guys I dont meen it bad but maybe is better if that other grp desides on another date through other thread so we wont have problems with mob pops etc...
e.g. If you finnally deside on that and u cannot find peeps (that I dont think will happen ) I will gladly help...
well could we maybe do the raid later tonmight then who cares about time.. wlel if we cant maybe do it friday? thursday fits me kinbda bad as i got job all day and saturday is ml10 raid but any other day then those 2 would be great... FEARSOME
Friday might be a little tight for me because I'll be away all the weekend, but I'll try to contact everyone ingame tomorrow night to see what fits best. Sunday or Monday was my thoughts thou.
well sunday sounds fine just make a new thread maybe with the premade group then if 1 cant he can write it in new post or something.. well anyway great that u are arranging this even though this complications are there
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