ML1 TO ML8 26th nov 9am [E]


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
before the flames hit this thread i have given you guys two options

ill rerun ml5.10 after ml8 or you could go and do ml.5.10 with the guy that siad h e would run and we would wiat so plz read what i say beofre sending silly pms


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2005
thanx for the good raid thergador, too bad the same usual whiners broke the pace a little. if not we could have done ml9 and ml 10.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Anarawan said:
thanx for the good raid thergador, too bad the same usual whiners broke the pace a little. if not we could have done ml9 and ml 10.

cheers m8
but wasn't just the bugged step it was the low numbers on ml6 7 8 it made raid 11hours ish rather than 10

and Very well done to the 2fg that went back with me to 5.9 and 5.10 after the lotto and pwned ammut nice and quickly (if only full bgs listened as well hehe)

all in all a strange day and some miss understanding but we got the original mls done as planned

but one thing i did notice was the low number about 80 was a high number for the riad about 65 before the bugged step, so i this an idecator that peeps are nearly finished with mls (or are my raid that unpopular if they are plz say why and ill try and fix it or at least give any comments due thought)

i hope its the 1st and that albs are nearly done with mls is so other ml rush leader may need to think about this before plan a raid before mine and after mine week after my post as i would expect low numbers on later raids too

any way cheers for coming and any comments as alway happy recieved


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
i think people got pissed off with the speed in witch you did ml5... so many lost credit ect... and it didn't help that the step bugged(not your fault)

then your ruling on ml7 seemed a bit unfounded... about the mxp farming... the mobs aren't that strong around that place and wouldn't effect 2fg's speed much atall, we had 40-50 so you went a bit ott

also, it seemed a bit... informal(i understand why you made this decision)... you had macro's constantly fireing, and the steps wasn't well explained... it was stickkillcreditstick... ect

other than that ml1-4 were very interesting and well lead(even though i was kinda unconscious at the time) after that it seemed your mentality changed, and felt a bit sloppy


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2006
I left at ML7 cos I had no alts who needed ML8, and just didn't fancy MLs for a change. I think you got a bit ratty during ML7, maybe exhaustion was setting in. Better to do them on separate week days I think.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
psyco said:
i think people got pissed off with the speed in witch you did ml5... so many lost credit ect... and it didn't help that the step bugged(not your fault)

then your ruling on ml7 seemed a bit unfounded... about the mxp farming... the mobs aren't that strong around that place and wouldn't effect 2fg's speed much atall, we had 40-50 so you went a bit ott

also, it seemed a bit... informal(i understand why you made this decision)... you had macro's constantly fireing, and the steps wasn't well explained... it was stickkillcreditstick... ect

other than that ml1-4 were very interesting and well lead(even though i was kinda unconscious at the time) after that it seemed your mentality changed, and felt a bit sloppy

Coriolanus said:
I left at ML7 cos I had no alts who needed ML8, and just didn't fancy MLs for a change. I think you got a bit ratty during ML7, maybe exhaustion was setting in. Better to do them on separate week days I think.

cheers for comments m8's
ml5 as always i could nt get bg to listen and they was running of (i was on last boat btw so i can see who it might off seem rushed if you saw peeps randomaly getting on the baots etc (not sure how to getting peeps to listen more in ml5 (been trying to work out how to fix this)

as for ml7 i said it because the bot that was healing/buffing the pulling necro got aggro once if it died bg would have end up with katiori on them and a bg wipe would have been inevatble but i also notice loads of peeps pulling cyclops on ml8 which i ignored as therewas much chance of a wipe. so yes having to repeat my self and not getting what i was asking was reminding of ml5 hence the "stop it now or no piont continuing" comment

but yes ml1 to ml4 was very good(only 4hours too) i guess the whole ml5 bugg and then peeps not listening and me getting pms ect got to me a tad(my fault i know) but as for explaning steps which one in particalual do you mean most of ml8 i told bg to assist my traget when needed or wait at a point and i pull mobs to bg.

is strange u say ml5 felt rushed/"speed at which i did it"( as it took 90mins nearly (we took about 30 after ml8 as you know) , but agian i admit its my fault for not managing the bg correctly but i have only even managed to get 1 large (60+)bg not to run of and do there own thing in there and i dont know why, so really ml5 was very slow but people doing there own thing made it feel hassled and unorganised.

