Money where does it all go



I have to say that I had the same cash problems with my Scout but I managed to get to lvl 10 with hard work. He was my frist character in the game and the effort taught me a lot about the relm and mob behaviour.

The problem came that arrows cost a small fortune for anything approaching decent arrows and are used up at an alarming rate. I think that we are the only class that has to PAY to use our primary weapon :(. Fletching is a solution but takes almost as much money to start with and all you can make is the crappy arrows you get for free from the trainer and therefore cant sell to recoup your investement.

So I then started the sourcerer and found, due to the previous exposure, it much easier to lvl. And because you dont need the armour, as someone earlier pointed out, you can save it up and give it to the alternate.

Low lvls that beg (under 5) are just being lazy and idiotic. Get out there, kill things, die lots and LEARN THE GAME.


Had money problems too

I had a great deal of money problems with my armsman from levels 7-11. Especially at 10 my situation was dire: my armour conned green and i had 1.2 g, where a blue set of armour cost 3g.
You know what i did? WORK my *** off to make money, but i found that while killing greens i leveled and my armour turned "very" green (now with 1.7g in bank). I was then given the tip by a guildmate of mine to go to mithra for money and good armour (forlorn, blue till about level 16 i think), and thats what i did. I spent 8 hours in mithra spread over 2 days and got myself a full set of Forlorn armour, plus some spare parts, and made 3g by selling all the stuff i found in there (worth alot compared to level of mobs).
Im now level 20 and havent spent any money whatsoever except for a new wep. I now hunt in keltoi and already have an almost full set of vindi armour (missing the helm) and 23g btw:). Now armsmen arent a cheap class:( at all but from level 10 on you can survive to level 25 easy without having to buy a single item (i found a good wep too in keltoi). So get up u lazy gits and hunt, i will never give any money to beggars, unless they ask for a really small amount like 5s for a horseride.


Re: Had money problems too

Cool at least I am not the only one
I have been begged for money too can I have gold can I have gold
And I have seen others do it

I would never beg gold, silver or copper what is the point you do not get the satisfaction from it.

I know have a set of yellow armour most of this has come from drops on the plains it is leather but it is better than the grey armour I was wearing (I still only have about 5s in my pocket but what they hay I do not need money at the moment as all my equipment is above yellow apart from the belt, gloves and cloak)

So good luck hunting everyone it can be done


Originally posted by dittytwo

And this epic Minstrel quest when do I start this I am only lvl 10 at the moment (should I have it already??)

You get it from your trainer. It's in several parts (hence epic), you get them at the following levels: 7, 11, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40. A future patch will add epic quests from levels 43-50.
I forget the level 7 and 11 items but the 15-40 items are:
15: a magic flute
20: chain leggings (af 40 odd)
25: chain hauberk (af 50 odd)
30: a shield (this is nice as it's small but looks like a tower shield)
40: a 14.2 dps proccing scimitar or thrusting weapon (your choice)
You can't do a quest until you have completed all quests before it.


Originally posted by Dannyn
You get it from your trainer. It's in several parts (hence epic), you get them at the following levels: 7, 11, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40. A future patch will add epic quests from levels 43-50.
I forget the level 7 and 11 items but the 15-40 items are:
15: a magic flute
20: chain leggings (af 40 odd)
25: chain hauberk (af 50 odd)
30: a shield (this is nice as it's small but looks like a tower shield)
40: a 14.2 dps proccing scimitar or thrusting weapon (your choice)
You can't do a quest until you have completed all quests before it.

sounds cool
will have to look into my quest i currently have running :D


I am one of the people who hate beggars in game. I am pleased to say that as lowbie/newbie I worked hard to get my own cash and drops, and yes I joined a guild at a fairly low level but an happily handing down old materials as soon as I get better..

Rather than asking for cash, esp when they spot you crafting, I would rather make them some equipment than give cash to beggars..

Ok so my crafting is still improving so I can't make for 10+ but recognise that the help is needed before that lvl anyway.. Saying that though, I would happily give people in my guild a head start with some cash/armor if they need it but that is one of the benefits of being in a guild is it not??

Beggars make me :puke:

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