X xenon2000 Guest May 7, 2001 Thread starter #4,117 wow, same page as 3 days ago?!?!?!?! TUG really had an effect there...
T Testin da Cable Guest May 11, 2001 Thread starter #4,130 had to yell CLEAR!! and slam on the electrodes first heh m00
W Wij Guest May 11, 2001 Thread starter #4,131 m00 !!!!!!!!!11111 hurrah, been wanting to m00 for ages but mine was the last post :/
O old.GLyNN3RS Guest May 11, 2001 Thread starter #4,138 Recent M00ing m00-ing is a way of metaphorically saying that you are 'a m00 obbsessed m00fuk'. thx, bi
Recent M00ing m00-ing is a way of metaphorically saying that you are 'a m00 obbsessed m00fuk'. thx, bi
O old.TUG Guest May 12, 2001 Thread starter #4,139 So why did you say m00 then u fucking fuckheeeeeed? thxbyepls