one problem fore tommorow i have been now fore 4 houers try solo get a Barracuda Spine Needle to drop and i have failed get it if any of the raid have one on you or in ahosue Plz let me know
pm me on forum or post here will ofcourse pay fore it
whew need that needle in order of go to ml 7 cave and it can be farmed if you got tanks i have farmed as mutch i could today but i did not get any to drop
only 1 problem i can C... friday = J-day in Denmark.... = the x-mas breew hits the bars that day..... so i will be drunk at 14.00 alrdy.... but will try and make the raid.... rally need the raid
All groupswill be made arround 18.50 cet tonight after bg is upp if you come wih Guildies you haveto thell me in Advance how many those are so i know how many approch ml 7
i dont wannt wanna have like lat time 140 players in bg who chating there fore after 19.00 cet i be close Bg so it will be Bg leaders only who can talk with in like i allways do .
i will Appoint Grouep leaders in BG my own party will be set upp at that place
Whe meat in Volcanos and leave at 19.02 NO awaiting on lates arrival sorry fore that if you are late to 19-00 cet then you have to found us
I have set upp One grouep allready those be main grouep why a main grouep you ask well bascally i wannt to have a grouop who can keep me alive so i can concertrate on run the raid those of you who now what i am talk about i hope you understand .
would love to see some thurgist joining us tonight if osssibole they are needed
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