i will take fully responcablity for the raid ofc even though a lot of problems happen because poeple dont read the bg leaders post

but yeah as i say i agree in general and i know it wasnt 100%, but if albs anit liking my raids i guess it time for me to stop doing them (as i dont have time to do raids lots of different days) and let shan and reaveruse(needs more single mls to improve skills but hell what do i know). so for the forseeable future i dont see any point in me running any raids, as i cant seem to keep control of that ml5 bg (should be easy to do)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
mate don't let the failure of the ml5 get you down, its notoriously hard to control people on them steps

ml7, the katorii step is very easy tbh, the only difficulty is keeping katorii away from the BG... and if the necro is un-grouped and dies its not a problem but as long as the necro pulls the snake and runs to bg asap there shouldn't be a problem... for people who don't know and wonder why necro's are perfect for this step, is cause katorii cant agro the necro, and you only get agro from the snakes... even if the cleric gets agro, pbaoe's and active people are highly likely to kill the adds before it poses any real threat...
and katorii's pets/herself aren't that high level so they don't pose much of a threat to a good 1fg or a semi active bg

ml8, i was behind you most of the raid(/stick ftw) and i didn't notice 1 intentional pull of the Cyclops... it was genuine agro

ml5, i know you've had a lot of time off recently... and ever since the toa nerf(1.81) people KNOW they can get credit for .10... so they just get on the boat and wait for bg, and have no intentions to help .9 cause they don't have the items(this is where ml rush's are a bad idea)(give people time to get the pres done)... there's no way you can stop that imo... its mythics fault, not yourself...
also, it came across VERY badly that you granted yourself fem + pinky then stated you couldn't grant any more(i didn't mention at the time, i knew people would get up your skirt for it)(however, i believe you)... and the fact you called the 'tea' break after that so i could help those that missed it without leading it on pryd yourself was a bad move... tbh at that point i got rather pissed off... and as a result lead a poor ml5 for the people that missed, and i didn't want to take longer than the 30mins you gave us

also, keep in mind... the bg seems to have an innate sense of when things are going to go wrong, and will generally activate themselves to make sure we don't wipe

also(don't take this personally) it seemed like you don't know how to pve (not sure how to blame pinky or you)properly, you were both saying that there no point continuing cause typhon didn't die within 3 mins, that's not a sign of bad numbers... its due to the fact that no-one was killing .9... and people get pissed of of porting and dying so they just sit out and wait for the bg to naturally finish... this step requires, proper planning, and not just a turn up and zerg kind of thing...
make casters attack the essence
get a thueg group together, or a cg... to co-ordinate spam+ pref a necro for power x-fer and get a BB in there to hand out ae buffs
and a group to take out .9 constantly

also, keep the bg informed of what happening, requires alot of stamina(if you dont have that then leading such a large raid like that will be very difficult), then theres less ppl wondering around wtf is happening... and doing what you say... even though they don't know why(act like its everyone's first ml raid)

finnally, your expecting the bg to be 100% all the time but with the time it involves most cant handle it(having a timetable helps) but doing a full ml1-8 bg is asking quite alot from people...

oh... great tactic for ml2.10... when the pets started running around i almost started to cry... pm me your tactic please, i couldn't quite see what was happing from outside the temple

this is all theory ofc, as i have no experience leading ml rush's and little experience leading BG's.. some of it may be impractical... but its the only way i can think of for keeping bg under control... if im around for the next one you do... i would happly be your 'explain bot'


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
thergador said:
cheers for comments m8's
ml5 as always i could nt get bg to listen and they was running of (i was on last boat btw so i can see who it might off seem rushed if you saw peeps randomaly getting on the baots etc (not sure how to getting peeps to listen more in ml5 (been trying to work out how to fix this)

On my last rush people failed to listen on ML5 as well. Unfortunately too many people know how to do the step these days and so just run off infront.
Best idea i've had is to actually lotto the 5.10 loot and remove everyone from the lotto getting on a boat, but who knows. Maybe even get some lotto from the previous 4 to lotto before people get on boats.. give them some inscentive not to just jump on.

thergador said:
as for ml7 i said it because the bot that was healing/buffing the pulling necro got aggro once if it died bg would have end up with katiori on them and a bg wipe would have been inevatble

No reason not to pull katorii yourself.. (i've done it with a level 42 none tank with ease). That way you know your ungrouped and the BG shouldn't ever need to move from the djinn.

thergador said:
but yes ml1 to ml4 was very good(only 4hours too) i guess the whole ml5 bugg and then peeps not listening and me getting pms ect got to me a tad(my fault i know) but as for explaning steps which one in particalual do you mean most of ml8 i told bg to assist my traget when needed or wait at a point and i pull mobs to bg.

