Morrowwind or Neverwinter Nights?


1tchy trigger

I'm new to the RPG's - have never really got into them in the past but these two seem to be getting people excited - so which should I go and buy this weekend?


Well, both are good Rpg's in my opinion. I played Morrowind some prior to the release of NWN. Then I shelfed it, and is now playing it almost non-stop, with a few pauses now and then, to log into Daoc. ;)

Don't get me wrong though, Morrowind seems great. I will probably return to it later some time, when I've played NWN so much I'm sick of it. :)


Morrowind is singleplayer, NWN has single and multi.
Multiplayer games generally last a lot longer, and are more fun :)


But MMORPG's are even better and have an even longer life-span :)


NWN is simply awesome... and Morrowind is amazing... so have ditched DAOC for the time being but will no doubt return when the nights grow long.


/emote tries to get himself to retrieve the game off a friend, still having 3 empty CDs lying around.

1tchy trigger

Aaaargh! This isn't helping ... its going to be one of t'other ... I can't buy both because I have to work for a living!!


Read some reviews and decide. I bet GameSpy etc. have something about the games online, free of charge.


i prefer NWN's but morrowind was great - still NWN has multiplayer ;)

(oh and hi! First post here from me ;))

skerit XP

Originally posted by SFXman
But MMORPG's are even better and have an even longer life-span :)

Yea, but t hey mostly have no story at all, any word on when there are actually gonna be events???

oh, and you did not get this fromm me but euhm... buy one game, download the other :)
better yet, buy the one with multiplayer (they mostly need a cd key and stuff) and download the singleplayer one.... oh well, you didn't got it from me! :D


skerit, yes I buy a game when I have to such as DAoC and Ultima Online or when it is smething legendary (Diablo series).

skerit XP

I buy it when it's cheap, if I want to suport that company or something, and games that you have to pay or need a cd key for (for going on-line)

But when the game is in the top 10 of best sold games, I'm not gonna buy it, they have enough money :)


Buy NWN you won't regret it :) (got my version yesterday)


When you are new to RPG style/based games, I would not start with any of the 2.

Morrowind is like the old Daggerfall and offers what many call 'complete freedom'. I would think this to be extremely difficult when you never RPG'ed before. It's a great game, but be prepared ...

NWN is what people call a 'true' rpg. Campaign story, ADnD rules, ... I love NWN, the 3rd Edition rules, the DM options, ...
but I've been hobbying around with ADnD and other fantasy settings for over 12 years now.

If you want to start on an RPG, go for titles such as Icewind Dale or Baldurs Gate with the first one being the shorter one and will give you the idea if you like RPG games. If you really want MW or NWN, I would say, stick to the last one for starters.


Itchy: depends on what your after.

I've not played NWN but by all accounts it's really quite good. No idea on what it's like single player (but it's got an interesting multiplayer option - pen and paper D&D but in 3D is the aim - it won't quite be that but it might get close)

It's traditional D&D (well probably 3rd edition D&D which isn't quite so traditional) so if you want to run around slaying orcs n stuff it's good.

I imagine the single player plots are a bit more linear than morrowind? but couldn't say.

Morrowind on the other hand is single player only but is absolutely superb. You can pretty much play who you want to, make whatever alliances with whichever guild you feel like. It's set in a weirder place though (reminded me of Dark Sun from all those years ago...) but there is a stupid amount of background content (hundreds of different books kickingaround with daft stories in them... I'm too lazy/overworked to read most of them :) but the ones I did were cool)
One thing with Morrowind is the atmosphere seemed really quite lonely at times... Might be just because it's a solo game and I was playing in a group in DAoC previously... but the atmosphere is quite bleak.

I guess it comes down to 'which of the two box covers do you like more?'

- Pathfinder -

NWN is amazing :) TBH I prefer 2nd edition DnD rules, but 3rd are easier to get into (too much cheese for me though). SP is interesting, even though it's far too easy (if you plan on making a melee char, either skip henceman or turn dificulty up to Hard) due to being designed to be completed by any class.

And I want my stat rolling :(


Stat rolling was so utterly pointless in any computer based RPG - might as well just start with 18 in every stat...

