ML8 BG Steps Raid... Sunday 18th...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Hint: Make 8.5 Prequest, doable with a group. I did it with my guild as we know how fecking screwed up that step is with all the running.

[NO]Magmatic said:
dont run up to a purple mob with 150 people stuck to you and expect them not to hit it...

That always irritates me, but I don't see it as the raid leaders fault, whenever I attend on raids, I always know exactly what to do, being a semi-raidleader myself (organised a ml1+ml2+ml5 bg raid on my own, helped my brother on his ml3 raid). Must be my smartass attitude, but why are people lazy to read, since it is there, silly americans explored toa, so why be clueless and do stupid things?

They expect the raid leader to do everything. After a kick from the bg like it happened unfortunately to a WR member screwing up a step on my bros ml3 raid [this also happened to 1 of my guildmembers as he went temporary insane or I don't know how to describe why people fail to see the big spam of 'Do not talk to the mob, or you are removed from the bg, I felt sorry for him, being my guildie and all, but I said not a word to the actual raidleader since: Did he warn people not to talk? He did. Did my guildie listen? No he didn't.] (In our case we told just about 15 times not to talk with the step mob, we informed the GLs to tell their group members, this wasn't enough, we used barbaric rules and kicked the offender), people magically realised that 'uhuh, better to do as he says'.

Being nice, okay, being too tolerant, not okay, people tend to take it easy then and not pay attention to you, just /stick /combat mode /buggersRus


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
A (good) raid leader would take into consideration that half his raid-force has no clue what their doing, and has no clue what their suppose to do... This is something you either learn from being a guild-master, or from doing multiple raids...

Once we ran up to a purple mob, I wasnt the least bit supprised that people started whacking him... Nothing except "not standing next to it" will stop that from happening... Heck, it even happend *twice* ! (to the same mob no less)

Anyways, all I can suggest is that the next time, the 'prequests' that have to be done by the raid leader, actually get done in advance...

The raid leader picks someone else to do 'mob-talking' for him (this means the raid doesnt stand next to a purple mob, only 1 person stands next to it)...

When you move to a ML step, explain the step ahead of time, from a range where (if needed) the step isnt 'triggered' ...

And in the case of ML8, I'd make talking to Kratos a prequest... That way no one can agro him either...

Also, after personal experience, I'd advice at having multiple 'leaders', each have their own 'small task' which makes overall leading a lot easier... The raids that I've lead, went a lot smoother due to this...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Just let someone else be the guy everybody sticks and he is the only guy that sticks the raid leader.

And all should have these macro making macros imo:
"/macro target /macro target /ta %T"
"/macro MA /macro MA /ass %T"
"/macro GT /macro GT /gr %T"
I STILL see ppl typing those every time the MA etc changes.
They make life in DAoC a little easier :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
A (good) raid leader would take into consideration that half his raid-force has no clue what their doing, and has no clue what their suppose to do... This is something you either learn from being a guild-master, or from doing multiple raids...

On my ml1,2,5 raids I didn't have too much problems with people not following orders, yet again it wasn't 180 people there so I might've avoided the clueless bunch.

In an unpolished way what you said: 'learning most people are lazy arses'.

This is not something to learn, since it's a known fact, have to counteract this by enforcing the rules.


May 9, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
A (good) raid leader would take into consideration that half his raid-force has no clue what their doing, and has no clue what their suppose to do... This is something you either learn from being a guild-master, or from doing multiple raids...

When I did ml7 bg steps raid nobody walked up to katorii and tried whacking her around nor did they chase typhon around his home instead of keeping a certain amount of people in one spot to keep him engaged. The main reason for this is they were patient and waited for the task to be explained...

On ML8 I didn't even get time to explain the encounter before the mob was dead, i was half way through typing and the mob got attacked. And it also got attacked once more after that (once everyone had been explaining it for 30 mins). Okay i should have stopped and explained it better but once it had been explained and the mob was attacked? Was that my fault also?

I did try my best to lead the hunt, but I am not very experienced as I had done no previous raids and when you are basing your raids on what someone has written on a website, it can be pretty hard (no matter how good the description). But I didn't see many other people offering to lead ml8 so I said I would.

On another note the vast majority of people got ml8 and IF I do another raid then it will be more efficient now I have some experience, and I don't know how many of you have tried to control a raid of 160-190 but if you think I did that bad, try leading one yourself. It's a lot harder than you think :>


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I think you did a good job.

A lot of raid leaders seem to get hounded and some abuse - and then stop making raids - which isn't good for anyone - especially the realm. But I think as long as the majority get the ML then it is a good job done.

People going LD is a shit - but the nature of the game. People being afk is a pain, but inevitable. Maybe have pre-determined 5 min coffee breaks when waiting for LDs to catch up or something so ppl go less afk.

I've learnt to have a right hand man, or 2, who I can send /sends to to double check if I'm doing something right.

I've also learnt to only Lotto 99% and 100% items and scrolls at the end and limit the rog crap :> Though it is nice when everyone gets an item - even with a roll of 2 :>

Also learnt to fill in people a bit before each step - and try and keep ppl informed as to what is going on all the time (as a lot of ppl have partners that are moaning their heads off "why are you still on that bloody pc and not paying me attention" kind of thing.)

And people appreciate going in and getting out of each step asap.

And anything that can be done in advance should be done too - :)

Anyway - keep going and have fun and take a few days to de-stress :>

Oli - Illu

PS I've only led one raid and that was scary enough - luckily I had a good team to help (guildees etc.)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
majik said:
On another note the vast majority of people got ml8 and IF I do another raid then it will be more efficient now I have some experience, and I don't know how many of you have tried to control a raid of 160-190 but if you think I did that bad, try leading one yourself. It's a lot harder than you think :>
Granted, my last 2 raids didnt have 190 people, but my ML3 raid top'd at 128... I know how hard it is to lead a raid, and I have respect for people that try to lead so many...

You can take my advice as a learning tool, or you can throw it all aside... Fact is, most of the problems in the ML8 raid could have been avoided by taking some simple actions...

Take the mob that was attacked for a 2nd time, why on earth was the majority of the raid near the mob, when its a step that 1 balanced fg could have easely done for you... Or even, have 1 person talk to the mob / open chests, and drag agro to the zerg?

People afk, they read nothing of what was said, or only a small part (the bg had a lot of spam)... End result is, they head a sword, press pbaoe... Bang, the wrong mob agro'd...

Anyways, take this raid as a learning tool for future raids...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i think i'd be a terrible leader because i'd kick anyone who made even 1 mistake

if people are stupid enough to make the mistake then fuck em :p

like the one guy who "lagged" into kratos and hit him

lol he would have been gone so fast

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