More tank nerf inc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Dunno, maybe he rolled Glastonbury cos he felt TOA abilities overpowered things, and is glad they are being reined in a little.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
I wonder if this will, like some of you say, make the offensive tank in an opted group obsolete.. or will it mean hybrids that were designed with interupts in mind, get more groups? :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I can almost guarantee that reaver grp invites will decrease when this one kicks in...

If we're expected to be banelord for any PvE and Battlemaster for RvR that'll make life a complete nightmare!!!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Rofl, says the Eldritch.

Svart you silly old sausage, I have about 15 level 50 characters across the servers, my Eld isn't even active anymore, I am just too lazy to change the sig ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Yeah, like caster DPS.

I would have no problem trading DPS on any of my casters for a little more utility, with ToA bonuses the pure damage casters dish out numbers that are just sick anyway and should be toned down.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I play banelord at times, and to be honest it is stupidly overpowered. Especially the moment you get stunned. Gives you 45seconds+ of pure interuption on a massive radius.

With that said, they didnt need to nerf it this hard. I would have merely advised one the following:

1) All BL abilities interupt however radius of effect reduced to 750units stun immunity+tendril spam fixed as well as the timer (timer fix = stun immunity fix anyways)

2) BL abilities no longer interupt, timer reduced to 2.5minutes. Number of shared timers reduced. Radius kept the same.

Now, by doing either these you have nerfed the abilities to an acceptable level (I mainly play caster but tank experiences still back up this) but do not make the line useless. But to point out why i say this i will continue (maybe send feedback when home to mythic about my view to be ignored :p )

Option 1)

By reducing the radius they cant interupt everyone at once, got to be more selective when to do it. It still gives them the ability to interupt though which allows them to make an attack/escape without been insta killed by nukes. The fxing of tendrils would mean that they can not spam an interupt anymore and play more like a tank again.

Option 2)

Removing of interupts as already announced will weaken the banelords abilities and then there are further nerfs involved beyond that. Makes the line undesirable. As such this is a comprimise between what is proposed and keeping the line as worthwhile, especially at lowering casters fast nuking.

Removal of shared timers allows the banelord to use the many abilities they got that they have to pick between. With the removal of interupts this would no longer be that big an issue. Tendrils will very rarely be used now as is with no interupting involved.

Lowering ability timers .. this means that the tank can use zone of unmana on the same radius as is now but more often. It will not interupt but it will reduce caster DPS due to slow cast times. It be up in all fights and multiple times per fight. Will keep caster damage more in check and give support chance to keep tanks alive now they cant interupt.


Now, I cant decide which will be best right now. It basically comes to the lesser of 2 evils. Instead of complaining about this change, lets try be constuctive. Dont like my ideas? Then help me adjust them to something which we can happily approach Mythic and GoA with in order to achieve a balance between the players and the companies ideas.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
Its not even worth trying to think up a good solution to suggest to Mythic, they proberly won't even read it. :)


Dec 22, 2003
Dakkath said:
I can almost guarantee that reaver grp invites will decrease when this one kicks in...

Welcome to the experiance of the minstrel... enjoy your ride, please ensure to fasten your seat belt through the passive nerfs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
I think with these changes we'll see more heavy tanks having a roll tbh, Hero Armsman and Warrior, even with their hp/resists boosts are still uncommon in a selected grp. Giving them the new BL (as in the new chages) it would mean they would be a massive dps class with the ability to debuff to an extent (zone of unmanaa + demo will still be a deadly combo vs most casters while not interupting, only nuking the heavy tank for minimal amounts)

charge will have minimal uses. Heavy tanks with 26 item resists, 16-24 spell resists, 15 class bonus, stoicism and det 5 will make a red mezz last all of about 2 seconds. this combined with the hero aoe 'purge' is a nice combo, and then with some proper skills, like debuffs, is lovely jubbly. This change may be the end of light tank and BD interupt BS that we see now, but it just means we change our tactics and grp setup. Remember that all sides will 'suffer' from the change, so the use of different classes will add more variaty and make some of the less opted classes more viable in your grp.

would comment more but have to go to work now :p

all in all i think this is a good change, gives toons like thanes and valks and the main heavy tanks for choice in a fg raid. let's see what they do with casters


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
RandomDotCom said:
stoicism and det 5 will make a red mezz last all of about 2 seconds
It's about 9 seconds, which is enough time for one caster to kill you 3 times over. With /assisting casters, there's no point even trying, you get insta-vaporised.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Gamah said:
Darzil 1 - 0 Svartmetall
Yes, dear *pats the Bainshee on the head* keep telling yourself that. Just concentrate on your e-peen like you usually do.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
crispy said:
And yes, bl is a little over the top, but you feel quite ass raped as a tank as soon as you get a couple of casters on you. Only thing that keeps em away is interrupts.

theres not much thats keeping the tank away from a caster either.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2006
if they dont interupt, will they still break mez like some do?

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