k, i pm'd but i'm posting here also in case of a problem... my minstrel needs ML2 - happy to do tuesday or wednesday.... or thursday, friday, saturday [yeh i know that's Christmas Day], etc...
I can attend both as it happens, but will co-run Wednesday anyway, if I get a little helper.
We run with only 2 FG or it gets long, so I will print off the list of those coming from these posts and the first 16 appropriate classes get in, if there are people that do not show, or we don't have 16 from the posts, then I will fill with whoever shows up.
We need in the main group (for 2.10):
1 Pally
2 other tanks
1 FoP cleric
4 others
In second group:
3 Casters (one will be me, either Zedan or Hiver)
1 FoP cleric
4 others
We need the above balance to make it a successful raid.
so far 1 have 1 fg + 1 bb(zagg yes plz bring ur bb)
no tanks so if ne tanks want to come tonight plz pm me here or we have to do it the slow way by use matter cabby if we get a lvl 50 cabby that is
so if you have ne shield pallys who dont mint helping in your guild tell them we need them as we need 2 heavy tanks have plenty of scouts but need real tanks (scout plz dont tank offence to that)
ill have bg open at 630 gmt move at 7:00 gmt complete by 9:00 if all gose well
sorry all only just got back from hospital with my little lad plz accept my appolgies again sorry if you need it running ill free up some time thursday day time to help you all
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