ML5 group steps - Tuesday 31st Sept, 1900 GMT


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
My appologies, but RL issues mean I will not be able to lead this raid as promised, however, should one of the following be able to lead it, I have drawn a list of those who would be on my list, I chose in order of usefulness on this type of raid, and not in application order, as many of the mobs require range or AE to take them down.

1) Healer - Grimmenn ML2
2) Hunter - Crazymofo (plus BB out of grp for FoP)
3) RM - Tykka
4) Shammy - Intershaman (perfector)
5) SB - Foorau
6) Warrior - Andrei (ML4)
7) Hunter - Kuller (ML3)
8) SB - Feinar (ML3)

Theres quite a few others listed should anyone not turn up. So make note of those or shout in your /as for assitance. The two main things required are AE nuke and range attacks.

Details of ML5 can be found here and here and some great maps are for the West and South dungeons. I would suggest the West dungeon, its easier to navigate. If you find that parts 6,7 and 8 are down, the move to the south dungeon and try there.

My appologies again for my absense, I will however be running more ML5 groupsteps later on.

I dont think I can attend tonight either :(

Will gladly wait until you decide to organise again :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
1) Healer - Chelion
2) Hunter - Crazymofo (plus BB out of grp for FoP)
3) RM - Tykka
4) Shammy - Intershaman (perfector)
5) SB - Foorau
6) Warrior - Andrei (ML4)
7) Hunter - Kuller (ML3)
8) SB - Feinar (ML3)

Ammended list then for you.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
1) Healer - Chelion
2) Hunter - Crazymofo (plus BB out of grp for FoP)
3) RM - Tykka
4) Shammy - Intershaman (perfector)
5) SB - Foorau
6) Warrior - Andrei (ML4)
7) Hunter - Kuller (ML3)
8) SB - Feinar (ML3)

Ammended list then for you.

So... Who lead the raid? =). Is it still actual or will be delayed? Dont look at me, i wasnt on ml5 yet =P. If any, we can made a 2-nd grp maybe? There are 2 similar dungeons afaik... Ok, decide =).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
i need ml5 grp steps badly, and its one of the rare times that i can attend a raid!

lemme know if i could join

thx :>


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 12, 2004
1) Healer - Chelion
2) Hunter - Crazymofo (plus BB out of grp for FoP)
3) RM - Tykka
4) Shammy - Intershaman (perfector) (didnt show up)
5) SB - Foorau (didnt show up)
6) Warrior - Andrei (ML4) (didnt show up)
7) Hunter - Kuller (ML3)
8) SB - Feinar (ML3) (didnt show up)

we tryed to redo the group but this was impossible :( so we will need to wait for the next whoodoo's raid :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I have lead a dual raid before, its not hard as long as the minimum group setups are met, namely hunters (range attacks) healers (pref with FoP or FoH), aug shammy (again with fop or foh), an AEer - SM or runie pref or anyone with a fop bot.

Knowing the mobs is the key, and knowing each chars role too. Fortunately the last dual raid had other experienced players in the second group, and we coordinated well.

Il plan the next one for either later this week or early next. Stay tuned. I can normally be found at #realm.defenders on IRC too, in advance of any raid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 5, 2004
I've been leading some ml5 groups for my chars lately, couldnt get the last 2 on my runemaster so will try to make a group again today to finish it, and make ml exp in the process.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Anakin said:
1) Healer - Chelion
2) Hunter - Crazymofo (plus BB out of grp for FoP)
3) RM - Tykka
4) Shammy - Intershaman (perfector) (didnt show up)
5) SB - Foorau (didnt show up)
6) Warrior - Andrei (ML4) (didnt show up)
7) Hunter - Kuller (ML3)
8) SB - Feinar (ML3) (didnt show up)

we tryed to redo the group but this was impossible :( so we will need to wait for the next whoodoo's raid :(

Aye. Many thanx for trying to gather us all m8 =). Yes, i wasnt here cause of some problems, but Kenwolf was replacing me and problem was in lack of shield tanks afaik. Anyways sorry for this.
And ofc we (me and Kenwolf) still gladly signed up for future ml5 (and ml7 if any =)) group steps. As far as SBs not so useful in groups, we have a RM friend who can help offgroup if any.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Dacrath said:
I've been leading some ml5 groups for my chars lately, couldnt get the last 2 on my runemaster so will try to make a group again today to finish it, and make ml exp in the process.

Oh... When you planning it? I mean time. If around 19:00 CET, me and Ken (SBs leechers =P) wanna join if you have 2 free spots fore some melee dmg adders =>.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Dacrath said:
I've been leading some ml5 groups for my chars lately, couldnt get the last 2 on my runemaster so will try to make a group again today to finish it, and make ml exp in the process.

Im there with my Healer if you want him :)

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