ml9 thieves revisited part 2

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firstly a requiel i would like to say you was wrong.
about lookdaddy not recieving items from ml9.
because u seem to sided with synergys bullshit

because u seemed to of make me out to be a liar..... i went to your superiors on rightnow

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

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If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question here.


Discussion Thread
Response (CM) 04/20/2006 06:57 PM

Here is a list of trades on your character Papalazerau on 31-3-06 from 4 pm to 2 am:

03/31/06 22:19:24 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded arcanium Legs of the Aggressor to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:20:03 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Feathered Wrap to Kaleidoscope-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:20:18 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Ring of Heavenly Bodies to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:22:31 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded arcanium Legs of the Aggressor to Chinar-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:22:54 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded silksteel Woven Feather Boots to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:23:26 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded arcanium Mace of the Tainted to Chinar-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:24:38 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Lethal Insightful Runed Wind-wrought Pants to Kaleidoscope-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:25:18 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Mystical Runed Wind-wrought Sleeves to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:27:26 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded silksteel Woven Feather Pants to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:30:04 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded arcanium Legs of the Subjugator to Chinar-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:31:03 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Stardrop to Kaleidoscope-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:31:43 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Cyclone Bracer to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:32:32 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded silksteel Woven Feather Helm to Kaleidoscope-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:33:24 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded duskwood Falcon's Talon to Homeer-Excalibur
03/31/06 22:34:09 Papalazerau-Excalibur traded Ring of the Torrent to Chinar-Excalibur

Yours sincerely,
well ok can i have a list off the transfers i made to other pepole
Response (CM) 04/20/2006 06:25 PM

This is a very long list of transactions. Can you be more specific as to what you want exactly. Is it just the items you have traded out, or the items you have been given, or the items which you have gained or lost by other means?

Unless you can be more specific, we will not be able to answer this question.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

ok the log im after isnt in there so can i have the logs 31-03 from 4pm gmt to 2am on the 1-04-2006 thanks
Response (CM) 04/20/2006 10:47 AM

Thank you for your query.

These are all the item transactions we found for your character on 31-03-2006 between 6 and 10 pm:

[03/31/06 19:23:52] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Serous Constant Underwater Breathing Aid
[03/31/06 19:23:54] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Serous Constant Underwater Breathing Aid
[03/31/06 19:25:13] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed greater enervating poison
[03/31/06 19:25:15] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed greater crippling poison
[03/31/06 19:25:23] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Ticket to Bledmeer Faste
[03/31/06 20:23:07] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Foppish Sleeves, 1 of 3
[03/31/06 20:23:13] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Foppish Sleeves, 3 of 3
[03/31/06 20:23:17] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Damyon's Journal, 3 of 3
[03/31/06 20:37:53] Ilogik-Prydwen traded Necklace of Cyclopean Stature to Papalazerau-Excalibur
[03/31/06 20:49:53] Papalazerau-Excalibur traded duskwood Staff of the Breeze to Equilibris-Excalibur
[03/31/06 20:52:15] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Vial of Heavenly Breezes
[03/31/06 20:52:20] Papalazerau-Excalibur destroyed Vial of Heavenly Breezes
[03/31/06 21:19:28] Chinar-Excalibur traded arcanium Cyclopean Sky Scraper to Papalazerau-Excalibur
[03/31/06 21:19:28] Chinar-Excalibur traded arcanium Breastplate of the Cryth to Papalazerau-Excalibur
[03/31/06 21:19:28] Chinar-Excalibur traded arcanium Breastplate of the Cryth to Papalazerau-Excalibur

Yours sincerely,
homeer is lookdadys alt theurg :eek:

like i said to u thought of the raid based on eggys successes :O

LOOKDADDY GG OWNED dont other try to pass the blame


Connect 3/31/06 2:06 PM CST Lookdaddy
Disconnect 3/31/06 2:41 PM CST Fremen
Disconnect 3/31/06 2:54 PM CST Lookdaddy
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:03 PM CST kiz
Connect 3/31/06 3:09 PM CST Eclipse
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:09 PM CST Eclipse
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:10 PM CST Noelle
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:15 PM CST Impaired
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:16 PM CST Bubba Sparxxx - Papa
Connect 3/31/06 3:17 PM CST Bubba Sparxxx
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:27 PM CST Jamie
Connect 3/31/06 3:44 PM CST kiz
Connect 3/31/06 4:05 PM CST Impaired
Connect 3/31/06 4:05 PM CST Draakje
Connect 3/31/06 4:06 PM CST Thornea
Disconnect 3/31/06 4:07 PM CST Draakje
Disconnect 3/31/06 4:07 PM CST kiz
Disconnect 3/31/06 4:10 PM CST Impaired

i also found these :eek: ventrilo logs


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
anyone get this? exept it has absolute no info about what tha hell this is all about... also posting peoples IP addresses isen't nice..


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
NiiNjA said:
because u seemed to of make me out to be a liar..... i went to your superiors on rightnow

Firstly, do you even know what your talking about?

