Modern day console and its games vs PC gaming


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I was running pc games at 1902*1200 a couple of years ago, it gets harder to do with all the eye candy on though. I honestly cannot see the point of a res higher than this tbh.

I know games are upscaled, and very few run natively at 1080, but the point was that as developers realise the potential of the consoles the games will get better, not worse.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
PC deveolpers have so much raw power to play with they get lazy (crysis is a good example) though there is very little difference in the consoles and PCs for looks, though i still maintain PCs have already surpassed the consoles. As for the control issue, auto aim? what? no thanks.

Its also not just about the game you get in the box, its the expandability of many games, sure you have the odd map designer in console games but there is tons of extra content for most PC games, mods etc that you just wont get on the current gen of consoles. The only add ons you do get are drip fed to you at a charge.

Anyway, get a console if you think it suits your playing habits, or get a PC if you think that does :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
auto aim no thanks? heh. It is usually on by default, you don't realise it and you cant turn it off in most cases. more like aim assitance tbh. I been playing console fps since goldenye, and i still mantain that is the best fps on any format, with the best multiplayer too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
mods? has thier been a decent mod on any fps of late?

its a whole different world know we wont see mods like qwtf,action quake, cs etc any more and prolly none that will have an impact en mass


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What the hell for? Buying a next gen console then playing it on a SD Tv is just ridiculous. It's like playing PC games at 640*480. There is no reason not to invest in a HDTV now.

if i had the money to buy an hd tv & a next gen console i would have built a new pc instead.

also i have no need for an hdtv for tv as i don't seem to have any issues with the picture i receive now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
mods? has thier been a decent mod on any fps of late?

its a whole different world know we wont see mods like qwtf,action quake, cs etc any more and prolly none that will have an impact en mass

You're probably right.. Online gaming is now a mass market and now you have all kinds of chumps playing..

In the old days, not wanting to stereotype, but the make up of gamers was quite different and that may well have affected things a fair bit :S

Plus all the companies wanting to churn things out for the money.. and games being less amenable to modding..


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Always a strange one that PC/Consoles I have both but I tend to use the PC for RTS, RPG's and decent FPS's the consoles get used for other game types Racing, beat'em up, action/adventure etc. Though I do own FPS's on consoles (Halo 3, COD4) I do prefer the PC versions if available, I got COD4 for 360 cause it was an impulse buy at morrisons and was cheaper than the PC version on the shelf below. The PC modding community is alive and well but you have to stick to a game for the long haul, you see many of these mods only reach Alpha after 6 months and by then I have usually finished with a game or just don't have time to go back and play because of new games, in the old days mods would be out within 3 months of a games release but as games are getting more Sophisticated to create, it is taking longer for the community to get to grasp with the new engines let alone create any decent content.

But as its been said before, it all depends on your gaming habits and pref's.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Well, my PC died today, so no GTA IV for a while but a new PC. :(

Really not happy with this but I can't justify buying a shit pc for msn and irc just to buy a console with it. :p At least I'll get to play new games I havent tried yet, kinda entousiastic about that.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
ps3 for you then:) install ydl and you have a pc for irc and instant messaging


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
auto aim no thanks? heh. It is usually on by default, you don't realise it and you cant turn it off in most cases. more like aim assitance tbh. I been playing console fps since goldenye, and i still mantain that is the best fps on any format, with the best multiplayer too.

Im sorry to hear you missed the online quakeworld experience :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
he did play qw:) he was refering to console fps, the first one to make pc useres play an fps on a console was golden eye which had great level desigin ace wepons and spiffy split screen multiplayer to boot

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