mmmmmm World of Warcraft...



Originally posted by Shike
I dont think Daoc is a bad game, not at all, Its just sad to see how mythic cocks up and do fixes that cocks it up even more all the time. Realmbalance is a totally unknown concept over at Mythics HQ.
I played Diablo II, and balance was not their strength, I think. It was a nice game, although some skills were not used at all, some skills were "uber", some characters were a LOT better that others,... They changed abilities a lot to balance things, but there were no respecs at all, so many characters were changed and couldn't get their skill points back into other skills.

And then the expansion came, and unbalanced all beyond repair. Rare items were not very useful compared to the new uniques that, ironically, everyone ended up having and made people not unique, but all similar in equipment. You could have a lvl99 (max.) character without any skill; just doing "blood runs" and "cow games", with little danger of dying. People are still waiting for a patch before the launch of Warcraft 3 (if I remember well).

To sum up: Blizzard games are very nice, but every company has its own problems, and no game is perfect.


bombjack is.....

Arcade Bombjack is the perfect game. so nyeh!

also, Blizzard games shine because of their production values and their previous success meaning they have autonomy and more free reign from the publishers whips when it comes to launch dates.

case in point, they delayed the release of warcraft 3 for some considerable time because they were not happy with how it played, the released it 6 months late, to critical appraisal and massive sales.

world of warcraft have a very good world, already set up for them for their MMORPG to live in.

blizzard wont screw up on this one guys, because they never do, they wait, they tweak, and they wait and tweak some more.

warcraft 3
warcraft 3

have ALL been PC best sellers, number 1 in the charts for months.....and their is no reason to suspect WoW will not be the same because they are branching into a new game format or type? you think they havent done their research on MMORPGs? hehe, naive.

World of Warcraft will blow all the others out of the water, in content, in patches, in graphics and im gameplay, and im basing that on past successes. sure im biased, ive loved every blizzard game that has come out, so dont flame me, this is all my opinion only take it or leave it.

but im pretty confident when i say, considering the amount of real life time is needed to invest in a MMORPG, the day this comes out, is the day my rune master and druid hang up their boots, staff, sword, pet, etc

i cant wait! roll on dwarf riflemen and minotaur axemen!

:clap: :clap: :clap:


All previous Blizzard games have had record breaking sales, several has sold close to or more than 2 million copies. I also think Blizzard has a record in Guinness book of records too.

Blizzard knows how to make addictive games aswell as them being high quality. I don't think one software producer has made a bugfree software to this date, not if you look at large programs anyway. :p And with games it's even harder since you have to think of gamebalance aswell as game bugs.

To say that Blizzards trackrecord isn't impressive is bull. :p


Originally posted by old.Zorewin
1 thing m8 just remember one thing BLIZZARD IS THE GOD GAME COMPAGNY there is no other compagny who cares that much about his players and there the only one that makes games really wort buying everytime i never had a bad game of blizzard they take 5 years to make yes but when you get it you GET THE BEST !

Ah, hilarious :p

Oh sorry, but you're being serious :(

Ever played warcraft 3? An RTS game with limited numbers of maps... campaign was ok, but online it was riddled with cheaters etc.

And as for the others... AoK pwns Starcraft I'm afraid, and Mr. Golly's Adventure in the Bicycle Shop pwns Diablo 2 :p

Middle Earth Online looks interesting however, and Warhammer Online - anything to do with Tolkein I'll look at, Warcraft is just too cartoonish to make a good mmorpg.


Sum up which games sold most copies and you get which game pwns what. ;)


i admit that warcraft is good but the diablo series is SHIT. And where the fuck did all this "I think Blizzard and interplay are teh best in da world" come from? Have you forgeten :

Rareware ( where good till microsoft bought them)
MGS develper (forgoten the name)

Those develpers are WAAAAAY better than interplay and Blizzard. LOL, indeed.


Alot of them are good yes, but to say that diablo is shit is just ..strange, cause it has sold more copies and is more popular than most. Also all the newly released games by Blizzard have set sales records. Is that something bad?

Copies sold says quite alot about popularity, right?


anyone know if WoW will have WASD controls or diablo click move crap controls?

just heard shadowbane is gona have click controls :( that sucks


well shadowbane is a bit of a mess

like alridel says this is one to watch

i have to say i really love the 'style' tho

those cities and landscapes just have so much character


Originally posted by Tranquil-
Sum up which games sold most copies and you get which game pwns what. ;)

So that would mean The Sims pwns all?

Generic Poster

Originally posted by pcentella
To sum up: Blizzard games are very nice, but every company has its own problems, and no game is perfect.

You haven't played XCOM:Apocalypse :p

Do you remember Warcraft, it had 'Peons'. What more could you want from a game?!


only one thing came to mind.. the comments on how many "über l33t kids" that will (supposedly) infest .. erm.. that other upcoming mmorpg .. i think the amount of those will be insignificant compared to the power of the fo.. ermm i mean .. the amount of such kids in WoW.


Well.. I probably won't be playing WoW/SWG/WHO/MEO because theres little or no room for interesting roleplay there. I know I'm in the minority when I value roleplay over graphics/gameplay but if it wasnt for a certain guild I wouldnt still be playing DAOC.

Basically.. WoW looks like a cartoon. If its anything like WC3 was it'll feel silly, no matter how good the game is. And it looks to be alot like AC2.

SWG/WHO/MEO are all based on existing franchises and really dont give enough scope in my opinion. That and I hate Star Wars games.


blizzard and interplay are the 2 best gamemakers in the world >>>imo<<<, starcraft, warcraftseries, baldurseries and planescape torment to mention some _great_ games that simply shine more than other games.

Thats EXACTLY what i wrote Aralik.. if u wanna be silly and object to the fact that my personal taste differs from yours, be my guest.

(IMHO) (<<--read that carefully Aralik) Planescape Torment is the best game ever made if you look at it storywise, find one game that is more original and have a better more gripping story.

Gameplaywise Starcraft is the best, I played that stupid game for an extremely long time in singleplayer, multiplayer, on LANs and on the net. The balance in Starcraft is simply superb.

All this is my opinions ofc, sure, sony and Nintendo?? and some other companies have made great games too, I havent tried every game out there so I cant tell if they have made any better ones than the ones i mentioned.

One funny thought though, how many zillion games have Sega released? How many was good?
How many zillion games have Nintendo released? how many was actually good?
And so on....

Most companys you mention (Aralik), are giants on the gamemarket that spews out games like crazy. Would be nice if they actually looked at all that rubbish and made a qualitygame instead.


Mm... but no thanks :eek7:
Wayyyyyyy too "cartoony" for my liking.


Originally posted by the_chimera

So that would mean The Sims pwns all?

I don't like it, but alot do. That's why it sells, it appeals to people.

Isn't that what game production is about?


Most people that buy games like "the sims" just do it because everyone else does, and don't read any reviews or anything. They are generally not "gamers" and as such, their opionions on games count for shit :p

Essentially, Blizzard excel at providing games for the masses, and in my opinion, they completely betrayed the genre in favour of making money with their starcraft/warcraft games.


blizzard make some of my favorite games, and the gfx look coll for wow.

ill play it and see of course, but atm its looking good.


Starcraft was great... i stunk at it... but it was great with cheats enabled...(1player mod ofc)

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