We postpone. Meet Wednesday morning for arti group. A Crown of Zahur that Myste has in her inv will be included, and any participant from today is allowed to roll for it. If nobody wants it, it will be included in lotto tomorrow. If you can't make it tomorrow and want to have a go at the crown PM me here or ingame and I will roll for you.
Tomorrow's order of artis is: Ceremonial Bracer, Phoebus Harp, Bracer of Zo'arkat (if we have enough people), SoM, Scalars, Battler. If there is interest we then finish off with Egg of Youth and Jacinas Sash.
I'm sorry, might have been local, but I had trouble reconnecting for half an hour after that mass ld. Might prolong the arti raids and do it early on Saturday as well if there is interest, seeing as we got kind of interrupted.
OK Wednesday was a success, I would say! Tomorrow we do GoV (if up), Jacinas Sash, Bracer of Zo'arkat, Egg of Youth and Battler. Having a blast so far!
I have a studded helm for Patriarck and a Bracer of Rain for Kulerogkrutt.
i would just like to say a big ty to Keane for organising and leading these raids - i was unable to make fridays raid due to isp probs but partook in the rest and they were good fun. alot of peeps got artis they were seeking and an expert tour of toa.
I would just like to thank everyone who participated in this week's morning artifact group. I don't have the list of everyone who did, nor of the artis we managed to snag, but off the top of my head :
Battler - several times
Crown of Zahur - several times
Scorpion Tail's Ring - unfortunately didn't drop
Mariashas Sharkskin Gloves - once
Ceremonial Bracer - unfortunately didn't drop
Stone of Atlantis - once
Bracer of Zo'arkat - twice
Egg of Youth - once
Shades of Mist - once, for credit
Guard of Valor - twice, if I remember correctly
Cloudsong - unfortunately didn't drop
Tartaros Gift - once
Malice - several times
Ring of Dances - once
Band of Stars - once
Crocodile Tear's Ring - twice, though it only dropped once
Healer's Embrace - once
Phoebus Harp - once - but we got two harps
Belt of Sun - no, but it was donated to us
My personal reason for arranging this was getting a few artis for my theurgist Keane, as well as ML xp to match the ML raids I am running. This has definitely been acheived.
But what feels best right now is the positive vibe throughout the week. I'd like to think that everyone (I hope so) has walked away with something they wanted. Items have been given away, artis have been passed on so other can have, a lot of nice words have been typed, making me feel damn proud I arranged an arti group in the first place.
And damn proud that I am in this realm. With these players.
It was a great week .... led by a great leader and played with great team members!
Without this week i wouldn't have got the artis i did for mankkslash so a big thanks to everyone who got up each morning < i was falling asleep at the kb by the end of the week, lol >!
It goes to show that with the right people anything can be achieved .... need before greed, whineless, totally team effort gaming.
Thanks to everyone who turned up, would like to try and name u all but i don't want to miss anyone out, and thanks to keane for devoting his week off to run these raids /cheer
It sure was a nice week, and would also say /salute to all who showed up making it fun in the morning to play the game, i sure had fun and looking forward to grp'ing with you in the future
and again thx to keane to make the raids and keeping it all running
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