ML5 bugged for me in that lots of people failed to get credit.. this the bugged step your referring to?

thergador said:
i will take fully responcablity for the raid ofc even though a lot of problems happen because poeple dont read the bg leaders post

I've seen so many leaders throw in the towel and have a fit because of this.. BG's will never fully listen to the leader. First rule is to know what the BG is actually going to do, then plan for them doing that.. You can scream till your blue in the face, but people will talk to the mob or run off in front. Just assume that is going to happen and plan the raid around that and it removes alot of the stress and problems.

psyco said:
also(don't take this personally) it seemed like you don't know how to pve (not sure how to blame pinky or you)properly, you were both saying that there no point continuing cause typhon didn't die within 3 mins, that's not a sign of bad numbers... its due to the fact that no-one was killing .9... and people get pissed of of porting and dying so they just sit out and wait for the bg to naturally finish... this step requires, proper planning, and not just a turn up and zerg kind of thing...
make casters attack the essence
get a thueg group together, or a cg... to co-ordinate spam+ pref a necro for power x-fer and get a BB in there to hand out ae buffs
and a group to take out .9 constantly

Sounds like way too much hastle for one step. You might have good ideas on how to PvE but on an ML rush you can't be doing stuff like that.. you'll be spending 90% of your raid redoing groups.
Killing .9 should never be needed, there's been enough 7.10 raids for everyone that's going to be of use to know how to jump around the ports. If they can't see how to do that, then they won't be of use. All you really need to 2 people to hit typhon when he ports to the 2 east spots, then zerg him at the 2 west ones with the BG (might of got east and west mixed up). Turn up and zerg works very well even with small numbers.

psyco said:
finnally, your expecting the bg to be 100% all the time but with the time it involves most cant handle it(having a timetable helps) but doing a full ml1-8 bg is asking quite alot from people...

Good point here.. expect the BG to be at most 50% there, unless your a very good leader and able to keep their attention, especially on a 10 hour raid. It's not something that's easy to learn tho.

psyco said:
oh... great tactic for ml2.10... when the pets started running around i almost started to cry... pm me your tactic please, i couldn't quite see what was happing from outside the temple

I'm also wondering what you did for this.. best way by far for this step now is to have clerics stand outside while everyone else zergs the mob.. kills it in about 20 secs with no planning. Comment about pets puzzled me tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
thergador said:
but one thing i did notice was the low number about 80 was a high number for the riad about 65 before the bugged step, so i this an idecator that peeps are nearly finished with mls (or are my raid that unpopular if they are plz say why and ill try and fix it or at least give any comments due thought)

In this comment i can give my personal feedback, don't know if it's happening with more ppl, even so, you keep my feedback.

I have activated my account and my brother account this month. We have been away from Daoc from a long time. Many things have changed, mls mostly.

At this moment, i have a few chars with ml10, but half of my chars are still ml8. In this past month i have seen a few ml rushes, but, if i'm not mistaken, only one ml9/ml10 (i know psyco already posted one for thursday and i'm thankfull, i will try to be there with merc).

From the time we leaved daoc, you needed to be full ml8 xp to enter ml9, and getting mlxp wasn't that "easy" as is today (insane mlxp in ml3, ml7, ml6.6) since many mobs give them. Since our rvr were mainly with one or two chars, all others were getting hard to get ml8xp to go to ml9 raids.

With all this ml rushes that are happening, i think ppl is doing the same as i am, getting mlxp helping on mls, to get full ml8xp (even tho it's only required to be ml3 now), but to gell full ml8xp, so when ml9/10 happens, we get xp to attend and "finish" this mls.

My "problem" now, is that i have a few chars with full ml8xp and very few raids ml9/ml10.

A poll has been made in the last week, and even that ml10 were the "winner", ml9 still got a bunch of votes ;)

When i activated my account, i had in mind to level my old merc, and thanks to all the ppl that run ml rushes, run arti raids, booked pre-steps, and helped guys like me, i was able to get my old merc from lvl35 to lvl50, full ml8xp and template done with all artis lvl10.

This is my personal feedback and experience, from an "oldie" returning to the game we can't forget. Without a "active guild" and alliance, i have to be thankfull for all that, and to all the ppl that keep running this pve that we need to rvr ...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2006
skorpio said:
In this comment i can give my personal feedback, don't know if it's happening with more ppl, even so, you keep my feedback.

Indeed. ML7 & ML8 group steps, ML9 and Ml10 are the only things I miss now. Guess a lot of people are in a similar situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
psyco said:
it came across VERY badly that you granted yourself fem + pinky then stated you couldn't grant any more(i didn't mention at the time, i knew people would get up your skirt for it)(however, i believe you).

