Modernagroup[Prydwen]-[3/4 Monday]-[14cet/13gmt]


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Making a moderna group on monday.
The PL gathering is at 14cet/13gmt in modernagrav/prydwen

Level on main characters must be 49-50, no exeptions here to make the group as good as possible.

Group setup:

1. Supp Spiritmaster
2. Supp Spiritmaster
3. Supp Spiritmaster
4. Sm #1 Leech
5. Sm #2 Leech
6. Sm #3 Leech
7. Healer Leech
8. Shaman Leech

Ill be there with fop shammy. Please sign up and make sure you get the time right and be there in time.

Please post your name on the main characters.


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