(as people just rerolled and rerolled till they got it, at least in all their primaries)

They day they included the 'modify' buttons was the day that all the computer RPG's lost 10 hours of play time (by removing the 10 hrs of rerolling stats at the start ;))

- Pathfinder -

A pragmatic would simply use an editor to set his/her stats high :p Stat rolling is fun though; sure you end up with rather silly characters, but it's amusing :)

1tchy trigger

Thanks for the feedback guys - may well go for NWN


Originally posted by Khalen
Buy NWN you won't regret it :) (got my version yesterday)
I will regret it on Friday at the nightclub/bar.

Plus if you haven't really enjoyed or gotten into AD&D before... I doubt the game is even half as entertaining... although I did like the Baldur's Gate series because the story was good. That NWN intro movie you can download is arse though :( ... so who knows about that games story.

- Pathfinder -

Pah 10 hours? :p I only needed 4 hours to roll 94 in BG2 :) Given the fact that you found a 18 CHA ring right off, you could basically max all your stats :p


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Pah 10 hours? :p I only needed 4 hours to roll 94 in BG2 :) Given the fact that you found a 18 CHA ring right off, you could basically max all your stats :p
Complete it a few times a give all tomes your main... like me.


Good call.

I got Morrowind and NWN - both are essential purchases of the year, they are really the way ahead into the new era of gaming.

If forced I would opt for NWN as the starter... and do not be put off by the high price of £40. It is an awesome experience and thereafter there are no monthly charges. However I have a sneaky feeling that Morrowind will be the game I eventually play/design more hours on... so get NWN and then MWind when funds permit.

And now a confession... I also got Dungeon Siege... omg! (Waits for gasps of derision to die down.) Wonderful mindless fun - also high on my 'must have' games even if it is like Diablo.

That said even though I have closed my DAOC account until the winter nights (purely a question of time available in RL as I believe DAOC euro is still THE best online game.... and I have tried them all).... um.... where was I?...Ah yes... blah blah...even tho... I shall return to DAOC when the clocks go back.

Meanwhile I greet you from the dungeons of NWN, and the plains of MWind.... until October when the only good Alb is a mezzed Alb.


woohoo!! just got my copy of nwn delivered about 5 mins ago.

I'm at work atm, so I'll install it and then have a little go at lunchtime :D

( - £26.99 - ordered it mon/tues I think)


£26.99 ?!!!!

<slaps head>

Enjoy it matey... 'tis great!

- Pathfinder -

Other than all the extremely cheesy chars you can make :p


NWN is like Baldur's Gate in 3D. I think that says enough about how it is :) A big story line to follow (find a cure to the plague) and all kinds of little sub quests. In the beginning it's a bit hard. What I don't understand is that some guards just before the boss from the area is sometimes even harder then the boss itself :( Ow and if you can't take the boss yet go to the other area first to gain more xp and money so you can buy better stuff and level some first.


Hrm did you have to say Baldur's Gate in 3D?

goddamn I'm gonna have to get it now :(

OK I'll have to quit my job to have time to play it ;)

- Pathfinder -

It's not BG2 in 3d; not even close :p You have no party (just your own character, a single henceman if you so wish, and possibly summons), after all. I preferred the Bg2 storyline, but NWN is still great :)

Multiplayer can be evil though; the amount of cheese :p I can't stand the sight of more multiclass monks :(


As I've mentioned in another thread, NWN is not created to be a singleplayer-game. It was created with the pen and paper gamers in mind, who are used to playing one character and possible have a henchman or two along for the ride, but mostly play in a group with other player-characters.

The singleplayer-module was created using the tools available for everyone who buys the game, the Aurora Toolkit. The Toolkit will alllow pen and paper Dungeon Masters to recreate the Pen and Paper RP-sessions on their computers. This tool (NWN) will revolutionize the RPG-world.. both PnP and CRPG.

RPGs (PnP) are not "boss"-like adventures, that's why some Diablo-players feel lost here. The Hack n slash in NWN is only there if the DM thinks it's needed. A great RPG-adventure could be played without a single fight (in my opinion), and still be much better than any Hack n Slash adventure.

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