Money Exchange pryd/midgard to hib/excaliber



hi im wanting to exchange 1 plat. My chars always have the name reggie in them so if you want to see if im on just do a /who reggie.

So wanting someone with 1 plat on hib/exc to exchange mine on pryd/mid :).

Usually in the evenings im playing on hib/exc .




Reggie, I've moved your post to an area where it might be more widely seen.


Illuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :))

hehehe heya old buddy :). Woow im so suprised you still play. i Was on excaliber mid a bit back before i started a ranger on hibernia and i said hi to jester told him to say hi to you guys from me :).

How are you doing buddy. still playing alot or ?

I started again bout 2 months back. played alot of beta mmorpg's and played some anarchy online but all boring compared to daoc so decided to give it a shot again.

Started on pryd midgard with a skald who's currently lvl 44 and only lvld once in 3 weeks hehehe coz i cant stand that stupid malmohus xp list and there's noone else to group with otherwise and my small friends guild left for albion on excaliber. So kinda boring there now.

Decided to play a ranger on hibernia excaliber since i've been wanting to start an archer since we first started to play rvr back in those days, just i never got around to making one :).

So far im greatly enjoying my ranger, had alot of fun with him in the bg's. Am working towards bg3 now hehehe.

Do you play on any other realms buddy. are you still with aesirs or :)? Who's all still there :)?

Anyway, happy to hear from you again buddy.



PS whats AB mean exactly :)?


AB = Aesirs Blade :p

Yup still playing bud, took a few months off as levelling up my Shadowblade was driving me nuts, and RL issues kind of went tits up, but everything is going quite nicely now :)

I've still got my healer, and now an SB on 50 :) I'm just tinkering with other classes a bit too, I made a friar on Alb/pryd that I deleted (only low lvl) and when I'm really bored, I play with my hero luri on hib/pryd :) All I want is to get to lvl 17 and see my little luri turn into a moose and then have a mini-moose running around :p

I think Jester did say hi from you - I briefly remember :) There's still most of us on, the major casualties being Wolf who doesn't play anymore and Whoodoo I think stopped today too :/ A lot of the other guys are doing exams and other stuff at the mo, so the guild is getting a little smaller than usual :( Haven't seen Saxxoo for a while either :( And Rulke/Turgon/Ouro pops in occasionally too........

I think it'll quieten down over the Summer a bit and then when the cold weather comes back, and ppl go back to Uni etc, more people will be back I imagine :) (I hope!)

If you need help lvlling up, give us a call - I'm sure there are some guys somewhere xping. The whole Malmo thing is a pain, but if you get there early enough (6am!) then you generally get a spot all day, so lvl 44-50 will take a week? :)

And no doubt, soon my sb will meet your ranger in the field somewhere :p

Take care bud

Oli - ILLU


Hiya all :)




hehehe im just really amazed you guys still play after all this time. you must have gathered a crazy amount of realmpoints by now then :)).

Yeah if people ask i say i used to be in aeasirs but i totally forgot about the blade part hehehe.

Yeah i got a nightshade lvl 12. seems a very cool char also although i love the ranged attack on my ranger and his meelee is pretty good also.

Not sure how hard it will be for me to lvl my ranger or nightshade if i decide to lvl up the ns but even though in beta and after beta i at first solo'd alot coz i enjoyed the play at my own pace not much of a soloer anymore now. i find it really boring soooo if i cant find any groups ill see how far ill lvl those 2 chars of mine.

Oh well yesterderday had great fun again , joined up with purple warriors on prydwen/mid and we ended up in a relicraid right away and afterwards went for a prince raid and finished it with cleaning the whole hibernia area (poor hibs had df and we wasted them all hehehehe) so that was good fun hehehehe.

Hopefully it stays that much fun with purple warriors.

Oh btw i ended up playing pryd mid instead of excaliber mid coz my irl friend, who used to be in aesiers also but hardly ever spoke coz of his bad english so most didnt know he existed hehehe, started to play mid prydwen again after quiting a few months also. So he talked me into it, me always missing daoc so i started on there.

shame we probably wont meet up now huh coz ah well you guys play exc mid and me pryd mid so there's no reason to end up in the same realms on both servers. They should have a 3rd english server grrr.

Well might you ever come across a Reggie then its most likely me, all my chars got reggie in them :). Somehow that name is always free to use hehehe.

Still miss you guys, just wasnt much fun once i left the guild. Missed playing with friends. Played albion till lvl 23 with theurgist and firewiz and then quit the game.

Hope to see you again, say hi to the guys. Sorry to hear wolf left, was a great guy.

Maybe meet up in swg huh although various people playing beta say it sux so will have to see heheh. Games i keep my eyes on are horizons, dragonempires, world of warcraft and ryzom didnt look to bad either.

Oh say hi to the nukemeister if he still plays, great gun and damn funny too hehehe.




Hehe. Some of the guys have amassed quite a few Realm Points, but mine are still quite low in comparison to a lot of ppl :/ Healer is on 250k, and SB 125k. I think I'll eventually play them both to about 1million RPs, RR6, and once I achieve that, I'm not sure what I'll do....but knowing me, probably just play my SB till I get totally bored :)

I need RR6 for Lifebane anyway :p

Ack - Pryd/Mid? Come to Exc/Mid! :) Or I think some of the guys from Aesirs have characters on Pryd/Alb or Hib.... Ask nightchill (cadoras) on #aesirs on irc or come and idle in there :)

It seems like a lot more people have left recently, maybe another 5+ members in the last 3-4 weeks, due to real life issues mainly, some boredom and some going to EvE. To be honest, there isn't much left for me to do apart from kill as much as possible in RvR, maybe I might make a Weapon Crafter as I've always wanted to make uber axes :)

You should come back and sell some of your armour :) Have you still got the original Reggie?

Funnily enough all my characters have illu in them too :) illu illusb illuzerker illushammybuffmeup illuhealer illuskald illusruney illushelper :p oh and tarzanillu and illuluri and can't remember the other one :) With this new /level command in the 1.62 patch(?) i might be deleting a lot of them and then remaking them up to lvl 30 instantly yay! (as they are mostly low level :))

I'm looking out for Dragon Empires and World of Warcraft too, but at the end of the day - they are all pretty much the same......Star Wars Galaxies sounds ok - but I think I just prefer the other two - nothing like bashing someone with a medieval weapon / setting :)

The Nukemeister is still about but I think he plays his skald (Turgon) and his Shammy (Ouroborous) more than Rulke now, but I think something good for Runey's is coming soon in a patch which makes them live a bit longer? so he may be about a bit more then :)

See you around bud,

Take care

Oli - ILLU


I've heard you don't need to delete to use /level (and I expect it'll be /level 20 anyway - excal/pryd ain't _that_ imbalanced... maybe pryd/hib) - can /level up any alts you have :)


Hmmmm - that would be handy just going up the trainer and /level :) would save having to move money and items about....

Oli - ILLU

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