ML5 trials 6,7,8 HELP


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
OK, the people that were there with my groups yesterday will understand what I'm talking about. We took down two groups and did trials 1-5 two times, one for each group. Everything was going well apart from the fact that 6, 7 and 8 were not popping!!! Now, we're not talking bout an artifact encounter here where you're "supposed" to camp it (tho even this is stupid imo but anyway) we're talking about ML steps where a lot of effort is required into organising groups and getting people to follow your instructions as to what to do and how to do it. I'm proud to say that we were doing fine without forming "perfect" groups, and that lots of random classes would have gotten credit for all group encounters if only we had the mobs there. Before you start being smart, yes we checked both West and South dungeon, yes, we cleared all mobs there plenty of times (having 14 ppl runing around in there does attract all the agro) and trial mobs still didn't show up.

I honestly believe that I lost 5 hours for nothing yesterday, we didn't manage to find a GM online, understandable but still it's a 24/7 game so someone should have been there (to GOA - Hire more staff!!). I did file a Rightnow and I'm waiting for a reply. The bugged encounters will meen that all of us will miss out on Adari's bg raid tonight, which worsens things up as I had to rearange RL plans in order to make it and now the opportunity is gone.

Does anybody know what's going wrong? I trust Requiel will reply soone to my rightnow, but I'd also like to hear some opinions from the community.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
You don't need to wait for repop. I was under the understanding that there is 2 sides that each have their own set of ML5 mobs in them. So there shud be a duplicate for each step.

Plus taking 2fgs to do grp steps is overkill imo. It's called a grp step for a reason ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
With our line-up there was no option than having two groups in order to deal with agro in the corridors and with the trial adds. Everything went great as both groups did 1-5 steps without any problems. We had to wait a couple of times for a trial repop but waiting time there was normal.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
But there is another dungeon isnt there? so there are 2 lots of each mob, so no need to w8 for repop, this is based on wot i was told last nite.


Dec 23, 2003
6,7,8 is that the 3 steps where you get the resin, wrap and the whatever? we had the same problem with the mob that gives you the wrap, but we went and killed one of the other steps, the sphinx looking mob, and when we were done with that, the problematic encounter had popped - even tho i dont think they are linked.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
There is the West side and the South side dungeons. We were doing West side where we killed all four mobs twice and had no pop on 6-7-8. Another group with whom i was in communication cleared South dungeon and they also had no pop on those mobs. We tried everything we could imagine, we spend 5 hours in there!!! The trial mobs were not present in either side!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
welcome to the joy that is ML5 when its 'bugged', been there, done that, spent 10 hours on a weekend and had to give up
met those mobs in a corridor miles away the one time
you supposedly have to clear the entire dungeon to get them to repop


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
I was with Gear yesterday on my Ranger Gixa, and I was definately hoping to get the steps done. But if anyone wanna do those steps, or a fullblown grp step raid, count me in!


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
OK.. Clear ALL the mobs from ALL the dungeon?! HAHAHA and they call this a group encounter?!?! FFS this is bloody amazing! I suppose that non-popular classes have no chance of ever doing these steps! If that's the case I'd ask Requiel to confirm it so that I can try and think of something.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
I was leading the other 14 people from Chosen who were in the South side of the dungeon, and I can confirm that none of the creatures for ml 5.6-5.8 were available for the entire night on both sides of the dungeon. We also killed 5.2-5.5 twice, for the two groups (in fact, killed 5.3 3 times as group2 stole credit twice :) )

We had managed to have a message passed on to Requiel, but GM's do have a life outside of DAoC, can understand that - especially at 10pm gmt.

This is the third time I've been through ML5, and twice those creatures havent been up. The second time, a GM was available and repopped them (on both sides).

Ah well, can always try next time.



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Right, retry next time = time to get groups formed (for me at least being a ranger), to arrange RL time in such a way so I can focus on the raid, to miss tonight's BG raid... should I add more? We did the effort, did everything as we were supposed to, had the man/womanpower and the will to go through the whole thing and we got screwed. I'm sorry if I sound bitter but I hope you understand how it is being a class that no one wants in a group and belonging to a small guild as well. The reason I started leading raids is so that I can have the steps done. I was prepared to come at work today with only five hours of sleep as long as my group-steps would have been ok. Instead I find out that I'm at work with five hours of sleep, feeling bitter and not doing that much work either than trying to solve mythic/goa's problems! Please...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Those "of the ways" encounters are sometimes bugged, but they are up. They are just up somewhere completely different. I am sure more than me have experienced this, but at the occations where we've had this problem, I have moved my group over to the other dungeon (south or west, depending on where I started), and somewhere along the way those missing mobs will suddenly come running and agro us. If you're lucky, its the step you're missing, if you're not, they are mostly always up at the opposite dungeon anyway.

ML5 is a nice ML, but can sometimes be a real pain in the ass because of this bug. Other than this, Necropolis is rather nice.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Gear said:
Right, retry next time = time to get groups formed (for me at least being a ranger), to arrange RL time in such a way so I can focus on the raid, to miss tonight's BG raid... should I add more? We did the effort, did everything as we were supposed to, had the man/womanpower and the will to go through the whole thing and we got screwed. I'm sorry if I sound bitter but I hope you understand how it is being a class that no one wants in a group and belonging to a small guild as well. The reason I started leading raids is so that I can have the steps done. I was prepared to come at work today with only five hours of sleep as long as my group-steps would have been ok. Instead I find out that I'm at work with five hours of sleep, feeling bitter and not doing that much work either than trying to solve mythic/goa's problems! Please...

Calm down dear, it's just a game...

And besides ML5 is an easy ML.

2fgs can do the whole thing in 3-4 hours

1 grp does one side, 2nd grp does other side.

then both the grps form up again to do the bg steps.

that's wot im planning next week atleast ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Tsabo said:
Calm down dear, it's just a game...

And besides ML5 is an easy ML.

2fgs can do the whole thing in 3-4 hours

1 grp does one side, 2nd grp does other side.

then both the grps form up again to do the bg steps.

that's wot im planning next week atleast ;)

It's just a game, I agree, a game that should lead to us feeling happy and not losing our time, nor feeling frustrated... Anyway, I'll try ti give it another go this afternoon after work which should be around 15:00-15:30 gmt. If anyone wants to join in to either help or get the credit, try to get me in-game.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
Had same problem once Gear, 2 groups were raiding, one at south side, one at west side. There were one or two of the 6-7-8 trials that didnt pop even one time we were there, and therefore screwed up the whole raid since we were doing 5.9+10 after that. Its a bug, but dont count on mythic fixing it any time soon :p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004

To GOA for answering my Rightnow promptly and for ensuring that all spawns yesterday were as they should be.

On another issue, have a look at our group setup which managed to have the .6 .7 .8 done and think better next time when you dissqulify certain classes:
Ranger 50
NS 50
Druid (Nature) 49
Warden 49
Warden 47
Chanter 50
Bard 50 (Ranger's bot)
Ani 50 (NS's bot)

So we were actually 6 active people doing the steps, and they were done without a wipeout and only a couple of deaths. What I want to say is that next time you want to make a group set-up, try to be more realm friendly. ML group steps were not designed with ani-power in mind.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
damn u finished it of without me gear :twak: had some guild stuff to do so i forgive you :worthy: enjoyed the raid tuesday even though .6 .7 .8 was bugged and we tried shrooming every room in corners sides every where


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
My bard still needs most group steps so there'll be another chance to do it :cheers:

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