Rightnow is answered by the community managers, (GM's). Requiel is the Team leader of the GM's basically, so you couldnt speak to his superiors through it, you would bespeaking to him or one the other GM's that work underhim. But hey, if you think you can speak to the head of GoA/DaoC team throuhg right now I wont try to upset you :p

Secondly, who cares. Don't make you any less of a twat and you could easily modify anything sent to you to put in any name you want. Not saying you have but it a possibility for someone that is a big enough wanker to fuck up many peoples night by wasting their time (because yes i know people that went for specific items as they already had the ml)

You really would have been better letting the matter just drop instead of being stupid enough to refresh peoples memories of the shit you pulled.


wel the fact is that requiel stated that lookdaddy didnt recieve item from the ml9 raid why should the pawns from the raid by baned. also the fact requiel stated that the ppl involved was jarvio and papa. but also lookdaddy and impaired were?

what i want to no is why is he defending them

also how is it not nice?

deleteing ppls accs are not nice but somone from here did it


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
oh. so this is some "I didn't do any bad stuff" attempt?


Hillarious attempt imo.


well because u r thick as two planks im not denying anything that i did. im just stated ppl arnt as innocent as they say they are,.


Dec 22, 2003
I'm going to leave this open, see if a GM wants to say anything tomorrow, if not, the thread is locked and your back to banned.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Posting this for impaired (kaleidoscope) because he doesn't have an FH account.

Just thought I'd like to give my side of the story before things get out of hand.

While I was on my Sorcerer earlier that day I get PM'd by Papalazerau telling me I'm helping him lead ML9 later that night, that is the reason I went on Ventrilo, I had no knowledge that the loot was going to go walkabouts as it did. I took items that at the time I felt I was owed for helping with the raid, however, almost right after I had doubts and wanted to return the items, the others had logged so I had nobody to give it back to, the next morning I gave the loot right back. I agree I should have never even touched it given the circumstances, we all make mistakes, I was trying to rectify mine. I can RN as proof I returned the items if needed.

I would like to make it clear that I did not know what was going to happen whilst helping with the raid up until the same time as everyone else, sadly I was also in the firing line because I had helped with the raid. Just because I had mistakenly accepted items does not mean that I intended for what happened to go down. I gave the items back, so if anyone asks if I recieved any items my answer will be no. Sure, giving the items back wasn't the wisest choice but it was all I could think of at the time. I do not want this to reflect badly on me or my guild so all I ask for is a bit of understanding, as I felt terrible.

And Tilda if you're not going to lock the thread could you kindly at least delete the IPs listed, or do you think the people mentioned deserve retibution from angry scripkiddies?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
someone wanna get accont banned if they start to accuse a GM of the game...not a good way


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
for all we know theys documents could be doctored, but lets not get into that.

this is all very interesting, assuming that theys documents are real, what was his/there motives?

finnally, afaik, the deletion of javio's charictors was infact just a rumor, now unless many people partitioned that they would leave the game, then, goa would not feel the need to delete his chars


NiiNjA said:
Connect 3/31/06 2:06 PM CST Lookdaddy
Disconnect 3/31/06 2:41 PM CST Fremen
Disconnect 3/31/06 2:54 PM CST Lookdaddy
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:03 PM CST kiz
Connect 3/31/06 3:09 PM CST Eclipse
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:09 PM CST Eclipse
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:10 PM CST Noelle
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:15 PM CST Impaired
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:16 PM CST Bubba Sparxxx - Papa
Connect 3/31/06 3:17 PM CST Bubba Sparxxx
Disconnect 3/31/06 3:27 PM CST Jamie
Connect 3/31/06 3:44 PM CST kiz
Connect 3/31/06 4:05 PM CST Impaired
Connect 3/31/06 4:05 PM CST Draakje
Connect 3/31/06 4:06 PM CST Thornea
Disconnect 3/31/06 4:07 PM CST Draakje
Disconnect 3/31/06 4:07 PM CST kiz
Disconnect 3/31/06 4:10 PM CST Impaired

i also found these :eek: ventrilo logs
Fremen obviously has something to do with it

hi2u mr englesh lootstealer megam8er :<


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Close this thread or delete it. Trying to point the finger at a GM for loot disappearing is...hilariously stupid.

And by the way, next time you want to organise some sort of scam raid, at least go for something valuable. I solo most of ML9 and salvage the junk that drops there.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
whatever episode it is, its all very exciting!


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
LOL Jarvio takes 3 weeks to come up with doctored logs. What next, did Lookdaddy really kill JFK?

Yet again Jarvio comes up with something not worth a wet wank in woolies. It is kind of odd that this seems to happen after a short break. Is it a case of new meds not working or do you have regular electro shock therapy?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Seriously, whats done is done - just let go of it. We all can't change what those guys did.

Treat em like leapers if you want, thats your choice.

There's no use crying over spilt milk


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Its all a conspiracy and all evidence leads straight to synergy, what a shock...:m00::m00::m00:


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
well at least i am intrested of requiel's explanation, incase those logs are true.

Kaleidoscopes/impaired's reply kind of supports they would be real.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
duact said:
Its all a conspiracy and all evidence leads straight to synergy, what a shock...:m00::m00::m00:

yea coz we all spend so much time in pve... ...which is why we have been one of alb's top rp earning guilds since before xmas.

Synergy are ofc the masterminds behind ALL evil that occurs ingame, we control every zerging alb with precision, which also means Duact, that your my BITCH!



I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
duact said:
Its all a conspiracy and all evidence leads straight to synergy, what a shock...:m00::m00::m00:

But that can´t be true cuz theyr such a respected guild cough cough :wanker: ;D Or.... can it
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