ML7 grp steps on Thursday


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Hedge said:
Ok these will be the grps for the ML7 grp step raid on thursday:

Pally: Qmacho
Shield user: Dafft (scout)
Cleric: Marlyn
Cleric: Willemien
Random: Soliri (cabalist) me
Random: Tzoutzouka (mercenary)
Random: Hoeth (firewizard)
Random: Drastic (sorc)

Pally: Garruloman
Shield user: Nahkri (scout)
Cleric: Raspy
Cleric: Zeusmdk
Random: Yog (infil)
Random: Razoredge (infil)
Random: Ashida (cabalist)
Random: Shanar (merc)

You need to be ML3 to enter the dungeon

meet up at volcanus haven at 19:00Cet/18:00Gmt we leave 15 mins later.
/BG join Soliri, bg will be up at 18:30 Cet, lotto will be FFA
If a memer on the list cannot join plz pm me in the game before the raid.

For those that did not get into grps, im sorry but i tried to make working grps.
Clerics that missed spots was because i need dmg dealers on the random spots. People that were unsure if they could turn up were removed from my list.
note i was ment to be in the second grp but was put i a third grp even though i had said i would be inc after finishing the artie i was helping on then spending 2.5 hours doing next to nothing bar swaping grp so that zeusmdk helped people get the 1st faction
then at 9 pm i had to leave my GF i controll of the cleric and ice wizzy only to recieve no futher credit at after i left and gettinf GF to help grps get the room challagenge knowing the she would not get credit due to not having the faction farmed correctly due to not been put in to grp 2 and been used as a a help machine to help other farm faction and help other get the room credits

to take addvantage of my GF when she did not have 7.2 say faction dose nor mean a grate deal when some works by ml #.# then to ask her to keep carrying on then not to offer the random to the second toon as both were played fully

My GF is now considering quiting the game due your actions to night

so thanks people
sorry about the twin post but cant remove the first

ps sorry about gramah and spelling but i have dyslexia and i am very upset with the condudt of the fellow albions


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
zeus first off all you came 25 mins after the raid was supposed to start, so i had already gotten replacements, second off all you left for the pub after half the raid.

since we were running out off time and all except you had the steps we move forward.

I tried to help you get the steps but had i moved ahead with only 2fg you would have been one off the people not getting to come along at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Hedge said:
zeus first off all you came 25 mins after the raid was supposed to start, so i had already gotten replacements, second off all you left for the pub after half the raid.

since we were running out off time and all except you had the steps we move forward.

I tried to help you get the steps but had i moved ahead with only 2fg you would have been one off the people not getting to come along at all.

i pmed before the raid was due to start say i would be stightly delaid due to helping with artie and was told om anmd please reference your post (i will only take 2 grps so why not say sorry m8 have filled your spot )


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
You pmd me 15 mins after the raid was supposed to start and i had already replacements on the way, by then.

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