I didnt get credit for 5.10, he granted credit to the first 3 ppl who pm'ed him, il have to do ml5 another time as i didnt get any of the steps but was too exhausted to do it after ml8.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
sorry, i shouldn't assumed that... but i did see "zystemofapwn granted zystemofapwn 5.10" after he announced that no-one could get credit


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Golena said:
No reason not to pull katorii yourself.. (i've done it with a level 42 none tank with ease). That way you know your ungrouped and the BG shouldn't ever need to move from the djinn.
was pulling snakes at the times but point take

Golena said:
ML5 bugged for me in that lots of people failed to get credit.. this the bugged step your referring to?
5.10 someone said it might of had something to do with the none mummified people on ammut and if they got killing blow (i think its got more to do with a coding bug mind)

Golena said:
I'm also wondering what you did for this.. best way by far for this step now is to have clerics stand outside while everyone else zergs the mob.. kills it in about 20 secs with no planning. Comment about pets puzzled me tho.
Psyco said:
oh... great tactic for ml2.10... when the pets started running around i almost started to cry... pm me your tactic please, i couldn't quite see what was happing from outside the temple

need a air earth spec therg ml10 titan and any other normal toons cabby necro tanks ect
spam air pets for 15 to 20 sec should used about 20 to 30% of pp the spam earth pets to 30% then back to air
drop TG spam earth pet
mob should be dead
its 100% safe
snakes aggro main fighters
titan i used to indicate where the arrgo range was of the spwaned snake(took ages to get that right) so that tank new where to pull to aggro to
and the its just the normal heals from out side

its basicaly zerg 2.10 with therg pets (they dont set of the traps any more thing i have put this on the GnD web site

Psyco said:
finnally, your expecting the bg to be 100% all the time but with the time it involves most cant handle it(having a timetable helps) but doing a full ml1-8 bg is asking quite alot from people...
Psyco said:
i dont expect 100% all the time but 7.10 seemed more like 10 to 20% doing any thing

and having a time table is bad very bad (i have done this) it generates 100 of pms, Why are you late (as things happen to make to late sometimes) it generates hassle big time that why i give rough dinner time and tea time brakes.
Psyco said:
also(don't take this personally) it seemed like you don't know how to pve
Psyco said:
mmmm have framed ml7.7 to ml7.10 with just myself and 3 other friends
cleric bb
that's all you need and its easy take less time than we did last night

and there not many peeps that know how(or able to) to farm 8.10 with 4 peeps can do it with 3 but 4s better.

tbh there not much i cant(or work out how to) pve in this game

i can't be 100% sure but i dont think that i said "that we should give up" think i was say something along the line of "Do you want us just to give up guys as it seem it's the same few guys working at each step"
but yes i think gemma (pinkey had lost the will to carry on) and i think she may have mentioned quitting, in fact that why we had the 20 mins in between ml7 and ml8 so i could make sure she was ok (thought ml8 went quick and well btw)

but again point taken

wasn't plannng on any more public mls for a while any way (doing some stuff for friends and /as)

slept on this idea last and wanted to pitch to you guys and girls
when running ml rush i do them with 2 set grp that sign up and i pick them and anybody else can just follow to get credits and loot but the guys in the set grp get a +mod or something that way i can use small bg tactics(i have small medium and large tactics) just and idea nothing set in stone just thought some feed back might be handy


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
psyco said:
sorry, i shouldn't assumed that... but i did see "zystemofapwn granted zystemofapwn 5.10" after he announced that no-one could get credit
yes i did grant myself credit i did play for all the items needed for the raid (may be it was selfish but till i did that i couldn't grant any body else it as i said you currently dont have credit for that step or something along those lines) i then grant the pms in order i got them you can only grant 50% of the amount of people that got credit ie if 8 people got credit then you can grant 4 this was the case which made me think that some one wasnt in bg but every one seemed to be like i say i put it down to bugging coding

and i said straight away that i would rerun after ml8 or people could have brake now and go do it so i gave 2 options which i thought was fair and yes i need to have a brake after losing control of ml5 (tbh if we didnt do ml5 i think both my self and pinkey would have been much less hassled and the raid would have gone smoothly)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
thergador said:
5.10 someone said it might of had something to do with the none mummified people on ammut and if they got killing blow (i think its got more to do with a coding bug mind)

things bug for no aparant reason all the time... think it was just one of those things


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2006
well all i want to say is well done both of you hugsss
anyone who runs a ml bg has my respect it is not an easy thing to do i am grateful to you
and bugs is not your fault or the antics of a few that cant or wont listen
congrats i had fun
take care

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