a lot of arse sitting til I got bored and reached about lvl 33 when I started CC'ing a lot more. Learned CC proper by the time I got to tanglers. I only really learned about my debuffs/nukes etc at lvl 40ish and haven't looked back since.



Guys its very difference u cant really set an overall way which fits all classes for optimal lvling.

Leorin did like this

1-5 Random mobs
5-8 boulders/random mobs
8-9 bandit camp
10-18 Salis plains, Nymphs.Slavers, BB etc
18-23 Keltoi
23-26 Catacombs/Ponies
26-30 Dunters/Hamadryads
30-37 Hill goblins
37-43 Tanglers (Notice that this was at old times when u still could get grps at tanglers)
43-45 DF (spiders,succubus,mahrs)
45-50 Inqusitors, and Duo tanglers with a sorc. (notice that duoing tanglers as a caster is 10000 times faster then twees.
At 1 gobby killed u got like same amount exp as u get from 1 killed tree).

I would say this is the fastest way to lvl for any caster.
I might be a little wrong at lvl 1-10 But it was a time ago so cant really remember.


For Wizards at least, Nymphs in the 9-18 range are 'da thing' ... I tried a Keltoi group at 18ish, and quickly returned to solo'ing...

Its boring, but a fire-wizard alteast is a great solo'er, but you have to chose your mobs wisely...

Nymphs are like the Pygmy Goblins except lower level ;) (and spawn rate is way lower, but you have so many Nymph tree's you could switch to)...

I found it faster to solo (because you can stay at 1 camp-spot) as a wizard... I took down yellow/orange which gave only a tad less XP then a KT, so it was actually faster for me to just kill...

I'd say, a KT is only for chars that have a hard time solo'ing yellows/oranges at a reasonable speed... Speed just makes it even better..


Kill tasks seem to me to geive me 3x the xp of a yellow kill + the xp for killing the mob

and as most of them are such a short run - if u know where to look, i dont think group xp is quicker.

Maybe at higher lvls, 15+, if you get a group of other alts it might be, but im not convinced.


Killtasks are great if you cant find a reliable group.

Worth asking when u join Irnoob alt to the group if they high lvl alts or not. Tends to better if they have :)

PS if you want run PBT and *not* be sitting on you ass go roll a warden on Hib/Pryd ;)


i started lvlin my ramtankie last week(on monday)
hes 37 now
basicly i used multiple accs cuz i have 3pcz available to me here
and no i didnt take my alt and sorc to tanglerz and be a jerk by farmin tangz where other ppl are havin a hard time to get their grp some decent pullz
mostly i had a eb-buffbot sticked to ully givin him eb whenever he needed some
then i used my sorc to pull as many mobs as possible
ae dext/str/cons/quick debuffs kinda makes red mobs as powerfull as a blue mob or even green
combine this with a highlvl eb on a lowbi char and u easily chew down 10+ yellow/orange mobs before considering a rest
1-15 i mostly did solo
after that i used the wiz to eb my entire grp and my sorc to get mobs to kill so we dont waist any time on pullin
they main key to expin is reducin your downtime
not by chasin the highest mobs u can possible handle cuz that comes with a certain risk

1-10 mobs all over the place as long as many mobs are available and have a fast spawnrate
10-20 salis nymps slavers those skellies druids
22-30 cronwall cataz and dartmoor: hunter camp boogy tower catacombs/ponies
30-32= big leap soloin or smaller grps and do something
31-38 goboz
37-49 DF dartmoor huntz

i am very aware that most of us dont have a spare pc or a wiz/sorc/theu/cleric
main key to lvlin is being an entrepreneur
sort out a good grp
just flaggin for something wont help u that much
use /who cleric /who 27 etc and contact ppl all over albion if they want to join ur grp
ask ur grp to notice when they are plannin to leave so u could find a replacement in time

im so glad i started out with makin a sorc :)
doin tangz with ur alt might seem as uber xp but youre gettin on other ppl their nerves and givin them a hard time to get some decent xp while they got the appropriate lvl to actually hunt at tangz
CC and debuffing outside the grp is great and it doesnt takes any xp of the mobs what so ever

ow yeah havin a lot of time might also speed up your xpin :D


One handy hint.. The tower at the camp forest end of salisbury is excellent for kill tasks from about level 17 (if you get one from one of the two guards there). they almost always give you one of the mobs on the little space just next to the tower (basilisk, pseudo, waylayer, ambusher) and you can level up in no time.

Also, if your a fire wizzie or slash tank, the trees just inside camp forest are good from about 17-20ish.


Lyon is too far away.

Do barrows:

Agree with the rest about 0-40 odd
I spent the majority of 40-50 in barrows:

1. Celts - With grp is nice and fast, EM drops
2. Monolithic thingies barrows - feck shit quick XPing with a good grp
3. Lichs 48-50 Tank and cleric combos (yup just 2 people) great XP, more Clerci Goblets than you can shake a stick at, think I still have 2-3 in the vault. You need to kill the sound on these puppies, as of 2 patches ago they have a horrid sound.

I did trees for 45mins and that was it for me, Barrows was easier to get to, quicker to go train and easier access for DF and CS.


The pbaoe group did Goblins in Lyonesse for a bit, all were lvl 31, one tank lvl 32, but clerks were faster xp, cause they just died so fast, and the respawn rate was great. Goblins are no real challange at 32, and will be boring at lvl 36 for sure :)
Guess we need to go into the frontier or something soon :p
Regards, Glottis


Did Barrow Wights at 45 with 3 peeps, we killed them so fast it was actually good XP... Although, it gets boring... And so the theurg in our group decided to mezz all wights there...

Only yellow/orange, but 10 hurt :p

Btw, did a PBAoE group at 30/31 last sunday at Pygmy's, worked, except the only healer we had was a Friar so we had too much downtime, double pulling Clerks (6 in 1 go) was quicker XP... And sometimes the friar couldnt keep up with healing...

EDIT: Bah, Glottis did a reply before me.... ;) (and I wasnt 32 yet, dinged 32 at Clerks after leaving Pygmy's, so we where all 30/31)

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